COB Interviews

This was quicker than I though because it was half Swedish. Interview was made for Finland's Swedish radio station so interviewer translated everything to Swedish also.

Seems as if Alexi was interviewed at Ruisrock:
Since I can´t understand a word I´m not sure if it´s already posted :lol:

Interviewer: Are you still nervous before going on stage?
Alexi: Depends, sometimes I am little a bit nervous. Of course no panic, I think it's good to be little bit nervous. I mean it's better than thinking "fuck I don't want to go there anymore"

Interviewer: Do you have some rituals before you go on stage?
Alexi: There are some things I do. I need to warm up with guitar and depends how bad my hangover is, maybe a shot... no big rituals, I try to take it easy and play and… I can’t get wasted before playing but couple of beers maybe, that’s it.

Interviewer: What is best part of your job?
Alexi: Playing at live.

Interviewer: And worst part?
Alexi: Interviews… [Laughs] No, worst part is flying. In some parts of the world you can’t travel with bus but you have to fly every fucking day and go through those security checks and wait and wait and wait. All that waiting is distressing. But in the end, it’s worth it.

Interviewer: You all have long hair, what will do you when you go bald?
Alexi: Very good question, you tell me.
Interviewer: Will that be distressing?
Alexi: Probably yes…
Interviewer: Do you have back up?
Alexi: We need to figure something out…my phone is ringing.
Interviewer: Who is calling, your mom?
Alexi: Quite possible…actually it’s my sister.

Interviewer: What was your first instrument?
Alexi: I played Violin from 7 years old to 11 or 12 years old.
Interviewer: what was first song you learned to play?
Alexi: With violin? I can’t remember. First song I played front of people was Sweet Home Alabama I think.

Interviewer: Next ones are easier to ask in English.
Interviewer: What turns you on?
Alexi: Lot of things, playing live rock ’n’ roll, booze, women, you name it.
Interviewer: What turns you off?
Alexi: Airports.

Interviewer: In “In Your Face” video you are spitting in the air, can you teach me how you do it?
Alexi: Now?
Interviewer: Yes, now. Do you need water?
Alexi: Pro doesn’t need any water.
Interviewer: What I need to do?
Alexi: like this… [Shows how to spit]
Interviewer: Where did it go? Tell me what to do and I’ll do it.
Alexi: I don’t know how to explain it, first you do like this and then with throat like that and you need to spit it with your tongue to get it high.
Interviewer: Does it make you feel sick when you do that?
Alexi: No, it makes me feel good, or maybe sometimes it makes me feel sick.

[Interviewer is trying to spit like Alexi…]

Interviewer: Sorry, I spit on you!
Alexi: Never mind - good try.
Interviewer: How many points I get?
Alexi: 8 or 8,5 from good try.

Interviewer: You must have lot of groupies. What you do to get rid of those you don’t want to meet.
Alexi: Hi! Bye! What you do with people, say hi, nice to meet you and bye…
Interviewer: No kicking away?
Alexi: No kicking.

Interview: What is you dream date like?
Alexi: Jesus, your questions…well….you know, I just started to think I don’t go on dates. I don’t do movies, restaurant and trying to figure out something to speak kind of dates. It’s usually spontaneous, what ever it means.
Interviewer: So no limousine and flowers?
Alexi: No, it has never been my thing.
If I open this page I can just see a black window, where the video should be..
But I will try it later again =)
Thanks for your answers
You are all welcome :)

thanks mocobhc, nice one - I like the bit where his phone rings and the interviewer thinks it might be
his mother, but it's his sister!

You seem to understand Finnish quite well already :) You understood sister thing even he didn't use normal Finnish word for sister (sisko) but spoken Finnish word "systeri" that comes originally from Swedish (syster).
You are all welcome :)

You seem to understand Finnish quite well already :) You understood sister thing even he didn't use normal Finnish word for sister (sisko) but spoken Finnish word "systeri" that comes originally from Swedish (syster).

That's what I thought ! Good job Stella :)

Oh and many thanks for the translation, it was a good one !