COB Interviews

doesn't drink on his days off! no wai!

haha sorry, I'm being an ass. in fact, I shouldn't even be one to talk right now. I recently started jamming with some new friends, and let me tell you, alcohol and jamming just seems to fit so well together. a few shots before you start playing really helps to get things flowing. It's no wonder bands drink so much while tour.
yeah, I completely agree. But I'm just saying for jamming purposes, it really gets the sinergy going.
On the other hand, if you're practicing for the studio, then no way. lay off the alc.
When jamming? Dunno, maybe it makes you not hear mistakes or out of key playing as much, or if you're shy/whatever takes that off you, but my best ideas come when sober :lol:

Maybe I should get hammered before writing my forum jam solo :lol::lol::lol:
noooo dude, don't do it before soloing :lol: I guess it works for me because of the 2nd thing you said. and it just works to get out some really good riffage. not necessarily solos! speaking of which, how is your solo coming along for the forum jam?
Well, let's say that I have two versions recorded and I'm happy with none of them :lol: I have some time this evening so I may try to record something. I want to try if I can hook up the ADA with the power amp in Gearbox and record using the ADA, but it's a shitload of cables and stuff so I'm a bit lazy :lol:
Don`t know if you have seen this - Kerry King Interviewed by Alexi

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I just realised that there´s an interview @ Provinssirock:
For those who speak finnish, would you please tell me if there´s some news in it? That would be really nice!

No news, they talk about Bodom's pyros (Ari, third dude in the interview, is their pyrotech) and mainly it's total bullshit and jokes, very little information. Janne tell's that Ari is wanker and it's so hard to get good crew these days and Ari tells that bodom is not really paying anything to him and Janne is also a wanker in third generation.

Some discussion of flame size and precautions not to burn on stage,Alexi tells that he has once burned his eye brows because of the wind. Then some talk about bodom's first pyro gig where Janne was on fire. It was planned stunt where Janne was replaced by stunt man who was set on fire, Janne and Ari didn't tell about it to rest of the band before hand so it was surprise to them also. Janne pointed out it's interesting that other guys didn't even stop when "Janne" was burning but continued playing. Then some more discussion of people who have burned in gigs and safety requirements.

Then they are taking a look to pyros and wondering which pipes the fire and sound comes from and Ari is joking that actually every bomb has special pyro microphone for better sound.
No news, they talk about Bodom's pyros (Ari, third dude in the interview, is their pyrotech) and mainly it's total bullshit and jokes, very little information. Janne tell's that Ari is wanker and it's so hard to get good crew these days and Ari tells that bodom is not really paying anything to him and Janne is also a wanker in third generation.

Some discussion of flame size and precautions not to burn on stage,Alexi tells that he has once burned his eye brows because of the wind. Then some talk about bodom's first pyro gig where Janne was on fire. It was planned stunt where Janne was replaced by stunt man who was set on fire, Janne and Ari didn't tell about it to rest of the band before hand so it was surprise to them also. Janne pointed out it's interesting that other guys didn't even stop when "Janne" was burning but continued playing. Then some more discussion of people who have burned in gigs and safety requirements.

Then they are taking a look to pyros and wondering which pipes the fire and sound comes from and Ari is joking that actually every bomb has special pyro microphone for better sound.

The DJ from Slipknot used to set himself on fire on stage but he can't do that anymore because he used to get arrested for attempted suicide. I saw it in an interview, he was telling a story