COB Interviews

...but,is there any trascription of the interview?

Interviewer: Welcome to Just Say Rock TV. We're here with Alexi, who' s the main man from Children Of Bodom. We've just witnessed one of the best spectaculars we've ever seen at Wacken Open Air.

Alexi, how did it feel to play Wacken in front of so many fans, who went absolutely ballistic?

Alexi: Well, it was incredible, really, I mean, there's no feeling to describe it when you actually go out there, and all of a sudden you realise you got, like, fuckin 70- 80 thousand people just like, throwing horns and going nuts ... I dunno, it' such a rush that no p-h-a-r-m-a-c-e-u-t-i-c-a-l (I had to type it this way - for some reason only a row of asterisks appear if you type it normally!) product provides you ... put it that way!

Int: But I've heard in Australia you had a different product! (joking) Now, I actually saw you guys in 1998 in Wacken Open Air; you've come back ten years later. The band has evolved into a brilliant machine ... how have you taken the experience from then til now? Obviously it's a huge step but I mean, did you expect to see this tonight?

Alexi: Well, you know I never really try to expect anything .. if you expect anything it has to be like, the worst possible scenario, but of course, we've played Wacken so many times that of course, somewhere in the back of my head I had like kind of high expectations though, you know I knew that, OK, this is the highlight of fuckin any festivals, any fuckin gigs whatsoever, like there's no fucking arguing about it, you know, Wacken is the shit ...

Int: Absolutely ...

Alexi: ... so of course, you know, it's like, I kind of knew we were gonna have a good time but still ... they definitely fucking topped my expectations.

Int: So you had a better time knowing we were here from Australia!

Alexi: Hey, I'm lovin Wacken any fucking day, you know that (laughs)

Int: Now, listen, we recently had you guys over in Australia ... how was the experience down there; what did you think, did you have a good time, did you enjoy the shows ...?

Alexi: Absolutely, yeah ... it was really cool, like, er, I mean we had toured there one time before so ... we had two or three shows or some shit? ...

Int: Yes, Melbourne/Sydney

Alexi: I think, you know, even that was pretty cool, cos especially we've never been down there, didn't fuckin know what the hell's goin on .. does anyone even know who Children Of Bodom are, so it was super cool that, you know, we were playing in front of like, 800 people or whatever the fuck ... you know, this time around, first of all it was really cool we got to play more shows in different towns like Perth, you know, west side of Australia, get to see all the different stuff ... the crowd was even crazier, you know, did bigger venues and stuff ... it was absolutely, I dunno ... we had a good time, it was definitely a good time and, er, of course, we did play New Zealand but we're not gonna talk about that!

Int: (laughs)

Alexi: I'm not that fucking big of a dick! The crowd in New Zealand was fucking amazing ...

Int: They were great!

Alexi: We'll leave it to that ... !

Int: But the thing is, if you have $25 ... if you don't have $25 ... you can't leave but you can't stay ...

Alexi: In other words, you're fucked!

Int: Now, couple questions before we actually sign it off ... it's gonna sound absolutely terrible, I felt so proud watching you guys tonight ... what can you say to the people in Australia for next time round? What can you say to the fans in Australia?

Alexi: I can just say whatever, you know like, it doesn't really matter where you come from, you know, cuz after all, if you're into the fuckin music then that's like, that's it, that's what really matters, but of course, you know, Australia is like, somehow it is special, cuz I mean everyone probably knows geography well enough to know that we come from opposite sides of the fuckin planet, you know ... we're from the fuckin north pole so, like, whenever we go that far and people are actually into it ... there's a special feeling, definitely and you know, we really always liked it down there anyway, so thank you for coming and hopefully even more of you will be around the next time that we come.

Int: Awesome! Alexi, on behalf of myself and Just Say Rock, I know I keep saying it ... absolute pleasure ... dude! Love you mate! Rock on guys!
The interviewer speaks with a really weird accent, but I got what they were saying. Anyway, I can't write it all down, but if you want I can sum it up :)

ROFL the interviewer is Aussie and thats a Collingwood AFL top he has on LOL
Its not hard to understand haha.
that is awesome, except he didnt say when they were coming back... :(
Yeah I seen that Australian interview too. Just Say Rock were the ones who bought Bodom out here I think (I got the tour poster). It sucks cus in my state (Victoria) it was 18+ venue so I had to fly interstate to see them. Dad was buying me a COB jumper and told that story to the dude who worked at the store (I think it was a Just Say Rock store) and he was like thats awesome have this poster. He said they only had to pay like $100,000 to get Bodom to come here. I suppose thats $20,000 each so thats good. I was dissapointed to see Scythes Of Bodom have absoloutely no report on any Aus COB shows. They completely skipped it and went straight to the Japan tour update. Maybe cus no one from Aus reported or something. I'd really like them to come back cus the show I went to sucked for me. Thats only cus I was at the back and couldn't see shit XD
I think they've said they're going back there this fall, but may be they only go to Japan this time, don't trust me until you see it on COBHC :)

Epic Sad face if they dont come back
I traveled interstate aswell to see them
But ill be over 18 this time, and when is Fall? What months? I think we call it Autumn or Spring but im not sure with one is fall for you's.

And yes JustSayRock were the promoters to bring them out.

I think it's just nationalistic 'rivalry' between Australia and New Zealand - but in a joking kind of way

Yeah and everyone bags new Zealand
Whoa.. That just fucked with my head. I knew that winter/summer and fall/spring were reversed with the northern and southern hemispheres. But does that mean that you guys have christmas in december, in the summer? And if so, then doesn't it confuse the fuck out of the kids in the southern hemisphere when everyone is singing christmas carols about it being a white christmas and santa wearing a bunch of winter clothes? x_x
Whoa.. That just fucked with my head. I knew that winter/summer and fall/spring were reversed with the northern and southern hemispheres. But does that mean that you guys have christmas in december, in the summer? And if so, then doesn't it confuse the fuck out of the kids in the southern hemisphere when everyone is singing christmas carols about it being a white christmas and santa wearing a bunch of winter clothes? x_x

haha yeah man I know. We have Christmas in shirts and shorts down at the beach. Christmas is a big thing down here in Aus still though. We still put up snow shit like snow men and all. Don't ask me why. It's like during our winter which is now, you guys are having the summer festivals. I'd hate a "white" christmas though. I hate winter!