Recent content by NinjaKitten

  1. NinjaKitten


    I actually really liked this movie. The camera was a little annoying at times, but all in all, I thought it was very good. Apparently most people didnt like it, when the movie was over, pretty much the whole theatre got up and booed and wanted their money back... haha, suckers.
  2. NinjaKitten

    Super Mario Galaxy

    Im totally addicted... this game is way too fun
  3. NinjaKitten

    The Mist

    I was really impressed with this movie as well... I expected it to be corny, but it was really dark and cool
  4. NinjaKitten

    My cat got attacked today :(

    that dino looks familiar.... I think it attacked my cat once too!!!!
  5. NinjaKitten

    Cara, this is for you...

    hahahahaha classic!!
  6. NinjaKitten

    Your Slang Dictionary

    haha great thread karen!! I think I have quite a few of my own little sayings, but I can only think of two right now... Cola Douche (also can be fizzy cola douche which is the more extreme version) - basically the same as calling someone a douchebag... I just started saying it because I was...
  7. NinjaKitten

    post your sexy pics here

    are those wiskers behind thoose gloves? :danceboy:
  8. NinjaKitten

    this got owned!

    hahaha, that would be a bummer
  9. NinjaKitten

    Snorting the White stuff

    and then was processed and mixed with all sorts of fancy chemicals...
  10. NinjaKitten

    so girls, bareback blow jobs..

    I thought only hookers used condoms for BJ's to avoid facial herpes....
  11. NinjaKitten

    The Great State Fair of Texas - pics

    HAHA! that actually gave me a slight outburst of laughter...
  12. NinjaKitten

    Canadian Dollar Passes US Dollar

    I drive an SUV, and it takes about half that much money to fill it up... but I still bitch about it. Anyways, its nice having the dollar on par. Ive bought so much on ebay lately, its great.
  13. NinjaKitten

    planning on tattoo

    Im freaked out of needles too, but I had this idea before I got my tattoo, that it probably wouldnt really feel like a normal needle because it goes in and out so fast... but thats exactly how it felt like someone stabbing me with a needle way too many times, and rubbing really hard with the...
  14. NinjaKitten

    Breakfast with Raccoons

    aww thats cute, they're buddies!
  15. NinjaKitten

    People with shorter hair.

    atta girl!