Recent content by Patrick R.

  1. P

    4 July Victory Against Evil Multiracial Empire

    That may have been the case centuries ago, but certain elements of the American and British ruling class were more then happy to become allies against the German Empire during world war I and completely destroy their cities with firebombs during the second world war. American and British elitist...
  2. P

    4 July Victory Against Evil Multiracial Empire

    Did you actually r-e-a-d what she posted? If you did, you would understand that she actually praised America's war for independence and she was critical of the ruling class of the British Empire. Where is the bitterness? As far as this claim that history is written by the wealthy white man, that...
  3. P

    Evolution and Republicans.

    I read both of those articles, nowhere do they claim their science is flawed. The basic theme of the first pbs article is about the human family tree and how anthropologist use to view it as a tree trunk, but at the time of that article in December 13 1996, that view changed and the human family...
  4. P


    Well, I couldn't agree more on this one.
  5. P


    After the allies attacked Germany, then they were a threat because they would indeed fight back. But before that, Hitler wanted peace. Rudolf Hess, and his physical appearance in Great Britain after the war shows he was sincere, this was a diplomatic effort not equaled since, or nothing that I...
  6. P


    Hardly. Yes I can give you a reason, considering the reality that the Marxist wanted to push their philosophy across the globe and the fact that they had control over Russia and reorganized their political system from a centuries old Czarist monarchy, to a brutal and oppressive Soviet regime...
  7. P


    I can’t believe I’m replying to this but here goes nothing. First, I don’t care if my thinking or world view converges with your thinking or anybody else’s for that matter. I say what I have to say based on the evidence I’m provided with. This is in marked contrast to what you have to say about...
  8. P


    You are correct, the only problem is I don’t go back and check errors like that. When I do, it is hard to see unless I read it over and over, something I don’t do when the debate is informal. I’m most certainly not going to read someone else’s message and look for their errors either. But in any...
  9. P


    Hardly. As I said, you’re still stuck in history 101, you believe that Hitler wanted war with Great Britain (not true) and you think Hitler wanted all of Europe under his control (not true). When you say Germany invaded an “ally” of France and Great Britain I’m going to assume you’re...
  10. P


    Have you ever heard of a thing called independent thinking? Think for yourself, you're stuck in history 101. First, Hitler was not a threat to Great Britain, if America didn't send Great Britain and the Soviet Union vast amounts of resources, they could of indeed taken over Great Britain. But...
  11. P


    And what would that do? Nazi Germany wasn't a threat to the United States or Great Britain. They weren't even able to take the English Channel, but yet they were a threat to America across the world? The entire world is practically defenseless against America, unless they all stood against us...
  12. P

    Evolution and Republicans.

    I'm a bit puzzled by Dr Demented's comment. I'm not aware that we just "one day" stood up. From the scientific literature, I'm only aware of a gradual process of evolutionary development, dependent on the genetic characteristics of a population. Perhaps you could provide some sources for this...
  13. P


    I don't hate America, I hate the actions of our government, like I said, it is time they create a novel philosophy that doesn't claim that we are the "good guys" who are morally superior to everyone else. We also need a government that doesn't wage war against defenseless nations. America and...
  14. P


    Germany's history is massive and rich. Many Westerners, including those who live in the Federal Republic of Germany are unaware of what a "German" is, so therefore understanding the history of Germany becomes increasingly difficult. The Germans are a linguistic and cultural group, throughout...