Evolution and Republicans.

I'm an Obama worshiper? :D


In fact, here are well-informed folks like yourself, waxing poetically on what they love MOST about our next President, Obama!

My favourite part is when the guy says, "They gotta work on disability. Y'know, I cain't even git disability, cause I got too much ejjication."

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Cat's out of the bag.

I have a small shrine built in the man's honor in my closet.

I think I'll vote for the other liberal guy running anyway. Mc something.
So does that mean your voting dem or just not voting. Maybe you're tossing the snow ball into hell for Ron Paul? There are still tons of signs in yards for him in my town.

Just a littlie political factoid for you all, a Ron Paul sign in the yard usually equals a pickup truck with balls hanging from the bumper in the garage.
Sez you. I don't have a pick-up but I do have Ron Paul signs in my yard.

I ain't seen none've them thar rednecks an' white trash supportin DR. NO anyhow. They all went to the Obama rally in order to soothe that thar WHITE GUILT!

I'll probably vote for Alan Keyes or some other impossible-to-win candidate. Doesn't matter. Hell is what we're getting, with or without snow balls.

Lemmings supposedly evolved suicidal tendencies and so have American voters. What can I say?

Hey, Doctor! Don't listen to that Obama-worshipping bonobo! He evolved from primordial politics. That's why his grey matter struggles to survive among the more advanced species.

I have consistently voted Republican since I registered in 1992, and I must say, I've mostly voted for single-brain-cell organisms. They are so incompetantly weak, political evolution should consign them to extinction very soon.

That's not to say the Democrats are more advanced. On the contrary, they are the epitome of brutal savages, completely lacking brain cells all together. Case in point: the DNC won the 2006 elections by screaming and shouting like baboons on how bad the GOP was.

No issues, no platform, no positions, no plans, no ideas, no direction, no future. Just howling through the forest like the green monkeys.

And it worked! Pointing out how stupidly bad the GOP had become won them the election.

Since then, the DNC has been governing like drunken, incompetant simians. Congress has never been a worse shambles than under the Speaker of the Monkey Farm, Nancy Pelosi. What a gruesome drab!

So, that's a case of reverse evolution for you, which should not occur according to natural selection. Darwin did not take into account a species purposefully choosing to exterminate itself the way the GOP has done, yielding the political environment to totally backward, retarded, polluted, and perverted scum of the earth like the Democrats.

Evolution sucks ass, scientifically, socially, AND politically.


Yeah....I hear you. The last few "Republicans" we've had have really screwed up the party. Mike Church said something funny today about so-called Republicans who believe the global warming lie and think big government is okay. He said they should just become Democrats and stop lying to everyone...

The Dems aren't doing much better with their piss poor candidates.

I hear Ron Paul has some kind of secret plan, though. I hope so...I grimace every time I think of either of the three liberals in the white house. I'd almost rather have Oslimey as a one-termer...like his buddy Jimmy Carter...with the possibility of another Reagan than McCain who can only hurt the party further.
Yeah....I hear you. The last few "Republicans" we've had have really screwed up the party. Mike Church said something funny today about so-called Republicans who believe the global warming lie and think big government is okay. He said they should just become Democrats and stop lying to everyone...

The Dems aren't doing much better with their piss poor candidates.

I hear Ron Paul has some kind of secret plan, though. I hope so...I grimace every time I think of either of the three liberals in the white house. I'd almost rather have Oslimey as a one-termer...like his buddy Jimmy Carter...with the possibility of another Reagan than McCain who can only hurt the party further.

Staring down the barrel of the execution squad is never fun. But I suppose we should steel ourselves and face the music like men, with calm dignity... Or not.

FUCK Obama! Like we need another fucked up Jimmy Carter, a really nice smiling man who didn't know what the FUCK he was doing!

And FUCK McCain! Like we need a goddamned scum whose communist captors at the Hanoi Hilton brainwashed him into subverting our country into some sort of people's republic! 40 years later the program's is still running!

If Ron Paul has a magic red pill to pull out his ass, he'd better do it soon. From what I've been reading on his fan site, the best they've got so far is renting a bunch of fucking elephants and marching them around St. Paul-Minneapolis during the convention.

Ahh...but things have only been really going downhill since the Dummycrats got the majority, n'est pa? Their refusal to allow domestic drilling and production of oil is why we have the current mess.

Back on topic...I think it's ALL a lie. There are a couple of major factions: The fools who believe that we evolved from apes...and the fools who believe we were molded from earth.

I think the truth would blow our minds out of the stratosphere of existence...there is an unexplained break in the so-called "development" of man...somewhere between neanderthal and homo erectus. Are we supposed to believe that one day we just stood up??!!??


I'm a bit puzzled by Dr Demented's comment. I'm not aware that we just "one day" stood up. From the scientific literature, I'm only aware of a gradual process of evolutionary development, dependent on the genetic characteristics of a population. Perhaps you could provide some sources for this claim that there was an unexplained break in the development of man between Neanderthals and Homo erectus.

We didn't evolve from apes, but rather humans and today's apes (chimpanzees, gorillas, gibbons etc,) share recent common ancestry. This is one of the many misconceptions of evolutionary theory, that humans evolved from monkeys or apes. How else do you explain our genetic sequence similarity? Is it completely random, or is their a heredity explanation for it?

In fact, here are well-informed folks like yourself, waxing poetically on what they love MOST about our next President, Obama!


My favourite part is when the guy says, "They gotta work on disability. Y'know, I cain't even git disability, cause I got too much ejjication."


Goddamn Americans are so fucking stupid. I bet that one chick couldn't point out either India OR Poland on a map, let alone tell you what continent they are on.

My favorite thing is..when asked about what he will do, EVERYONE says "Change, time for that Change" I've heard Barack say this throughout his campaign, but what change? No one seems to know, other than random change will happen...ok.

And taxes, what are these morons thinking..voting for a democrat will help your taxes? Shit, i pay taxes out these ass for those lazy people being interviewed. Need more jobs. What they really want to say is "I want a job given to me that doesn't require any effort on my part, that pays better than 5.55 an hour."

And that guy who actually says "I cannot get disability because I have too much education," not so eloquently, is the quintessential lazy Negro. And don't forget, 90% of those people aren't registered to vote I would bet. Everyone outspoken, young Bush bashing Obama/Clinton worshiping young person I know in this town..isn't even registered to vote. Its hilarious.

And before raining on my parade, I am sure we can find people equally retarded to speak on behalf of McCain on camera.:lol:
I'm a bit puzzled by Dr Demented's comment. I'm not aware that we just "one day" stood up. From the scientific literature, I'm only aware of a gradual process of evolutionary development, dependent on the genetic characteristics of a population. Perhaps you could provide some sources for this claim that there was an unexplained break in the development of man between Neanderthals and Homo erectus.

We didn't evolve from apes, but rather humans and today's apes (chimpanzees, gorillas, gibbons etc,) share recent common ancestry. This is one of the many misconceptions of evolutionary theory, that humans evolved from monkeys or apes. How else do you explain our genetic sequence similarity? Is it completely random, or is their a heredity explanation for it?

I was being overly simplistic for the sake of space and sanity. There have been startling discoveries that are disproving the "approved" evolutionary theory of man. The people in these articles admit that their science is flawed, but still try to maintain that they were correct.

Try these:

My favorite quote from the video above. "Gas prices is so bad. I saw a pimp catching a bus."
Maybe he's just a shitty pimp?
I was being overly simplistic for the sake of space and sanity. There have been startling discoveries that are disproving the "approved" evolutionary theory of man. The people in these articles admit that their science is flawed, but still try to maintain that they were correct.

Try these:


I read both of those articles, nowhere do they claim their science is flawed. The basic theme of the first pbs article is about the human family tree and how anthropologist use to view it as a tree trunk, but at the time of that article in December 13 1996, that view changed and the human family tree was viewed as a bush “with many side branches”. That is the current view to the present day and novel discoveries may refute or confirm scientific theories. But, that evolution occurred wasn’t challenged in either article. The pbs article also states that modern humans lived alongside Homo erectus and Neanderthals, something that isn’t surprising to anyone knowledgeable of evolution and paleoanthropology. The second article questions whether or not humans and Neanderthals interbreed, this address’s the question about how much Neanderthals contributed to the modern human gene pool. From the literature that I’ve read, there is no Neanderthal DNA in modern humans. To address this scientifically, there must be experiments and novel research.
I read both of those articles, nowhere do they claim their science is flawed.

It's implied. They realize that they don't know the things they thought they did.

Patrick R. said:
From the literature that I’ve read, there is no Neanderthal DNA in modern humans. To address this scientifically, there must be experiments and novel research.

I can agree with that. Science is good. What I disagree with is the belief that any of these people actually know what happened millions of years ago because they weren't there. It's all hypothesis and theory. Nobody really knows.
Just a quick note to point out something that is being overlooked here. It is assumed Republicans have cornered the market on the anti-evolution views. There are plenty of Democrats that have deep conservative values/views. Heath Shuler (yes, the former Redskins QB) and Zell Miller are just two I can name off of the top of my head. Faith/Religion is not something that only Republicans have. There are many Dems who do as well. They just don't talk about it as much because it might turn off their base.
Look at the way McCain and Leiberman have been treated by their parties for straying from the party lines. Leiberman was abandoned by his party for his support of the war. McCain is tossed under the bus daily for what people in his party view as liberal ideas. I am not a real big fan of McCain's but, I respect him and Leiberman for not completely falling in line with their party. If more politicians were like this. We probably wouldn't have such a divide between Democrats and Republicans.