Evolution and Republicans.

Just a quick note to point out something that is being overlooked here. It is assumed Republicans have cornered the market on the anti-evolution views. There are plenty of Democrats that have deep conservative values/views. Heath Shuler (yes, the former Redskins QB) and Zell Miller are just two I can name off of the top of my head. Faith/Religion is not something that only Republicans have. There are many Dems who do as well. They just don't talk about it as much because it might turn off their base.
Look at the way McCain and Leiberman have been treated by their parties for straying from the party lines. Leiberman was abandoned by his party for his support of the war. McCain is tossed under the bus daily for what people in his party view as liberal ideas. I am not a real big fan of McCain's but, I respect him and Leiberman for not completely falling in line with their party. If more politicians were like this. We probably wouldn't have such a divide between Democrats and Republicans.

What I disagree with is the belief that any of these people actually know what happened millions of years ago because they weren't there. It's all hypothesis and theory. Nobody really knows.
Unless it was in the bible...then it's rock solid fact.
Just a quick note to point out something that is being overlooked here. It is assumed Republicans have cornered the market on the anti-evolution views. There are plenty of Democrats that have deep conservative values/views. Heath Shuler (yes, the former Redskins QB) and Zell Miller are just two I can name off of the top of my head. Faith/Religion is not something that only Republicans have. There are many Dems who do as well. They just don't talk about it as much because it might turn off their base.
Look at the way McCain and Leiberman have been treated by their parties for straying from the party lines. Leiberman was abandoned by his party for his support of the war. McCain is tossed under the bus daily for what people in his party view as liberal ideas. I am not a real big fan of McCain's but, I respect him and Leiberman for not completely falling in line with their party. If more politicians were like this. We probably wouldn't have such a divide between Democrats and Republicans.

Who would buy all the Ann Coulter books then?
I wonder if jurched ever posted on the megadeth forum using the name "the dude"

He had no argument against evolution and no evidence supporting creation, and whenever he would get schooled, he'd reply with pre-pubescent insults, too


You calling my followers idiots?