Why you should be ashamed if you live in the south

Apr 3, 2004
Why is it that the south is like 25 years behind the rest of America?? I feel like punching a priest in the face, then go and piss on the confederate flag while I wipe my ass with a bible. FUCK THE SOUTH

ATLANTA - A trial opened Monday over whether a warning sticker in suburban Atlanta biology textbooks that says evolution is "a theory, not a fact" violates the separation of church and state by promoting religion.

The case is one of several battles that have been waged in recent years in the Bible Belt over what role evolution should play in science books.

Cobb County schools put the disclaimers in biology texts two years ago after more than 2,000 parents complained the books presented evolution as fact without mentioning rival ideas about the origin of life, namely creationism.

A group of parents and the American Civil Liberties Union (news - web sites) then filed a lawsuit over the stickers. "It's like saying everything that follows this sticker isn't true," said Jeffrey Selman, a parent who filed the lawsuit.

The sticker reads, "This textbook contains material on evolution. Evolution is a theory, not a fact, regarding the origin of living things. This material should be approached with an open mind, studied carefully and critically considered."

A lawyer for the school district, Linwood Gunn, said the sticker was meant to "encourage critical thinking" and said it did not imply that evolution was wrong. Gunn said it was silly to consider the stickers a promotion of religion.

"It doesn't say anything about faith. It doesn't say anything about religion," he said.

But U.S. District Judge Clarence Cooper asked Gunn why it is necessary to have a sticker clarify evolution as a theory. "Why put a sticker on the book when that's already in the book?"

Gunn replied that school board members were simply trying to accommodate all views.

The first witness, parent Marjorie Rogers, started the drive to put the stickers in the books. She said it was only fair to put a small disclaimer in a textbook where religious-based ideas about the origin of life are not mentioned.

"I don't want the Bible taught in the classroom. But there is a wealth of science that would support intelligent design, and that is not taught," she said. "There should be a marketplace of ideas."

The judge also heard from a science teacher who said some students point to the sticker and argue evolution is "just a theory." The sticker "diminishes the status of evolution among all other theories," said teacher Wes McCoy. "I was worried. I didn't want college admission counselors thinking less of their science educations, thinking they hadn't been taught evolution or something."

The U.S. Supreme Court (news - web sites) ruled in 1987 that creationism was a religious belief that could not be taught in public schools along with evolution.

The theory of evolution says evidence shows current species of life evolved over time from earlier forms and that natural selection determines which species survive. Creationism credits the origin of species to God.

The trial, which will be decided by the judge, is expected to last several days.
Hindus have the coolest gods, Hanuman the monkeygod is my favourite!

"All other gods should be casted aside for the funny, furry Hanuman! There are almost 6 billion fucking cagemonkeys on this planet (and some aboard spacestations) and once they realize what a bunch of apes they are they can be released from the cage, relax and eat their Chiquita and become laid-back, friendly monkeys!"

That is what I´d like to post all over the world, ads on the net, blimps flying over cities and visiting jehovas, zealots, Jerry Fallwell, Mecca and scientologs with info on the new "cagemonkey-free" society we´re creating!

What is so scary about having apes as your genetic cousins? Ok, Chimps are inbreed, bullies who fuck their sisters (I heard some very disturbing stuff about them when I talked to a chimpanzee-handler), but gorillas, baboons and makaks are intelligent and beautiful animals! But I suppose humans need to be so fucking "special" and more fantastic than other animals.

Seriously though, thats´s what I find disturbing in the judeo-muslim-christian tradition... "I belive God created me in one day, I´m so special! I´m not an animal!" Yes, everyone is special but our parents still had to fuck and sin to create us and your mom had to carry you around for about nine months and push you out her twat for you to be born. And if we are so special and effigies of god... where does Lucy the ape-woman fit in?

Hanuman, the god with the coolest underwear and the most bling-bling!
Mosty people from the south are religious fanatics...........I cant tell you how many times some fuck has come to my door wanting to spread the word of god.................
This just shows how people can be brainwashed. Its amazing that people this stupid haven't drank poison by accident during there lifetime and died. How can anybody have outright blindfaith in some almighty being.I think its fucking crazy. I know we've been through this religion thing many times but I just will never get it.Wait I think I'm gonna start worshipping Mickey Mouse.
Whats the difference? They are both imaginery characters . People are living their lives based on a book of stories. Madness
eventhough they might be a tiny bit too religious down south, i find the people there better than up here. i've spent alot of time in north carolina and loved it, i was confronted by a religious person only once and it was in a store. i droped a sixpack and said goddam, some old lady turned around and said to me "dont you curse at god for your own clumsiness". i actualy apologized to the lady, eventhough i'm not religous at all, and well i kinda hate any religion.
I´ve heard there is a law forbidding oral sex even in public in some of the southern states is it true?
BTW religion sucks
there's all kinds of weird "blue laws" on the books from the old days.
MHFYRD, You must see alot of state and local laws run across your desk.....
Any crazy blue laws in Michigan??

johnnieCzech said:
I´ve heard there is a law forbidding oral sex even in public in some of the southern states is it true?
BTW religion sucks
T_man357 said:
there's all kinds of weird "blue laws" on the books from the old days.
MHFYRD, You must see alot of state and local laws run across your desk.....
Any crazy blue laws in Michigan??
I just imagine the hypothetical situation. You are eating your GF out in privacy of your bedroom, curtains drawn, everything ok. But there is this old holy roller bittie, spying with a periscope through your curtains. In the middle of things, a commando bursts into your house and bust your ass behind bars :lol: well I know it doesn´t really happen this way...
T_man357 said:
there's all kinds of weird "blue laws" on the books from the old days.
MHFYRD, You must see alot of state and local laws run across your desk.....
Any crazy blue laws in Michigan??
hey Tman..... how about this one.......when you are realeased for the county jail the law here is you get realeased with $1 ,a donkey and a shotgun..............
Then I gots to be getting busted in VA!!!!

I could always use an extra shotgun...And Donkey meat is GREAT!!!!!!!
(Nobody better pretend they've never had it either, ever eat a Big Mac??)

That's a classic one O/S!!
I wonder if you could sue the state for the shotgun, donkey and $1 if they didn't provide it when you got out??

old school headbanger said:
hey Tman..... how about this one.......when you are realeased for the county jail the law here is you get realeased with $1 ,a donkey and a shotgun..............
The religous freaks and south will rise again tards are annoying, but the south is a pretty good place to live. I lived in Tennessee for 10 years after living in Pa and the only thing I didnt like was accent. The south is less urbanized than the north, but you go out of the city in New York and you will find the same country bumpkins there as down in alabama. I personally find the farmer's in PA to have offensive accents, worse than the 'Bama nasal.

And SEC football and Jack Daniels make us better.

I do hate florida though. We have pretend rednecks and old people, lots of em.
T_man357 said:
there's all kinds of weird "blue laws" on the books from the old days.
MHFYRD, You must see alot of state and local laws run across your desk.....
Any crazy blue laws in Michigan??
Not really..I mainly keep track of budget bills and thats it. Same sex recognition got banned(had to know it was going to)...The one law that just passed this last election that I think is retarded is our new gambling/lottery law..Mind you, Michigan has a horrible unemployment rate, so alot of these people should not be gambling at all. We now have to vote on every single lottery game that is introduced and if we open a casino in some far off hicktown, people in Detroit can vote whether or not it gets opened. Now why would you let some ass wipe in the U.P. or Detroit or anywhere for that matter, vote on something that should be handled by the community that they are trying to put it in??
In the past when casino's tried to open up in a new location, the community that it was going in would handle it on their own and if they didn't want it there they would vote on it and make sure it didn't get put up...It's a very tricky and stupid law. Now when we get a new scratch off lottery game, the people of Michigan have to vote on it. That means any and all new lottery games..Talk about a waste of taxpayers money...

The greatest waste of time bill I have seen is when our Senator's and Rep's took time out of their busy schedule to draft a bill to recognize our State dirt....Bahhhhaahaahahaahaa now when you look at dirt or mud you could be walking on Michigan dirt...

So come to Michigan yall!!! We have some of the best dirt your feet will ever walk on.

I am getting my damn wisdom teeth taken out today, so I won't be on the board for the rest of the week...Man it sucks..My wisdom teeth just now started to come in and in no time flat, my one wisdom tooth got an abcess so now my left cheek is completely swollen. I am so dreading getting this done. It's like going to a fight and knowing that your going to get your ass kicked(the dentist being the one kicking ass) Ohhh well at least I get some Vicodin and demorol out of it.
Without creating a battle...just to say my side...

Just remember when associating things into "groups"...that not all us Christians/"Jesus freaks" are finger pointing "everyone is going to hell" fanatics :) Quite the opposite really.

I think people's view of Christians these days is distorted by the ones they read about in newspaper headlines or TV news or hear about molesting kids, or the gung ho ones they find "down South". It's such a small percentage but it's the percentage that ends up representing us Christians...pretty sad really. Heck a lot of "Christians" would call me a heathen for the simple fact I listen to that "DEVIL MUSIC!" I actually left my last Church because of comments made in regards to this style of music.

By the way,shouldn't you Metal listeners be slitting some goat throats right now or something?! Get to work!
in all religions there is always the extremist, christianity, judaism, and islam(those we are fighting around the world right now) oh and i forgot baseballism and footballism, some people take it wayyyy too far sometimes (like them godam RedSox fans
) you might have won the world series new england but you aint getin the superbowl this year!