Im glad I dont live in the south and glad I am not a republican

Apr 3, 2004
This really sickens me. This is the first step towards a scary America. Im sick to death of christians forcing their beliefs on everyone else. Fuck G W Bush as well. He can take his belief in God and go fuck himself.

I agree with the Daily Mirror.

ATLANTA - A trial opened Monday over whether a warning sticker in suburban Atlanta biology textbooks that says evolution is "a theory, not a fact" violates the separation of church and state by promoting religion.

The case is one of several battles that have been waged in recent years in the Bible Belt over what role evolution should play in science books.

Cobb County schools put the disclaimers in biology texts two years ago after more than 2,000 parents complained the books presented evolution as fact without mentioning rival ideas about the origin of life, namely creationism.

A group of parents and the American Civil Liberties Union (news - web sites) then filed a lawsuit over the stickers. "It's like saying everything that follows this sticker isn't true," said Jeffrey Selman, a parent who filed the lawsuit.

The sticker reads, "This textbook contains material on evolution. Evolution is a theory, not a fact, regarding the origin of living things. This material should be approached with an open mind, studied carefully and critically considered."

A lawyer for the school district, Linwood Gunn, said the sticker was meant to "encourage critical thinking" and said it did not imply that evolution was wrong. Gunn said it was silly to consider the stickers a promotion of religion.

"It doesn't say anything about faith. It doesn't say anything about religion," he said.

But U.S. District Judge Clarence Cooper asked Gunn why it is necessary to have a sticker clarify evolution as a theory. "Why put a sticker on the book when that's already in the book?"

Gunn replied that school board members were simply trying to accommodate all views.

The first witness, parent Marjorie Rogers, started the drive to put the stickers in the books. She said it was only fair to put a small disclaimer in a textbook where religious-based ideas about the origin of life are not mentioned.

"I don't want the Bible taught in the classroom. But there is a wealth of science that would support intelligent design, and that is not taught," she said. "There should be a marketplace of ideas."

The judge also heard from a science teacher who said some students point to the sticker and argue evolution is "just a theory." The sticker "diminishes the status of evolution among all other theories," said teacher Wes McCoy. "I was worried. I didn't want college admission counselors thinking less of their science educations, thinking they hadn't been taught evolution or something."

The U.S. Supreme Court (news - web sites) ruled in 1987 that creationism was a religious belief that could not be taught in public schools along with evolution.

The theory of evolution says evidence shows current species of life evolved over time from earlier forms and that natural selection determines which species survive. Creationism credits the origin of species to God.

The trial, which will be decided by the judge, is expected to last several days.
Holy shit, evolution is just a theory!! When did this become news? It's always been a theory. You may have evolved from a monkey but I just don't buy it. What is wrong with the possibility that things were created by intelligent design anyway? I do not deny things do change and evolve over time, but I don't think all life started as some primodial ooz and by chance became what all life on earth is today. I know believing in a God and being into metal seems taboo and uncool, so I guess I'm not cool. You bitch about the christians forcing their beliefs on everyone else and yet you do the exact same by wanting them cenceredan forcing your beliefs on them.
When that Boob-stick Dubya is done, science class will be studying Noahs fucking boat. The right wing takes the bible way too literal. And yes, I am a God fearing Christian, but I have something the right doesn't have: AN OPEN MIND. Bush's brand of church goers will also be moving all non-Christians out. Bye, bye, Buddhist, you aint' reading enough of the "Good Book."
No, dude, I get it. I'm young, so obviously I have no valid opinions of my own. You, on the other hand, are older, and thusly right. That's pretty much exactly what you're hitting out against the right wing for doing here, but in this case it's different because I'm young, and you're older than me. Fully sensical, not hypocrital at all, makes perfect sense. We're gold here mate, gold.
The god of hellfire is also a christian and I don't think religion should take the place of science class in public schools either. There are a lot of different variations of Christianity that have fairly significant different interpretations of the bible. Which version should we teach? If you want to learn the Bible, read it, go to church, go to a christian school. If you go to public school, expect to learn the evolutionary theory. Being a lutheran, if public schools started teaching a catholic or say a morman version of creation, it would be useless to me intellectually and spiritually. Teaching the evolutionary theory is at least useful intellectually. Afterall, no matter how you feel the world came about, evolution does exist. If you want to put the 10 commandments on the wall go ahead. Put the 8-fold path up too. If there's even a slight chance that it might convince a student that exacting revenge in the form of violence is not the answer,then it's worth while. And Dubya is not going to make public schools teach the Bible (unless it's as an option). It's unconstitutional. If the president fails to adhere to the constitution and the congress and supreme court fail to over-rule the president...well, there's a reason why the 2nd Ammendment is in the constitution (and it's not so you can go deer hunting)
Ragamuffin said:
No, dude, I get it. I'm young, so obviously I have no valid opinions of my own. You, on the other hand, are older, and thusly right. That's pretty much exactly what you're hitting out against the right wing for doing here, but in this case it's different because I'm young, and you're older than me. Fully sensical, not hypocrital at all, makes perfect sense. We're gold here mate, gold.

No hard feelings my man
:) The political discussions are getting way to heated here. (4 more years of it baby)
muffytheVampirelayer said:
A lawyer for the school district, Linwood Gunn, said the sticker was meant to "encourage critical thinking" and said it did not imply that evolution was wrong. Gunn said it was silly to consider the stickers a promotion of religion.

What part of "critical thinking" is bad or deserves such a rant of outrage?
The God of Hellfire said:
If you want to learn the Bible, read it, go to church, go to a christian school. If you go to public school, expect to learn the evolutionary theory.
The problem is, people are compelled to contribute their own money to public schools. Anyone who pays for something is going to want a say in how the money is spent.

The God of Hellfire said:
If the president fails to adhere to the constitution and the congress and supreme court fail to over-rule the president...well, there's a reason why the 2nd Ammendment is in the constitution (and it's not so you can go deer hunting)

:OMG: Someone better tell John Kerry and Al Gore. They had no idea. But seriously, haven't we already gotten to the point of the president ignoring the Constitution and Congress and the courts doing nothing to stop him?
So evolution is "just a theory". Yes. But that doesn't mean we're not sure it's true. "Theory" in this sense just means a set of concepts and principles used in a particular field. Music theory tells us that the note above A is Bb. No one worries that this is "just a theory".

And why JUST a theory? The creationist alternative isn't EVEN a theory. No testable predictions, not falsifiable, not reproducible etc etc.

Evolution is about as well established as it's possible for an idea to be. No one can force anyone else to accept it, but people who don't shouldn't be surprised that they're dismissed as irrational. They might as well be saying the Earth is flat.
I'm a God fearing Christian Republican (damn, did I just say that) and I believe that God created man...through EVOLUTION. If you take the Bible completely literally IMO your lost and you're definitely not doing our religion any favors.