Recent content by raiz

  1. raiz

    First song?

  2. raiz

    tour information

    anyone know where i can get info on the next nm tour? appreciate it.
  3. raiz

    change the world

    could i unmake existence? like...would that just be one thing? cause it would entail a whole shitload of little things, but it'd really only be doing one thing...i think.
  4. raiz

    "Now playing" thread (for a change)

    i'm listening to truth by prince, off the batman ost. who said that?! shut yer mouth private, or i'll have simmons slit yer throat while you're asleep!
  5. raiz

    How old are you?

    i'm 18 now...that means i can go to real jail for the stuff i do =\
  6. raiz


    ay pyrus, do you know somewhere that sells that mask? that thing was tits and ass.
  7. raiz

    I have TWO green bars!!!!!!!!

    that's...not really cool...why would you wanna even think about that? oh...OH! my bad. no offense meant.
  8. raiz

    the current TOWERING CREEPY BASTARDS line-up

    i call the rubber-fucking-band. or maybe not the rubber band, but that thing you made in elementary school where you took like an empty kleenex box, a used paper towel roll and like three rubber bands and made a remember that? alright. sorry.
  9. raiz

    hahahaha - my teacher just took my picture for the school newsletter

    "so how are you doing caboose? are you following any of this whatsoever?" " guy, Tex, is really a robot, and you're his boyfriend! So that makes you......a gay robot!" "Yeah. That's right. I'm a gay robot."
  10. raiz


    well, i'm too old to trick-or-treat and too young (in theory) to have children that i have to get costumes for, so my halloween will probably be spent the same way as many nights: sitting around drunk off my ass looking for a monster movie marathon some dumbass channel cut the hell out of to...
  11. raiz

    Serial Killer or Computer Programer?

    10/10 "you'd spot hannibal lector in seconds at an open source conference. you're liver's safe." lololol
  12. raiz

    So, I just took this stupid sex test thing.....

    chuck norris told that raven picked neveruary, or you would've picked chuck norris to sleep with? that's one hairy guy...what happened to him anyways? his action-hero stint was shorter than van damme's
  13. raiz

    So, I just took this stupid sex test thing.....

    'twas i! mwahahahaha-ech-*coughing violently*-erk-ahahahahaha
  14. raiz

    hahahaha - my teacher just took my picture for the school newsletter

    lol 'first off, that is offensive, and second...i am not a cockbite. seriously, i'm not a cockbite.'
  15. raiz

    Dancing Viking Aliens

    i didn't say anything about a homo, that was yer association there bud. and earl's fat ass wouldn't fit into my little avatar heh heh.