Recent content by scott from _actual time_

  1. S

    _actual time_ update: new mp3!

    man, i wish i had any idea on the release myself. all i can say is that the audio part is 100% done, and we're passing off all the liner notes content to our art buddy today. he draws record covers for Sony, so he's real busy, and he's doing the cover as a favor to us, so we have to be...
  2. S

    _actual time_ update: new mp3!

    hey dudes- just a quick update some new _actual time_ stuff. --all the mixes for our upcoming thrid EP are done! the EP will be called "force of patterns." here's the tracklisting: 1. holes 2. there and back 3. stutter 4. scritch 5. churn 6. seven west forever 7. perfunctory...
  3. S

    _actual time_ update -- october 2004

    hey dudes- the mixes for the still-untitled _actual time_ iii are almost done. huzzah! we've got final mixes for six of the seven tunes, and a rough of the last one. we still have to figure out a record cover and packaging, but we're getting real close to having this third EP ready for...
  4. S

    _actual time_ 3rd EP update

    2004 update: as i noted in another thread, i finished tracking all the guitars for actual time III two weeks ago. right now we're listening for any rough spots, and then we'll move on to mixing. the really great news is that our pro studio buddy who mixed "time frame" has agreed to mix this...
  5. S

    some bands to check out

    have you checked back recently? in an attempt to replace the stuff that went down with, i put more mp3's from "time frame" on our band website. they are hosted off a different server, which coincidently will be down tomorrow [friday 2/6], but otherwise they should be available...
  6. S

    _actual time_ 3rd EP update

    hey dudes, just an update on the progress of our 3rd EP, since i've been getting some e-mails and i've seen mention in threads here. the recording of all the guitars for the as-yet untitled actual time iii is underway in my meager home studio, after hardware upgrades of my gear and firmware...
  7. S

    some bands to check out

    yeah, talk about us all you want! :) we're pretty ordinary guys, not daing J-Lo or anything, so not much to discuss other than the music. we recorded the drums and bass for the seven new tunes for "actual time iii" a few weekends ago, and once i upgrade my home studio, i'll do all the...
  8. S

    _actual time_ -- Ron thought it was cool!

    thanks. it looks like we will have to record it ourselves, which shouldn't be too much of a dropoff in quality, since our drummer brad is a pro audio engineer / sound designer, but will almost certainly take longer. actually, a buddy of ours draws record covers for Sony [like the last...
  9. S

    _actual time_ -- Ron thought it was cool!

    thanks for the props! we don't ever really make it to anywhere, since we're a studio project. i'd like to start gigging occasionally at prog festivals and the like, but i haven't been able to find any with a second stage or something appropriate for a small time band like us. we have...
  10. S

    Ron J on Seismic chat this saturday

    yeah, i had the same reaction. that was also during the period when those project jam records were all the rage, after Liquid Tension, and like any trend, some were good but some were not at all. it's also possible that you heard tracks from the second Attention Deficit CD, which might be...
  11. S

    _actual time_ -- Ron thought it was cool!

    I invite those of you who haven't already to check out _actual time_, instrumental prog/fusion/metal/whatever. I gave Ron a copy of our latest CD EP "time frame" and he said: "These guys can lay down some really heavy, chaotic grooves, then mix in some clean, very interesting rhythmic...
  12. S

    I finally found Ink Complete................

    i would give my copy of "Courtlandt" away to anyone willing to pay the shipping - did not find much in that record at all.
  13. S

    _actual time_ @ Laser's Edge, Wayside

    The new _actual time_ EP "time frame" is now available from two great Internet stores for progressive music: Laser's Edge ( and Wayside Music (, the store for Cuneiform Records. "time frame" is also still available direct from the band. Check out the...
  14. S

    new _actual time_ CD released - prog/metal/fusion/mathrock/???

    thanks for the comments, guys. we do carefully plan where to apply our limited band resources, and on this CD we chose to get the sound up to major label quality and leave the graphic design at amateur levels until later. after the music itself, the sound is the most important thing to us...
  15. S

    LETHARGY from Rochester, NY

    Lethargy rules! been listening to them since 1996. a truly original blend of hardcore, classic metal, humor, and what i call the "riff soup" style of songwriting - chuck a riff in there, to hell if it really matches the previous one. shame they couldn't "make it" as a band.