some bands to check out


Tyrant in Distress
Sorry I haven't been posting so much lately, but here's a few new bands for y'all to check out:

Behold... the Arctopus
Awesome awesome new instrumental tech metal band from New York. They only got 2 songs recorded so far, but you absolutely have to hear them. They originally posted the songs under the name "Drummer Needed", but they now have real drums instead of a drum machine and the production is much better.

Canvas Solaris
Another excellent instrumental tech metal band from South Carolina. Their site is under construction, but you can hear them at There is another Canvas Solaris on from Georgia, so I'm downloading them now (they are listed as progressive metal, but I think it's a different band because they list a vocalist).

Chris Poland's new intrumental fusion trio. It ain't metallic, but I sure love their debut.

Side project for the guitarist from Doctor Nerve. Sounds very promising from the samples, that is, if you like Doctor Nerve. He also has a couple other side projects listed there "Body Parts" and "Binky Boy" which sound pretty cool (Binky Boy is 4 guitars and nothing else).

Hypnotheticall -
Excellent tech band from Italy. They use clean, death, and black vox, if memory serves. I'm thinking about ordering their discs.

There's more for later, but those are all worth your time to check out.
jimbobhickville said:
yeah, Actual Time is excellent. We had a thread about them a while back, but no reason you can't bring 'em up again :)

yeah, talk about us all you want! :) we're pretty ordinary guys, not daing J-Lo or anything, so not much to discuss other than the music.

we recorded the drums and bass for the seven new tunes for "actual time iii" a few weekends ago, and once i upgrade my home studio, i'll do all the guitars. we're aiming to have it done by late fall / early winter. i'll definately post here when it's ready, and we post updates on .

thanks for the props.
The hookup is much appreciated Jim Bob, on the Canvas Solaris EP. I haven't stopped listening to it since it arrived in the mail from Tribunal Records. $4 bucks has never been spent more wisely. I downloaded the Behold the Arctopus after Metal Maniacs reviewed their demo a couple months ago. I can only listen to Actual Time's older stuff from their website due to the being revamped by CNET. I like Ohm's debut also. There are 2 other fusion bands that are a little heavier and very good called Cosmosquad & Taboo Voodoo. If you like Ohm, you should check them out.
Yeah, who has the mini behold the arctopus ep? its sooo cute, lol

Ill check out the couple I don't know this evening, but seeing as I like the ones on that list i know, should be good stuff :)
Hello people. Please check out this website it's entirely dedicated to technical music. For now there are only bands' names, but I'm alone working with it, so I'll add description, reviews, and all that in a few. AlgoBlast is also a no-profit distro, the distro section is being built, some bands are already available (Demental, Deuterium, Nerv, Gorgasm (fr), Voracious Gangrene, Scarve, Comity, Nostromo, Knut...) as well as the classical music and jazz stocks.
OYC Promoting technical music for bloody ever
gypsyshred said:
I can only listen to Actual Time's older stuff from their website due to the being revamped by CNET.

have you checked back recently? in an attempt to replace the stuff that went down with, i put more mp3's from "time frame" on our band website. they are hosted off a different server, which coincidently will be down tomorrow [friday 2/6], but otherwise they should be available.

check them out, and e-mail me if there's a problem. also, "time frame" is still available as far as i know through Laser's Edge and Wayside Music, if you'd like your very own copy in black cover and crystal clear full wav format! :)

PS -- i finished tracking all the guitars for actual time III two weeks ago, and arrangements have been made to swindle our ace studio buddy who mixed "time frame" into mixing this one. it may take a while, but you can't argue with his results....
Imperfectus Bultus:

A new one guys... they come from Spain and practice an experimental avantgarde Metal so extragavant. Not really tech but quite interesting also. New album was released on december I think via [url][/url]

Here you have a little Spanish review written for my fanzine (i hope you understand Spanish):

Imperfectus Bultus - ///_N.A.B. – O - //land._<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:eek:ffice" /><o:p></o:p>

Rock in Spain / Vinny<o:p></o:p>

Seguramente esta sea una de las críticas más inútiles que haya escrito jamás. Digo esto porque describir cómo suena un grupo como este es, cuanto menos, ambicioso. Me gustaría catalogar su estilo de Experimental Metal aunque dicho término a menudo connote unas revoluciones por minuto inferiores a lo que tenemos aquí (excepto de la mitad para el final del disco, donde se baja un poco la velocidad). Esta banda española es para mí la propuesta más original del mes, como poco. Un sonido metalizado (p.e. “Sodomiced by the Professors”) con multitud de pasajes de variopintas atmósferas sin demasiado orden aunque sí criterio. Recuerdan a muchas cosas. Desde un riff parecido al “Reign in Blood” de Slayer en el primer corte que abre el disco, “Franky the Butcher”, a una voz con algunas líneas con cierto tufillo a Red Hot Chili Peppers (p.e. “Porkusdeathdos”) o grupos inclasificables como The Doors (la voz del principio de “Chiring Beach”, p.e.). Es un estilo extravagante, parecido al de Primus pero algo más metalizado, cañero y con atmósferas más trabajadas (que recuerdan por momentos a Sonic Youth incluso). Hay cabida para las voces extrañas, paranoia y total anomia musical. Cualquier track es un buen ejemplo de ello. Me recuerdan un poco al sonido de la nueva escuela de progressive/tech/avantgarde Metal que está teniendo una tirada especial en Nueva York en estos momentos, sobretodo a nivel de guitarras (p.e. “Return to the Necromundal”).<o:p></o:p>

No dispongo de su anterior trabajo así como de ninguna de sus maquetas pero este trío no parecen haber cambiado en demasía su estilo. En su site se describen como “(…)Enemigos acérrimos de la comercialidad, su música busca principalmente la originalidad, pero también es cruda y directa, influenciada por diferentes estilos musicales y grupos como Primus, Mr. Bungle, Fantomas, Ruins...
Terriblemente obsesionados por la gastronomía, Imperfectus es un grupo (enfermo, sin duda) de directo. En un concierto es donde se puede apreciar realmente lo que da sí el grupo, ya que además de las canciones, también se da cabida a la improvisación. (…)”.<o:p></o:p>

La producción es de nivel notable, llevada a cabo por el grupo mismo y las letras son acordes a la cordura del grupo. La técnica individual es también Buena sin llegar al virtuosismo. No recomendado para cerrados de mente. Recomendado para los locos como yo. Tenéis más información en [url][/url]<o:p></o:p>

Puntuación: 73 / 100

I love this kind of material... bands who want their releases to be reviewed contact me ;)
An excerpt from JimBobHickville: "Hypnotheticall -
Excellent tech band from Italy. They use clean, death, and black vox, if memory serves. I'm thinking about ordering their discs."

So, JB of Hickville did you ever purchase the Hypnotheticall Cd. I downloaded the tunes from your link and I like. Is it worth purchasing?
Hi can anyone let me know how I can get hold of the canvas solaris E.P. Really dig the download and really want to hear more.
spatch said:
Hi can anyone let me know how I can get hold of the canvas solaris E.P. Really dig the download and really want to hear more.

The link you downloaded the tune from, is their record label. It's on sale @ Tribunal Records for $4 U.S, I believe because Canvas is releasing a full length Cd this June. They have a PayPal acct set up so you can use a crdt card if you like. The EP kicks ass.