Recent content by spideyjg

  1. spideyjg

    Anette Parting with Nightwish

    Very sad to hear of this. I liked Annette and hope she will be OK. Jim
  2. spideyjg

    Do Most Iron Maiden Fans Understand the Songs?

    Maidens lyrics are above typical fare but many folks don't pay attention. If you do you are in for a treat. Rhime, Powerslave, Alexander, Aces, Quest, The Longest Day. I could go on and on. Longest Day is one where the mood of the music and the lyrical content go hand in hand. Jim
  3. spideyjg

    Brick By Brick gets PWNED by The Iron Maidens!!

    I was going to go down tonight. Thought the show was today. Working my day job and side business takes all my time and apparently most brain cells. Needed to get up at 5:00 AM to go to work today anyhow. Jim
  4. spideyjg

    Maidens in San Diego this Sat., 12/10, at Ruby Room!

    Damn that would have been fun. :Spin: Working 5 days a week for the man and 7 days a week on the side gig. So 12 days a week. :guh: I crashed about 10:30 on Saturday. :zzz: Jim
  5. spideyjg

    Maidens in San Diego this Sat., 12/10, at Ruby Room!

    Coulnd't go to due to having to work early Sunday. Jim
  6. spideyjg

    This Sat. (8/27) ALL-AGES Show at Lotus Hall in Canoga Park!

    Wow what a show that must have been. Can picture most of it except Mark on drums. :u-huh::grin: Jim
  7. spideyjg

    Maidens at Santa Ana Galaxy Theatre Sat, 7/9--All Ages Show

    Back in the Village was the new one. Jim
  8. spideyjg

    Vegan Black Metal Chef

    "Stir you fool! Lest the dark ones take the bottom of your dish." :lol::lol:
  9. spideyjg

    TIMs at Swap Meet Sat 4/16 - VERY SPECIAL!

    Too bad I'm on the road. :( Jim
  10. spideyjg


    Any word if Satoru is safe? Jim
  11. spideyjg

    Classroom kids singing "flight of Icarus"!!!

    It isn't. Flight as you said is lifted right from the myth and if the kids are studying that, it is a good tie in to the influence of the ancient myths a thousand years later. There is far more whacked stuff in mythology than Icarus. Jim
  12. spideyjg

    R.I.P. Gary Moore

    Gary Moore was far under appreciated as both a song writer and guitarist. Victims of the Future, Wild Frontier, and After the War are outstanding albums. He switched about 2000 to playing blues only and his CD Still got the Blues is stellar. At 58 he had lots of music left in him. :( Jim
  13. spideyjg

    Are You Ready!?? THE BIG 3!! Dec 4 The Iron Maidens, Damage Inc & Just Like Priest!

    Sadly work and other factors prevent me from going. :( Jim
  14. spideyjg

    Don't Forget to Vote Nov 2!

    Today is political ad freedom day.:Spin: Perhaps the one true bipartisan day that comes around every 2 years. Jim
  15. spideyjg

    Oh Linda........

    McRib locator Just sayin. :p Jim