Recent content by symphonicmind

  1. symphonicmind

    Strangely Bended neck :( Help my guitar! +_=

    I have an 2003 model Ibanez S470. I like ZR tremolo so much and want to discover its recipe function. I did't loose strings before explore the ZR. I just put out couple of springs of ZR and put them in after 5 minutes of looking inside ZR. I also use hex wrench to make action becomes higher...
  2. symphonicmind

    Diezel with a 5150 tonestack ;)

    Thanks, I'll give it a try! :heh:
  3. symphonicmind

    Diezel with a 5150 tonestack ;)

    awesome! I like Diezel VH4 amp so much! Could you post your setting on preamp channel here? I really want to try that preamp setting on my Diezel Model of my PODxt! :rock:
  4. symphonicmind

    ENTER SOUNDMAN Lyrics... woo hoo etc

    =)) AWESOME! :)) =)) :))
  5. symphonicmind

    Sneak Peek.. Slate Drums 2.5

    Awesome!!!! :notworthy
  6. symphonicmind

    Superior2 tryout (+podxt)

    thank you so much! ;) Plz do the full version of this short clip! ;) :rock:
  7. symphonicmind

    Superior2 tryout (+podxt)

    awesome riffs and playing!! Thanks for sharing presets. But is it an option in Drummagog which allows us to replace just 70% the kick? How did you do that?
  8. symphonicmind

    Big Collection of Gog samples

    awesome work, dude!!! 10/5 stars!!! :kickass: thank you so much!
  9. symphonicmind

    Dandelium - New tune, now with real BASS

    exactly the same with me! ;) @Dandelium: bass settings plzzz!:D Thank you very much! :kickass:
  10. symphonicmind

    New Gear: Sound Test

    sound's really good! Did you use VoxBoogex or Revalver to load Impulse Files?
  11. symphonicmind

    Dandelium - New tune, now with real BASS

    classical female vox style is absolutely great for your band! But i think you should give her a try and put some mp3s of your old projects with her voice here :d It would be other awesome stuffs ;)) Can't wait to see your Caparison Horus pic! i love that brand! :kickass:
  12. symphonicmind

    My new mix (Pod XT, Superioir 2)

    Guitars're huge! I like it so much! It seems to be Diamond plate model?
  13. symphonicmind

    Mendel's Voxengo Preset (+ Mp3)

    thank you, I'll try it. Cool sounding clip. :d
  14. symphonicmind

    Should we do another clipping death song?

    :heh: :kickass: :))
  15. symphonicmind

    "Clipping Death" on Youtube !

    awesome! :))