Recent content by Tater Tot

  1. Tater Tot

    VARG VIKERNES Says He Has Written Nine Songs For New BURZUM Album

    This ought to bew good. I can't wait to hear it. I'm very curious about how well he's maintained his vocals, writing and musical style. I mean, if Norwegian prison is anything like American prison, he couldn't have been abled to practice playing guitar, there's no way in hell he could practice...
  2. Tater Tot

    Black Metal.

    I listed 'em didn't I? Yes, yes I do.
  3. Tater Tot

    Death Metal

    Death Metal would have to be one of my favorite sub genre's of Metal. My all time favorite Death metal bands would have to be: Cannibal Corpse Cryptopsy Deicide Nile Atheist Kreator Death Six Feet Under (yea, I went there) Morbid Angel Suffocation And, uh... (dare I say it?) Arch Enemy.
  4. Tater Tot

    Black Metal.

    I like Black Metal, but mostly the old shit. Venom, Bathory, Mayhem, Burzum, Celtic Frost, Darkthrone, Emperor, Immortal, Enslaved, Gorgoroth, Hellhammer, Celtic Frost, Sodom, Mercyful Fate, Satyricon, Immortal, Dimmu Borgir, Old Man's Child, ... Just to name a few of my favorites.
  5. Tater Tot

    Mayhem Festival '09

    What's wrong with Cannibal Corpse? Fuckin' love those guys... Eh... You might have a point there. But fuck it, my first time out and I get to see 'em all in one night. If there's no good bands playing at any point in the event on one stage or the other there'll be other shit to get into.
  6. Tater Tot

    I heard from someone that this could be Ozzy's new guitarist.

    I was happy to see Zakk was playing for Ozzy again when Blac Rain came out, but I can see where Ozzy's going with the whole "we're starting to sound like BLS," comment. The riffs Zakk wrote on that album sound a lot like something you'd hear from BLS.
  7. Tater Tot

    Tater Tot

    Right, uh... My friends call me Tater Tot. Story behind that is one of my buddy's (who did not know me at the time) couldn't remember my name, only that it started with a T. He was drunk and blurted out 'Tater Tot'. Well later on somebody lost a baby toy and was asking around for it and...
  8. Tater Tot

    Albums currently kicking your ass

    Slayer- Hell Awaits
  9. Tater Tot

    Mayhem Festival '09

    Alright, I'm not sure how many of you have heard of or are attending this event, but me and a group of friends heard Slayer and Cannibal Corpse (my 2 favorite bands of all time!) are going to be performing there and got tickets right off the bat. I mean, come on! 2 Metal super powers in one...