Recent content by The.Jester.Race

  1. The.Jester.Race

    Dirge for November love?

    dfn owns
  2. The.Jester.Race

    Happy Birthday Niklas !!!

    happy birthday niklas:kickass:
  3. The.Jester.Race

    Happy Birthday Marduk!

    Happy birthday man:kickass:
  4. The.Jester.Race

    chat, feelings, and random discussion thread

    Cuthalion, do you play dota @wc3? ^^ Because Curse of the Silent is one of that spell breaker's spells and your avatar is the picture of his ulti :kickass:
  5. The.Jester.Race

    teh joke thread omg

    lol its real? O________________o no way
  6. The.Jester.Race

    all new "NP" thread -

    DT - Treason Wall
  7. The.Jester.Race

    DT vs Opeth.

    You don't like Akerfeldt's vocals? wtf o0? This dude makes most other vocalists' growls sound like a 12 years old linkin park fan who thinks he's cool, +his cleans are awsome too.
  8. The.Jester.Race

    DT vs Opeth.

    Yeah you really cant compare the two, since their styles are too different. I can't even say which vocalist I like better, but both of them are my 2 favorite vocalists for sure:kickass: .
  9. The.Jester.Race

    quiz. female or shemale?

    lol no way:zombie:
  10. The.Jester.Race

    Luckiest girl in the world!!

    lol nice pics:kickass:
  11. The.Jester.Race

    I need advice on growling.

    I heard you also need a thick neck, but I'm not sure it's true. And isn't the reason women cant compete with men in terms of growling because of the difference in the vocal cords build? o,o
  12. The.Jester.Race

    quiz. female or shemale?

    hrhr. NO:rolleyes:
  13. The.Jester.Race

    quiz. female or shemale?

    14/16 I even know one of the blonde's name, its Sophie Sweet :p So I had a free point
  14. The.Jester.Race


    1650 ;( there were just too many of them:erk: But omg this game is godly:notworthy edit: 3200 D: