chat, feelings, and random discussion thread

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Cuthalion, do you play dota @wc3? ^^
Because Curse of the Silent is one of that spell breaker's spells and your avatar is the picture of his ulti :kickass:
Nah, wisdom teeth can cause some trouble. Also, sometimes the mouth is too small for the 4 extra teeth so it's better to take them out
rahvin said:
i still have all of my wisdom teeth (three erupted, one sitting there biding its time), but the price seems comparable to what any surgical operation performed by a dentist would cost in italy. the prices are notoriously high, here, though, so i guess your point still makes sense.

My point was that it was an operation, not just pulling, so I sort of understand that. Here it would probably cost around 15 EUR, but Im not sure, so lets say 20. One of my wisdom fuckers is already out, and the three are erupted. And as Tal there said, these teeth are dangerous KC, they get carious very quickly, and sometimes (like with the one I have had pulled) cause jaw inflammations, so you must take antibiotics and it hurts like hell.
hm, i smashed my chin on the sidewalk lately (don't drink & cycle) and paid about 150€ for the initial treatment (three stitches). a matter of 10 minutes.
also lost all of my wisdom teeth already, but i can't remember what i paid back then.
Back in the day I was eating a Payday candy bar(they are covered in peanuts) felt this pain, a tooth on the lower back side broke/cracked. Went to my dentist thinking he could replace it with a crown. For some dental reason this was not possible? Only thing that could be done was to remove what was left of the tooth and make this permanent bridge(?). He had to do the crown thing with the teeth on either side of the removed tooth. It took a while to repair went 5 times as I remember, total cost $1250.
@marduk: it was sort of erupted but not fully, that's why the dentist refused to pull it out. i did get the other 3 removed by operation 2 years ago (they were not erupted but were growing in the wrong direction), and my orthodontist had told me to wait for this one to erupt, but i guess it never did. i wish i had taken care of this one back then as well. :/

@KC: apart from caries, wisdom teeth can cause problems because they often don't grow straight, so they push other teeth in a bad way. i pulled 'em all out cause i've already paid a small fortune to have the rest of my teeth straightened (not that there was much of a problem to begin with), so i wouldn't want to see that money wasted.
The.Jester.Race said:
Cuthalion, do you play dota @wc3? ^^
Because Curse of the Silent is one of that spell breaker's spells and your avatar is the picture of his ulti :kickass:

of course i play Dota, i am addicted to it, i especially like the Silencer (or Spell Breaker as you call him) Do you play DotA? I guess you do:)
@Malaclypse, LaRocque: Jeez, people, thats a fucking lot! Do you have any sort of health insurance or not? Or the insurance doesnt cover these treatments? Im sorry, I dont understand how it can be so expensive.

@Siren: well, then the dentist isnt worth much, because the one I had had pulled was also erupted only partially. My dentist moved the gum a bit to the sides with some instrument, and he said the tooth wouldnt erupt more and that it wont be a problem to pull it out. I didnt pay anything, but thats only because the doctors and pharmacists are good friends here (as Im sure they are everywhere). But I feel bad about it, so Im gonna bring him a bottle of Metaxa. :)

@rahv: you lucky bastard! :p I do all I can to keep my teeth clean and healthy, but they just keep on giving me hell.
marduk1507 said:
@Siren: well, then the dentist isnt worth much, because the one I had had pulled was also erupted only partially. My dentist moved the gum a bit to the sides with some instrument, and he said the tooth wouldnt erupt more and that it wont be a problem to pull it out. I didnt pay anything, but thats only because the doctors and pharmacists are good friends here (as Im sure they are everywhere). But I feel bad about it, so Im gonna bring him a bottle of Metaxa. :)

had 2 already erupted wisdom teeth pulled out, and the 2 others werent erupted so I had an operation. But my mom paid, so I dont know how much she paid...

Tritonus said:
Saw DT yesterday.... Want me to put up a thread with photos?

yeah, sure. Or post them in the pic thread.
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