chat, feelings, and random discussion thread

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marduk1507 said:
Try studying and apply for a scholarship. If youre good, youll get one, and you can always travel when the exams are over, with the money you saved while working during the studies. Nice, eh? :loco:

Seems so easy ehehehe! But I guess it is more than that (in my feelings). I can't keep enough money while I study to travel then. I must work in summer to keep more money if I want to go to school in september... so I can't travel you know ? School kinda stops me, and it feels really bad. And traveling isn't the school of life ? :)
Anyway thanks for that advice, I'll check it out, what opportunities I can have at my school...
Tritonus said:
Well I'm just walking a couple of weeks on the unniversity, on the oral pathology-department. I'm kinda a scanner. I work on transperancies of like people with mouthcancer and other disgusting mouthdiseases. So I scan the pictures, work with them in the computer and sort them in some kind of system. Pretty nice as a summer-job. I get to see some nasty pictures... It's really interesting..

Tali: Well, yes. I work with pictures of dicks too.
I can't imagine, for the life of me, what pictures of dicks have to do with oral pathology.. :err:

As for me, my day has been pretty heavy emotionally. Quite full of surprises too. And no, not of the kind of pictures of dicks nor of that of oral pathology. ;)
@Marduk The Horrible: i don't know what well is anymore. at this point well is what doesn't disturb my personal inner peace and the nirvana i'm trying to reach. the road to nirvana has been terribly disturbed by shock today (bumping on someone i really didn't expect to, cause he was, like, supposed to be in a totally different country). but i'll get back to normal fast, this falls under the "the sooner the better" mentality i sport about unpleasant issues as of late.

And don't talk about rotten dicks, seeing this sight once is enough for life. :p
I am feeling happy now, in about 20 minutes I'll be out of the office, enjoying the heat and the sun, and a pad thai and beer and friends... what a beautiful life :D
Siren said:
@Marduk The Horrible: i don't know what well is anymore. at this point well is what doesn't disturb my personal inner peace and the nirvana i'm trying to reach. the road to nirvana has been terribly disturbed by shock today (bumping on someone i really didn't expect to, cause he was, like, supposed to be in a totally different country). but i'll get back to normal fast, this falls under the "the sooner the better" mentality i sport about unpleasant issues as of late.

And don't talk about rotten dicks, seeing this sight once is enough for life. :p

Well, your new sig is rather informative, so I will leave it at that.
I read about that, too. A journalist said it would be a clever move, since then, no one could copy her idea and write sequels, since he's already dead. It makes sense so I think it's true
Why wouldn't they..?.. It would be a crappy ending if Harry lives. And everything about hagrid builds on that he will die and everybody will cry...
Taliesin said:
I read about that, too. A journalist said it would be a clever move, since then, no one could copy her idea and write sequels, since he's already dead. It makes sense so I think it's true

They can still write sequels by zombifying the dead Harry. Zombies is always the killer move.:lol:
A zombie sorcerer would be a first though ;)

I just realized the parallels between UM and Sartres' "Huis Clos", where people are together in a room and mainly just talk about their lives. They think the door is locked when actually, it isnt. Even though they could leave, they dont, either because they're afraid, dont have anywhere to go or are just too used to people and their social-Hell, so they stay and annoy Hell out of each other.

It's kinda scary when you think about it.. so it's now official:

UM is Hell
Im going on vacation on Monday, but it seems that Ill work till midnight on Sunday. Its killing me, but the good side of it is that we have a lot of projects and new partners.
marduk1507 said:
Im going on vacation on Monday, but it seems that Ill work till midnight on Sunday. Its killing me, but the good side of it is that we have a lot of projects and new partners.

I wish you good vacations! Do you plan to go somewhere special or just staying at home and relaxing ?
Gotta love having 2 technical problems at the same time that make you 4 hours
late from work. We had a blackout (yet again, wtf is it with this summer) and my
cell phone decided that the SIM card needs to be inactive at the same time.

So, I sleep happily until 12 cos my alarm doesn't go off and my boss can't call
me due to my inactive SIM. Wee. Well, at least I'm not tired at work for once.
Happened to me yesterday, but instead of a blackout, I setted up my alarm to 5:15 pm instead of am... at 5:16 I woke up and I was wondering why it didn't buzzzz....... Hopefully I woke up hahaha!
Summer is really fucked up here too... it gets worse every year !
marduk1507 said:
Well, your new sig is rather informative, so I will leave it at that.
Oh well, i love the female bitching! ;)

Have a good vacation, where will you be going? :)
Of late, I'm appalled at the shape this forum is taking. I never thought we would be the kind of people - or fans of the kind of band - to attract many spammers of pre-teen quality, all aboard with their seemingly endless supply of typed laughter, emoticons, broken english and cheap sexual jokes. Even though I'm not reminiscing nostalgical about some hazy golden age, I have to say I let myself doze off in the false conviction that the Villains, hyenas, Sirens, King Chaoses, Taliesins, VultureCultures, TheFourthHorsemen of this world would always outnumber (or overpower) Opeth forum-level chit-chat. Even many of those whose posts I used to think of as a woe to human kind are now topping my list of "users I would like to see in bold when I hit refresh", because at least they knew/know when and how to stop.

Is it the band that has changed? Is it the intended target? Is it the Internet that is steadily turning from haven of the geek to two-bit arena for the new barbarians?

It used to be like this: a few of the new users were just stopping by on their way to FillMyHole dot com, and were gone before you could say the sun fired blanks. Others meant to stir up some trouble and were either accepted, used as a preposterous provocation to stimulate discussion, or banned when they plunged into midget-porn arguments. The majority remained, enticed by either what they could see in Dark Tranquillity as a band - do you even remember all the clever lyrics and though-provoking atmospheres and imaginative artwork? - or by what they could see in the community, an often welcoming bunch of Terry Pratchett-reading, heavy metal-loving, sassy young men and women. Now the old regulars leave their occasional mark while moving on to better things - as is good and right - but no new generation of enthusiasts has taken their place. No: it's a "kekeke ^_^" disaster waiting to happen around every corner, a banquet of bastardized, banalized, cheapened affection for Mikael's schlong or Niklas' new hairstyle.

I contend that Dark Tranquillity haven't changed (much). They write compelling music, interesting lyrics, and package their merchandise in what is not an unoriginal, trendy fashion. They're still trying - unconsciously, I suppose, but they weren't being elitist in 1995 either - to appeal to finer senses and acute minds.

The potential fans could still look for (and find) something different than a metal band or some generic wish-wash of emotional inspiration to paint their toenails black. They could still decide to check this place out and talk about something, anything other than band members masturbating furiously or their unquenchable thirst for some other user's attention. They could still help me find the strength to stop this, because as of now I can't even make myself close all the threads promptly derailed by the troops of mindless banter, or remove all the vulgar, incomprehensible, utterly useless one-liners that prevent me to even understand what it is - for instance - that Nt3N ended up asking the band last saturday. I can't muster the will to do it because shutting up the annoyance won't make interesting new posts magically appear overnight. Maybe at some point they'll tire themselves out. But when did you ever see intelligence and meaning prevail in life?

Now I am feeling concerned about the thing you said because I made a comment on Niklas pony tail but eh... I reacted to the pictures. So what? I dont care about any hairstyle of any users...
I am new since last february and reading this don't make me want to come back anymore as I don't feel welcome. I don't feel like I am being part of this Opeth-ish thing you're talking about. I met and talked with amazing people by joining this community...
I totally understand your point but at the same time, I don't because I wasn't there when it was the best time apparently.
I feel sad now!
@Kathleen23: I would have named the names if I had meant to single somebody out. I'm not welcoming or un-welcoming anyone, personally. The above is one person's opinion, and if you're content with the way you post you should not care about the above and continue on your way. I interfere when a rule is broken: if I'm not interfering it's because no rule was broken. Still - aside from this very personal contest of stating the obvious I just won there - I have an opinion and every so rarely make it public. I'm sorry you had to be around during such a rare event.

Edit: Oh, and I swear I never noticed your comment about Niklas' ponytail, I was taking a guess. Is it in bad taste to point out how this sort of proves my point, now? ;)
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