chat, feelings, and random discussion thread

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Siren said:
On a side-note, i'm stunned by the realisation that rahvin has started using capital letters.

Ah, yes, finally! The one terrible crime that always bothered me the most on this forum is now finally corrected - Rahvin uses upper case! ;)

For years I pondered how I should approach this subject - if I had just asked him to change his way of writing, there might have been a negative effect ("how dare he criticize my writing, from now on I will not only write everything lower case, i will also use a horrible pink font in all my posts.") So, I kept silent and sent Rahvin telepathic messages every night ("...Remember the capital letters... ...All the girls like upper case... ...Moths will come and eat you alive if you don't start your sentences with capital letters...") - it seems I finally succeeded. :heh:

-Villain (the Secret Upper Case -Nazi)

EDIT: Goddamn it was difficult to get the font colors right. I suppose I should never try to use them again.
@Villain: :lol:
My... user name... is still... correct... in lower case...

And with a final moan of agony, I succumb. (But will keep in mind the pink font thing for the next time this forum catches the gay).
I'm gonna add my monthly two cents to the state of the forum.

nf: It's getting worser and worser *sighs*. It's a shame. Yet I think there's no(ok maybe not 'no' but)/very little example around here anymore. When I joined, I joined into strings of intelligent discourses. Granted my additions weren't all that intelligent. But my point is, if people join now-a-days, they're joining into a string of phatic grunts and >_<. The newer users aren't all idiots... they're just cast into a race to progressivley unlearn structured language and the ability to type words that contain 'thought'. I love DT... and I love being a part of their board. I'm perfectly willing to start resetting an example if other users who want this place to be good again can make the effort.

NF: I am listening to Krisiun and I really want to play my guitar... but it's got broken strings from when I previously listened to krisiun and picked up my guitar. DAMN YOU KRISIUN! I've been partaking in 'social' activities all week, and today I have the option to partake again. I'm crossed as to whether I partake, or have a quiet night to myself. If I spend too much time with people, I think I lose my identity or at least bury it under what I think my present company wants to see from me. In conclusion, my true identity is socially unacceptable. :lol:...
I forgot never to reply to rahvin, the amount of pseudo-intelligent dribble that
ensues will drown out anything you said in the first place.
See, I can use big words too.
Salamurhaaja said:
I forgot never to reply to rahvin, the amount of pseudo-intelligent dribble that
ensues will drown out anything you said in the first place.
See, I can use big words too.

As proven many times before, you have far more stamina than many others when it comes to personal attacks and name calling, regardless of the subject. So let's stop it right here.
Regarding the forum: of course it's worse than it used to be, but i have to say that i appreciate the positive change of Rumpy and 6strings.

Regarding me: i'm fucking miserable, but as a tr00 metaller i'm trying to enjoy it.

Oh fuck it, who am i kidding?
funny that the topic comes up right now - i didn't see any decline or degeneration of the forum for the past months (if not years). actually for me it's been in the same, rather low state of interestingness for quite a while, enough to keep me checking it on a regular basis, but not enough to want to participate. so where did i miss the trigger that caused the discussion?

i say we need more trolls due to lack of provoking things to ramble about. trolls unite the major part of a forum, trolls create discussions, trolls make you have an enemy you can go against. so why not have a few? i could look for some in the billy milano forum.
Siren said:
Regarding me: i'm fucking miserable, but as a tr00 metaller i'm trying to enjoy it.

Oh fuck it, who am i kidding?
What's up? Wanna talk about it *offers a light*?

I get the same thing. When Im miserable. I feel more kvlt... And as I a result I feel more tr00. Then I write some necro riffs... but always manage to spoil it all by blogging my feelings.
VultureCulture said:
don't blog. they will use it against you once you're famous.
I never thought of that. I'd go along the line of "but I have nothing to hide!"... however... that's a lie.

Inspite of this, assuming you'll one day be famous is pretty poor excuse not to blog ;). A better reason is it's an ego maniacle confession that you think people actually give two shits about what you have to say.

oh and I agree, Not enough trolls. But please, no Billy Millano regulars. Their American History X inspired powers of persuasion intimidate my logic by influenceing my weak and suggestable nature.
King Chaos said:
What's up? Wanna talk about it *offers a light*?
thanks, but the whole issue makes me want to puke. it can all be summarised by my signature and that i've met too many shitty men as of late.

but i appreciate the offer, i really do. :)
Siren said:
thanks, but the whole issue makes me want to puke. it can all be summarised by my signature and that i've met too many shitty men as of late.

Well then, why don't you start grooming them when they're three or four.... nevermind.

Was... was that my boss calling me? Sure sounded like him! Bye!
VultureCulture said:
i say we need more trolls due to lack of provoking things to ramble about. trolls unite the major part of a forum, trolls create discussions, trolls make you have an enemy you can go against. so why not have a few? i could look for some in the billy milano forum.
:lol: and then organise a contest for the biggest troll, and the winner get this:
Teh golden Troll
i can already see some trolls here...
Siren said:
thanks, but the whole issue makes me want to puke. it can all be summarised by my signature and that i've met too many shitty men as of late.

but i appreciate the offer, i really do. :)

You don't have to like them, or talk to them, or make eye contact with them. Unless you have something more important at stake, then you'd just have to bare with it till it ends.

Shitty men are not worth your puking. :)
@ marduk, please do not PM any longer, I did not read your message, just deleted it, like I will if you continue to send them my way. I have to put up with your know it all nonsense on the forum but not in a PM. If you have anything you must bring to my attention, just post it on the forum.
Thank you,
King Chaos said:
I get the same thing. When Im miserable. I feel more kvlt... And as I a result I feel more tr00. Then I write some necro riffs... but always manage to spoil it all by blogging my feelings.

No, you write some FROZEN NEKKRO riffs. :D
La Rocque said:
@ marduk, please do not PM any longer, I did not read your message, just deleted it, like I will if you continue to send them my way. I have to put up with your know it all nonsense on the forum but not in a PM. If you have anything you must bring to my attention, just post it on the forum.
Thank you,

Hohoho, how miserable you must be, really. I sent you only ONE pm, and youve obviously read it. At least I know the answer now. You behave like a spoiled kid, you know. You wanted to spoil a little voting game, but daddy told you to piss off, eh? So from then on daddy is a know-it-all? Come on! Want some candy?
i'm gone for a few days, and look where it got the forum. :p

no, seriously, i have a comment on what rahvin said/the others replied.

i post on different types of forums, and whenever the one-liners/chit-chat etc. topic comes up i think of that's a large harry potter forum with thousands of users and a very strict moderation policy, probably needed exactly on account of the forum's huge popularity. not only do the moderators crack down hard on netspeak, lack of proper spelling and capitalization, and off-topicness; they also prohibit thread bumping, and they close threads that report information that's already been posted. this is sometimes pretty annoying, because it ends in a public scolding of sorts and there is also a system that keeps track of the reprimands, so that when users infringe the term of use for a certain number of times they get banned. on the other hand, it's probably the only way to keep a community of that size going without degenerating in a huge black mass (!) of chaos.

i also frequent a forum that has to do with the activities of the italian police, whose moderators are all cops, and it gives me yet another example of a possible moderation strategy. it's way smaller at around 200 users, and one-liners are tolerated, eventhough they're mostly kept to one specific thread. on the other hand, for obvious reasons there are strict rules against turning the forum into a posterboard for any political position: so threads that get political, which often happens, are regularly closed. as a rule, users are not banned even if they insist on wanting to sponsor a political side, but they are if they start flames more than once or if they insult other users in any way. also, the topic/post consistency is checked thoroughly and non-consistent posts are moved to the appropriate thread or section.

now, these two models are completely different, but they have something in common: they require the mods to set a very precise goal for themselves, and to work really hard at achieving it. they also result in 'clean' forums (for example, you will find no swearing on either of those forums, and notably no fights between users). but i don't think that this is necessarily the best model.

for a forum such as this one, which does not have twenty thousand users nor is meant to represent an institution, i really don't see the need for heavy moderation: there is a clear upside to all the chit-chat, ie i think we get to develop closer relationships with fellow users than it would be with one of the other models. in the forums i really don&#180;t know anything about my fellow forumers, because the discussion is very much on topic and even if you send pm's to people they generally are not that prone to reaching out. in the cops' forum, on the other hand, on average i know people better than i do on here, but that's because we're all from the same country and have had multiple occasions of meeting in real life; still, the human touch came into play the moment we exchanged mobile numbers and phoned/met each other, not on the forum. i still think that it's good to have a mode of interaction on an online board that allows people to know each other slightly better in a personal sense, and that's one of the reasons i like it here.

i don't even think the topics have been degenerating all that much: for example, bar the usual small spats, i think that the politics thread is a 'deep' one compared to most of the stuff you get in um. i agree that the chatting should be confined to this one thread, but i don't think it's reached unbearable levels.
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