chat, feelings, and random discussion thread

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rahvin said:
@Kathleen23: I would have named the names if I had meant to single somebody out. I'm not welcoming or un-welcoming anyone, personally. The above is one person's opinion, and if you're content with the way you post you should not care about the above and continue on your way. I interfere when a rule is broken: if I'm not interfering it's because no rule was broken. Still - aside from this very personal contest of stating the obvious I just won there - I have an opinion and every so rarely make it public. I'm sorry you had to be around during such a rare event.

It's me to be sorry to have reacted so fast about your personal opinion.
I didn't mean to be mean. I totally respect your opinion, as well as all the others opinions. I cared because you stated a comment I just did earlier today. I think this forum is great, I don't know how it was before, but I think it is rare that everybody can post what they think and feeling and not being judge, everybody's opinion is valuable. I guess that little gossips and haircut thing should not be taken seriously... It's always happening on different forums I guess: some posts are more serious than the others. And it is normal...
You talked about poor english. I don't know if you are talking about mistakes or just the language level... but I wanted to say that I don't see anybody reply to my posts to correct the mistakes that I do when I write in english, I am sure that I am doing a lot of mistakes. I really would like people to tell me when I don't write things the right way..., seriously. I am spending a lot of time and energy (not only on that forum of course) on trying to be better in english, and one day to be able to say that I am bilingual.

Well rahvin... sorry again for interfering in your statement !
Rock on! :headbang:

Edit: haha just saw your "edit"... but I don't really understand your question... ?
@Kathleen23: There's nothing wrong with your English, and I don't care much about mistakes or typos. I'm sorry, I know I make many confused and/or self-conscious whenever I mention this grammar-nazi thing of mine. Please believe I'm only irritated by messages I have to read five times to understand what they're about. And even then, there's still a chance I'm slightly retarded and the text I'm approaching is just too complicated. Your posts are exempt from this kind of criticism, I promise.

My only suggestion is to try and post the not-so-serious things in this thread when it seems that some chatter is derailing the one you were originally using. I mean, I post plenty of stupid shit myself, but small doses of one off-topic random joke per page are preferrable.

Kathleen23 said:
Edit: haha just saw your "edit"... but I don't really understand your question... ?

Well, it's like my shot in the dark about a pointless random comment inadvertently hit the spot, but it seemed mean to point it out after I told you not to worry. Then again, I'm sure no one is immune from a search for their username + hair + a band member's name. :)
I read many forums on UM and other music ones but the DT forum is the worst for off topic chatting within threads, I can almost pinpoint the time when it started big time here. I still feel I'm sort of new around here but in the good old days forum members would at least say something like I don't mean to high jack the tread or I know this is off topic, not anymore just chat and chat about nonsense, who cares what the topic is.
BTW I know I'm very bad with the English, yes I'm from the USofA but I'm very mildly(?) affected with dyslexia, don't mean shit that's just way things are -
Im positively surprised that after our latest discussions, you count me among the good guys ;)
I dont care much about chitchat, because (unlike rahvin) I can always skip the annoying threads and Ive come to accept it as an unavoidable evil.
What's bothered me in discussions lately is the tendency towards not reading posts and replying anyway and the increasing hostility. A great example is the swedish thread. Even though my reply may have been quite weird and only remotely connected to the thread, some of the replies were just fucked up.
It might be the late hour, it might be my ever-growing awareness of my dark past but I feel I have to say my word on this. I must admit, my first months here have been highly marked by one-liners, pointlessness and stupidity, all made by my young and oh so foolish mind. However, one day, and I couldn't say when or why, I changed. I figure I simply got bored of speaking hollow words and never sharing any opinion or having any serious discussions. Now that I'm not spamming anymore and thus trying to find an opening towards something more mature, I realise that this kind of post is hard to find here on the DT board...However, though I strongly hope the forum gains in intellectual matters, I fear this is an age that already came to pass...Hopefully life is really a cycle and we will one day see the rebirth of such a (apparently) glorious time.

It feels strange though to see that the DT forum has reached such a low...I mean from all the fans of Dark Tranquillity I know personnally, only a few are low-grade "sweet dude, check out that riff, you can headbang like shit on that dude it's fuckin' mean, rock on!!!Lyrics? wtf?" The rest and majority of the fans are people that are longing for something more, for meaning for intelligence, for creativity, for uniqueness. In short, a mature music that has more to share and express than raw energy.
Taliesin said:
What's bothered me in discussions lately is (...) the increasing hostility. A great example is the swedish thread. Even though my reply may have been quite weird and only remotely connected to the thread, some of the replies were just fucked up.

sorry, but if you read your first post again, with saying that there is "nothing special about these countries" and that "the smaller the village, the more stupid the people", it´s not that surprising that some readers would respond to your (though mild, but still) hostility of the daily rant.

and to not continue this in the travel-thread and get even more off-topic, since there is net and whatnot, the difference between cities and countryside is less noticeable in Germany. Besides, many people who want to be really_sophisticated, they live in upscale suburbs (far) outside of the city, because it´s much nicer, often with less crime and definitely with less pollution. People don´t have to live in a city-environment anymore for cultural events, education, shopping or information, they can just aswell travel for selected purposes and then return to the nice house and garden.
I said that in the context of people idealising Scandinavia. Of course every country is special in its own way. I was trying to point out the stupidity of the idealisation, that was all. Im sorry that part got misunderstood. I said several times I was only describing my own, very german experience, assuming they were applicable to Sweden as well
Probably, but you may not have noticed that elsewhere, some folks are more proud of their homecountry than most Germans, so you´d hit their nerve, too ;)
Also I think opacity was right with her hint that at the Nordic countryside, the people are not simply close-minded, but just extremely reserved.
Well, since they were selling themselves as such a civilised, well-educated and open-minded folk, I thought I could have a go o_O
Im happy it's setteld now though :)
fireangel said:
People don´t have to live in a city-environment anymore for cultural events, education, shopping or information, they can just aswell travel for selected purposes and then return to the nice house and garden.

I totally agree with that. But I grew up in a really small village (450 inhabitants). The nearest towns (in a round of 20km) only had max 10 000 inhabitants. There was not much organised there. If I wanted to go to a big town (450 000 in.) where more interesting stuff were organised, I had to travel nearly 50km.
As an adult with a car that is not a problem, but for young people without a car, that is. Because we had one bus only twice a day (and a crappy line), and on school schedules, and no train.
I think when you are a tenager, it is better in a city than in villages.

For the stupidity:
So sometimes some people living in villages havent seen much things around, because they didnt have parents that agreed to drive them around. Those people can be stupid sometimes.

There were some people like that in my village. it might also be that in villages you get to know the people that lives there so you know if they are conservative or so... Usually you know more the people in a village, so you can better tell how they are than in a big city. :lol:
On a side-note, i'm stunned by the realisation that rahvin has started using capital letters. Long-gone are the times that he would use them only as a birthday gift (to me :D). I demand to know what caused such a change!
@Taliesin: I count you among the people who don't spam or reply needlessly to each and every post vaguely mentioning their names or anal sex, yes. The discussion you're referring to is proof that we're posting enough words tied together to at least create a discussion. ;) Clearly my agreeing or disagreeing with your point of view does not a spammer make.
As for aggressive tendencies, bear in mind that was mostly Erik, who sits naked in front of the computer, jacking off over the number of times he managed to fit fuck/ing in a message, screaming to the silent heavens "RISE, TESTOSTERONE, RISE!" He does have good taste in music, though.

@Siren: I mentioned it somewhere else when I started this uncouth practice, but without any explanation. At first I wanted to go big, start a poll: "Should I use proper capital letters from now on?". But then the sheer weight of my self-importance would have crushed me and the rest of Italy in the blink of an eye. So I decided to whistle innocently and shift gear all by myself. The reason is purely psychological: I'm often browsing - and at times posting on - another board with stricter rules, and I'm often communicating with people abroad in a rather formal way. It started to make me uncomfortable that (a) I would have to remind myself to switch between using/avoiding upper case letters according to where and what I was saying; (b) my going all small could, hypothetically, be regarded as something similar to having bad punctuation. In the end it all started to look a little childish in nature. I still believe it looks neater when no big letters stand out, but it's a quirk and I had to conform.
I'll type in all caps for your birthday. :p
I say, this guy has to be one of the smartest Bloggers ever.

The idea is simple: you are to spend your free time out in public at 'trendy' areas. These include restaurants, coffee shops, and so on. You must spend your time "socializing", i.e. talking about nothing. With this, you will be considered "normal". If you read too much, spend too much time on the computer, then you will be considered a 'nerd' (OH NO, THEY MIGHT CALL YOU A NERD! YOU BETTER STOP WHAT YOU'RE DOING RIGHT NOW OR THEY MIGHT LABEL YOU! RUN! FLEE!)

Read the whole thing!
Airheads can exist as much in men as in women. Even though men do not have their bodies to show and dress up, uncultured men just sit around telling tasteless sexual jokes, talking pointlessly over sports, the new sandwich at Subway's, more talks about boobs, and other uninteresting subjects. (I like sex too, but I don't let it occupy the largest section of my conversation subjects) Not a single fabric of real social conscience and well-founded logical thought is found within their overly empty skulls. The closest they have to philosophy is probably "I don't give a fuck." They aren't any more cultured than those women who think of nothing other than shopping for new clothes.

I bet the guy who wrote that blog has experience with people less than Nietzsche had with women. The latters' opinion was founded solely on his mother and sister. There are really cultured people out there, men as well as women.
One thing I hate doing is wasting time

Considering the rest of his long mysoginistic rant, I reach the conclusion he must be lying about this.
Also, from now on whenever I sit in front of my computer playing Heroes of Might and Magic V I won't be spending my time in an unproductive boyish hobby anymore, no: I'll be internalizing. That's one of the many things Shakespeare taught us, you know? Back in those Renaissance days when social life depended so heavily on the Internet? Too bad he was a little less explicit on the correct spelling of "argument".

Submitted to Something Awful as Awful Link of the Day.
6 Stringed Fingers said:
Airheads can exist as much in men as in women. Even though men do not have their bodies to show and dress up, uncultured men just sit around telling tasteless sexual jokes, talking pointlessly over sports, the new sandwich at Subway's, more talks about boobs, and other uninteresting subjects. (...)

Yes, they can be found amongst guys, too, and there are a lot of these overly styled, overly tanned and "have to be at the latest techno-club"-guys, too (so not only the variety you described). There are also a lot of guys who spend enormous money on clothes, I don´t mean on some good suits for work, but on clothes of all those Hip-Hop-labels, so they can go to school or uni with a 600 - Euro-outfit. And their obsession might not be buying make-up, but "pimping" :ill: their car, and buying a new mobile with the newest applications every six months etc. They are no more interested in serious topics either.
@rahvin: thanks for the explanation. i will surely miss the lower case letters. in your posts, cause they're abundant in mine. not that you won't be using them anymore, but you know what i mean. :p still, i can't comprehend why "I" has to be in capital, i see it as a sign of egocentrism. :p
rahvin said:
Considering the rest of his long mysoginistic rant, I reach the conclusion he must be lying about this.

How so?
Cos he happens to write a blog?
If someone reads that, it's not a waste of time, is it? And you read it and
it made you think (maybe not in the way he was hoping, but still), thus he
didn't waste his time. Or maybe you think it's a waste of time to think of
these things or anything at all for that matter?

rahvin said:
Also, from now on whenever I sit in front of my computer playing Heroes of Might and Magic V I won't be spending my time in an unproductive boyish hobby anymore, no: I'll be internalizing. That's one of the many things Shakespeare taught us, you know? Back in those Renaissance days when social life depended so heavily on the Internet? Too bad he was a little less explicit on the correct spelling of "argument".

I think I read the same thing as you. To me he said "If you read too much,
spend too much time on the computer, then you will be considered a 'nerd'"
which, apparently, to you meant playing M&M V, when there is many other
things you can do on a computer, or didn't you know that?
And of course it would be just like you to criticize someones one typo.
Does that make you feel smart now?

Submitted to Something Awful as Awful Link of the Day.

I'm kinda starting to remember why I don't post much here. Nazi.
Salamurhaaja said:
How so?
Cos he happens to write a Blog?
If someone reads that, it's not a waste of time, is it? And you read it and
it made you think (maybe not in the way he was hoping, but still), thus he
didn't waste his time. Or maybe you think it's a waste of time to think of
these things or anything at all for that matter?

Yes, I sure believe thinking is a pointless activity at best. :rolleyes: Now, if we're done with the exaggerations, on to the matter at hand.

It's a waste of time to write an entry as gratuitously prejudiced as his. He seems to think he's proving something, while in fact it takes something away from the rather valid point that being labeled a nerd or a geek is not the end of the world (but on that, later). It makes him come across as an acne-ridden tubular ten-year-old of a sexist geek, and since geek is the least offensive word in the list, it's a detriment to all those nerds who are not the rest of the above. I wasted less time reading that than he must have wasted writing it, but still I wasted some. And no, I don't believe that putting some effort into thinking about something is enough to say you didn't waste your time: the result is important. With such a poor outcome, his time might as well have been thrown out of the window along with his Cambridge Companion to Shakespeare. At least, that's how I feel.

To me he said "If you read too much,
spend too much time on the computer, then you will be considered a 'nerd'"
which, apparently, to you meant playing M&M V

I'm glad if he said that to you in private conversation. His entry read like a full-on attack against women, who are for the most part - may I remind you - matter over mind, uncultured, and preoccupied with physical interactions that should in fact be regarded as inferior to the activities of the mind.
Also, you're surprisingly slow to catch my references to videogames (last year's fad, perhaps?): I was agreeing on me being, and being considered, a nerd just because I play a game once or twice a year. I just find it hilarious that to try and escape from this labelization I pretend not to care about, I have to convince myself my harmless hobby is a manifestation of superior intellect and wit.

and of course it would be
just like you to criticize someones one typo.
Does that make you feel smart now?

Not really, no. I replied to this topic one time too much to feel smart about it. The thing is, when you're writing a blog entry criticizing other people's lack of culture with high and mighty quotes from The Bard, then you should avoid the one typo. Otherwise it kind of blows up in your face.

I'm kinda starting to remember why I don't post much here.

I'm starting to remember why you don't post much here as well.
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