on the "use of language" diatribe:
about the only things that can actually make it harder for people to understand someone's posts, in my view, are an inappropriate choice of words and/or really terrible grammar. formal vs. informal is really not a problem, and slightly awkward turns of phrase aren't either. even when one of the above are there, at times it comes natural to tolerate the mistakes and re-read the more obscure passages if need be.
and of course i'm not saying that someone with a good command of the english language is automatically a better poster, or more likely to be loved by the readers: for instance, while i suppose i can be considered fairly fluent in writing, i imagine some would rather apply another label to my style. like, i don't know, "stuck-up prick" or "here comes the diarrhea".
i don't have a hard time understanding rincewind's posts, as such, but since her choice of words is limited, i imagine a lot of nuances and suggestions that she might be trying to convey are just lost in translation. however, her attitude has never been one of arrogance in regards to either her fluency or her persona as a whole, which is good enough for me: i don't want to come off as
too much of a grammar nazi. while i do believe that correct, precise writing makes for better communication, i'm only inclined to be a total asshole when someone is behaving all high and mighty... from a horse that turns out to be not so tall after all. i don't remember mocking or otherwise pointing out rincewind's use of language unnecessarily - and, to be perfectly honest, neither did hyena.
i like vizjaqtaar attitude and desire to be told when he's mistreating the english language, and i'm surprised by kc's unnecessary half-apology concerning his own, always completely readable and well-penned messages. i was expressing no specific disapproval in this discussion, mainly because if i were to do such a thing i'd have to name the 2 remaining not-so-comprehensible posters, and i don't want to get personal about this.
so, carry on. there are no inadequacies to correct here.
UndoControl said:
Including our (rather extensive and numerous) ICQ conversations (and, of course, including all of UM), i have come across maybe two unreadable sentences by Rincewind, which is much more than can be said for many more than three UM members.
i'll have dr. house answer to that:
"fine, have it your way. but if you're wrong and the patient dies,
your face will be sooo red"
also, she can answer to this herself, especially since you made such a fuss about not being her knight in shining armor.