chat, feelings, and random discussion thread

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nf: flabbergasted. our dear moderator rahvin relocated almost overnight to iceland without telling anyone - i'm finding out right about now through a mutual friend who used to post on this forum ages ago. rahvin made no mention of his plans when we last met (mid-june), but off to Reykjavic he went about one week afterwards and bye-bye Italy/friends/job. i have no idea about what prompted his move or whatever he's doing there to earn his keep, but i wish he'd clarify. :(
hyena said:
:lol: well, no matter how likely your interpretation is, i honestly meant 'too young'.
That's good, I was positive you meant what I said. It's no opinion of mine, since I don't have a very strong nor vehement one about Rincewind.
Just to clarify.

I still get weirded out when (some) people use my name on forums.
TheFourthHorseman said:
You could've just said too stupid.
What the fuck was that for? I know i'll repeat myself here, but Rincewind is one of the most intelligent persons i've ever met (and i'm pretty sure i know her much better than the rest of the forum, so i would know if she weren't).

hyena said:
if i understand correctly, she's more or less 16, which means she was about 10 years old during the wars.
1. She's 21. Don't worry, you missed by just a few months. :)

2. The war wasn't in 2000; it was in 1991-95. So yes, she was 10 years old by the time it ended. Again, you missed by just a couple of days. :) And one would think that having talked about it with three different persons would give you a very slight idea of the decade when it happened.

3. Why on Earth would you want the opinion of Ms. Inferior-Person-Who-Cannot-Write-Correctly-And-Thus-Hangs-Around-UC?

Taliesin said:
Thank you, Kapitaanii Obvioussi
1. Now it's obvious that Rincewind is stupid? I thought false statements couldn't be obvious, but whatever.

2. Funny that that should come from someone whose girlfriend can't write correctly in english either, considering that Claudia's "proof" (and the only "proof" mentioned, for that matter) of Rincewind's alleged stupidity was that she can't write correctly in english.
oh, my. what a mess.

1. tfh (sorry for using your first name, didn't know it was bound to weird you out) was just cracking a joke at my supposed perception. so please, alex, don't get mad at him - he was just interpreting my opinion. there was a misunderstanding and i cleared it up with him. all is peaceful on the northern front, relax. tfh is no more guilty of slander against ivana than he is of trying to shoot you through an eye.

2. war. i admit that my wording was an approximation. i wasn't that wrong per se, in the sense that the fighting in ex-yugoslavia is officially (by the UN) deemed to have ceased after the end of the NATO operation allied force in kosovo, which means june 1999. of course if you don't count the hostilities in kosovo you are right, as the end of the war would coincide with the dayton accords. anyway, wrong call on my side either way since i wasn't really thinking of kosovo - i was rather thinking of arkan's murder in 2000 when i mentioned that six years had passed, and officially that was after the whole bulk of wars. i just had the date sticking in my head, and the ugly details about 38 bullets being fired, one of which hit him - guess - through an eye. tiger, tiger burning bright indeed.

3. rince's age. i guessed, i was wrong, i stand corrected.

4. taliesin - he was NOT declaring war on you, or firing bullets through your eyes for that matter. he was saying that tfh had clarified something obvious per se, i.e. the fact that i was implying rincewind's stupidity. taliesin was not chiming in, he was just saying that tfh had said something that didn't really need to be said because it was obvious (i.e. i meant to say that ivana is stupid). we already discussed sub (1) the fact that i didn't mean that, so everybody is innocent.

this said, i'm interested in hearing ivana's opinion on turbofolk, the wars, and finally the habit of shooting people in the eye. why am i interested in her opinion? because she knows stuff i don't know. if she doesn't want to give me any info out of hostility, i do understand: what i said in the past might have offended her. on the other hand, i don't think that there is a very strong link between people's ability to represent historical circumstances to others and their personal choices, so the whole of your argument is weak.
hyena said:
3. rince's age. i guessed, i was wrong, i stand corrected.
You said "if i understand correctly", which means that you had gotten the idea that she was 16 from somewhere. That in turn means that you didn't guess, so don't try to get out with that. Also, i believe her age was mentioned several times.

hyena said:
4. taliesin - he was NOT declaring war on you, or firing bullets through your eyes for that matter. he was saying that tfh had clarified something obvious per se, i.e. the fact that i was implying rincewind's stupidity. taliesin was not chiming in, he was just saying that tfh had said something that didn't really need to be said because it was obvious (i.e. i meant to say that ivana is stupid). we already discussed sub (1) the fact that i didn't mean that, so everybody is innocent.
First, Taliesin has shown some kind of hostility towards Rincewind for some time now (including when we had that bullshit about her being inferior and whatnot), although she would know more about this, so don't ask me for quotes or links. Second, nobody is innocent (ok, Rincewind is); so don't pretend that everything is nice and pretty.

hyena said:
this said, i'm interested in hearing ivana's opinion on turbofolk, the wars, and finally the habit of shooting people in the eye. why am i interested in her opinion? because she knows stuff i don't know. if she doesn't want to give me any info out of hostility, i do understand: what i said in the past might have offended her.
Might have offended her?! So you really believe in the possibility that it was harmless?! *honestly, sincerely in shock (no sarcasm)*

hyena said:
on the other hand, i don't think that there is a very strong link between people's ability to represent historical circumstances to others and their personal choices, so the whole of your argument is weak.
How is my whole argument weak because of that? In fact, what does the inexistence of that link (between people's ability to represent historical circumstances to others and their personal choices) have to do with what you said about her (i.e. that she's inferior)? Good move, genius.
well, you asked me

uc said:
Why on Earth would you want the opinion of Ms. Inferior-Person-Who-Cannot-Write-Correctly-And-Thus-Hangs-Around-UC?

and i replied. let's tackle the "writing correctly" first and then the part about personal choices. i do assign a positive value to writing skills in english, and a negative value to the lack thereof. but i never said that there was a correlation between the knowledge of english and the knowledge of history. i assume that ivana knows the history of her country infinitely better than i do, so i am interested in her version. i would have more respect for her if she could relate said history to me in, say, rahvin's style. even if she can't, i am still interested in what she can tell me.

as for personal choices, i would have more respect for the both of you, as i said in the past, if your relationship looked less unequal. but that's not my foremost care in the world, and in particular i don't think that this affects your ability to write in english, know your country's history, or talk to other people. i repeat that i do have a negative judgement about cultural imbalances in couples. i will repeat that until i'm shot in the eye. heck, this is not confined to you two. i despise that type of choice also when it's made by people i otherwise really, really like. but what does that have to do with a question about turbofolk or relationships between serbs and croats?

on the other points:

uc said:
Might have offended her?! So you really believe in the possibility that it was harmless?!

i most definitely do, and sorry if this is insensitive, but i don't think that any serious harm can be done by words written by someone you don't know on a public forum. even if the community is tight-knit such as this one, thoughts related by perfect strangers on the internet can either make you think in a constructive way or just pass you by. the posters don't have any real impact on your life. i'm not cutting off your fingers, i'm not forbidding you to go out at night, i'm not stealing your money, i'm not killing your parents, and i'm not putting sugar in your gas tank or firing you from a job. if you think what i said was wrong, you can easily dismiss it; if your pride is offended, you have more than one way to re-establish your reputation.

listen, i often visit forums such as the ones on or the community. the former are inhabited by a far-right, white-nationalist gang. the latter are, on the other hand, anarchists and left-wing activists. i am keen on learning their opinions, because i have an interest in extreme political positions. sometimes, while browsing, i do read opinions that are very aggressive towards my ethnic heritage, my gender, and my religion. obviously i don't like the fact that these ideas have a hold on someone, and sometimes i am annoyed by the fact that a poster i otherwise like is coming up with something idiotic. still, i honestly can't say that any of the slurs, racial or otherwise, ever hurt me. i might get really mad, as with misanthrope, but that's pride. i know that i don't derive any proper harm from these posts.

taliesin - talk it over with him. but i seriously think he meant what i said he meant.

rince's age - of course you won't believe me now, but i never really pay attention to people's ages until they are stated again and again. i don't know how old many of the forum members are, i only have a rough idea (es. marduk is more or less my age, keyy is in high school, tali is halfway through uni). in some cases, i do know the details: e.g. i know you're 18 - maybe 19 now? - because you told me personally, or i know rahvin's 29 because we sat in the same desk at school forever. i thought i'd read somewhere that ivana was in high school, but of course i had mistaken her for someone else. i was guessing 16 rather than, say, 15 or 18 because it fitted the stereotype. so yes, i was wrong. but i already said sorry on that particular count.
Marek: Yes, i have noticed. But it's still a constant pain in the ass, and currently i can't afford that part of me being in pain. ;)

hyena said:
but i never said that there was a correlation between the knowledge of english and the knowledge of history. i assume that ivana knows the history of her country infinitely better than i do, so i am interested in her version.
You didn't say that in your other post. Thanks for clarifying.

hyena said:
i repeat that i do have a negative judgement about cultural imbalances in couples.
Please define "cultural imbalances". If you mean "cultural differences", well, sorry for being expected to date only british-born mexicans with half-german half-midle-eastern families.

hyena said:
heck, this is not confined to you two. i despise that type of choice also when it's made by people i otherwise really, really like.
Don't worry, we don't like you either. :)

hyena said:
i most definitely do, and sorry if this is insensitive, but i don't think that any serious harm can be done by words written by someone you don't know on a public forum. even if the community is tight-knit such as this one, thoughts related by perfect strangers on the internet can either make you think in a constructive way or just pass you by. the posters don't have any real impact on your life. i'm not cutting off your fingers, i'm not forbidding you to go out at night, i'm not stealing your money, i'm not killing your parents, and i'm not putting sugar in your gas tank or firing you from a job. if you think what i said was wrong, you can easily dismiss it; if your pride is offended, you have more than one way to re-establish your reputation.
For the 46837894720895786th time: People you talk to on the net are as important as real people; hell, often their words are much more valuable than those of "real" people because this means of communication allows things like time to think o better words and tends to be almost free of the insincerity of face-to-face conversations. Have you ever heard of the saying "a pen beats a word" or something like that? Furthermore, though honestly i don't expect you to consider this as anything of importance or weight in this discussion, i found the love of my life on the net (i.e. not in "real life").

hyena said:
listen, i often visit forums such as the ones on or the community. the former are inhabited by a far-right, white-nationalist gang. the latter are, on the other hand, anarchists and left-wing activists. i am keen on learning their opinions, because i have an interest in extreme political positions. sometimes, while browsing, i do read opinions that are very aggressive towards my ethnic heritage, my gender, and my religion. obviously i don't like the fact that these ideas have a hold on someone, and sometimes i am annoyed by the fact that a poster i otherwise like is coming up with something idiotic. still, i honestly can't say that any of the slurs, racial or otherwise, ever hurt me. i might get really mad, as with misanthrope, but that's pride. i know that i don't derive any proper harm from these posts.
You seem to miss the point (again), but i keep getting the feeling that you do it on purpose. Listen, i would expect even you to understand that there is a huge difference between racial/sexist/religious slurs (which wouldn't really offend anyone smart) and direct insults towards someone. Then again, i might be expecting too much, as i too-often do.
@hyena: I don't know what stereotype you consider me being part of, rather than the one "pretty stupid for my age, so I can be given 5 years less", no matter the fact you don't know me at all ( and I'm referring to net-knowing, so there won't be ANY mistake).
Anyway, I find your hypocrisy really astonishing in so many ways, I really never met a person like you, congrats. But because I'm stupid like that (people here call that being kind, but ok) I'll answer your war in Jugoslavia and need-for-croatian-opinion discussion. Some other day though, because I'm enjoying too much now in being inferior to write a whole essay (which you will get, with my bad english, don't worry).
As for my relationship with UC, he and me already said everything and we discussed that subject before, so I won't go with that except saying again that you don't have a clue about us.

@La Rocque: If he is know-it-all because he is discussing on UM tons of different interesting subjects, why, I'm proud to be stupid girl who hooked up with a know-it-much-about-tons-of-interesting-subjects-guy with whom I can have same amount of interesting hours of talking...You see, here we found that smart, but that could just be the difference between Croatians and Americans.
Wow I've been away quite some time. Upon my evaluation, every thread needs to be deleted except for FIFA, and then I'll be happy. Hyena, give it up. Undo, throw the computer out the window and go give Ivana a piggy back ride. *PM received*
UndoControl said:
First, Taliesin has shown some kind of hostility towards Rincewind for some time now (including when we had that bullshit about her being inferior and whatnot), although she would know more about this, so don't ask me for quotes or links. Second, nobody is innocent (ok, Rincewind is); so don't pretend that everything is nice and pretty.
What, first you play the sensible intello, now you have to prove you can stand up for your woman? :lol:
It's been a long time since Ive last taken you seriously, along with many others, so please go on and make my days :)
UndoControl said:
Please define "cultural imbalances". If you mean "cultural differences", well, sorry for being expected to date only british-born mexicans with half-german half-midle-eastern families.

of course i didn't mean that, and you know it. anyway, to each their own, i have a lot of work to do today. for the time being, i'll stick to a no-disequilibrium policy in my life and you'll stick to whatever you want in yours.

@rincewind: don't worry, i've been called worse than a hypocrite, everyone knows i'm evil and (now that is news) hollow. that's why i have tom riddle in my avatar. but thanks for the essay, whenever you have time to write it. :)
hyena said:
nf: flabbergasted. our dear moderator rahvin relocated almost overnight to iceland without telling anyone - i'm finding out right about now through a mutual friend who used to post on this forum ages ago. rahvin made no mention of his plans when we last met (mid-june), but off to Reykjavic he went about one week afterwards and bye-bye Italy/friends/job. i have no idea about what prompted his move or whatever he's doing there to earn his keep, but i wish he'd clarify. :(

Ha ha ha, WHAT!? This is priceless! :lol:
@ Rincewind & Undo:

Maybe you should just ignore all what is said here. I believe that the whole concept said about Rincewind is not correct and not fair. Therefore you should both of you just ignore all that and enjoy the time you spend together.
Sometimes people seem shy, or they dont speak a lot in front of other people, that doesnt mean at all that they are stupid. Maybe they dont feel comfortable with telling lots of things in front of so many people.
I dont think people can jugde each other with only a few posts on a forum, it doesnt fit with how they are in everyday's life.

Rincewind's age has not be mentioned, but I thought you were more or less the same age as me, by the pictures I have seen.

Taliesin here didnt mean to offend Rincewind. He was just reacting to the clarification made by The Fourth Horseman.


English knowledge is not a factor that determines intelligence.
But I hate when people cant use correctly ponctuation or make tons of spelling or grammatical mistakes.
But it seems here you havent seen people who really cant speak English... I have seen some really awful texts, but none of them on this forum...
@dark silence: of course i know that people's intelligence is not measured by their knowledge of english. the whole discussion was spawned by the fact that i, personally, consider articulate discourse a turn-on and its reverse a turn-off. read: i wouldn't date a guy who is less articulate than i am, because i would consider it the beginning of an unbalanced relationship. i never said anything about anyone being stupid, i just said that undo control seemed to be attracted by the lack of balance and i also said that this sounded like insecurity. the whole "who's stupid and who's not" gig was not started by me, i didn't ever use the word "stupid" to refer to rincewind, and i don't believe she is stupid. list of the "slur words" i've used in the diatribe: i believe i've called the both of them sexist, i've called undo insecure, and i have said that rincewind is less articulate than he is. every other implication doesn't have my acknowledgment, support or anything else. it's made up.
sometimes the style of your posts can be interpreted in an other way than what you really intended to say. Or the posts feel like there is also a sort of hidden sense to them. Maybe thats why they have been misinterpreted.

By the way, what do you mean by "unbalanced relationship"? different education level? different way of education? different character?

Edit/ i have had enough of this old discussion... lets just give it up
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