Lemme just ask, when people don't type totally formal, and type more like they speak, using phonetic spellings and other such stuffs... does this piss any of you off? I mean, depending on my mood I slip in and out of more lazy and informal phrases which make sense to me, as it's the way me and my mates talk. Although sometimes I get the impression people find it hard to follow... That aside, I proper love the way I write. It's like how I speak in real life after half a bottle of port... only the topic isn't masterbation... always.
NF: I been on holiday for a week and before I left I was feeling pretty screwed up. I want to make it clear, I'm not an ungrateful or pointlessly moody adolescent... I don't think I'm being hard-done-to, and thats not why I've been sad. I'm sad because I have social anxieties, bordering on clinical at times. Also the lack of intimacy, which is a result of my anxiety, was taking its toll on me big style. I'm paranoid my freinds dislike me, and so I stopped spending time with them as to not displease them with my presence.
But anyway, that's what was up. Since I got back from holiday I've felt really recharged and sort of more comfortable... like instead of batteling my fears, I'm accepting them and by some miracle the apathetic approach to these things is benefitting my social rapport and general appearance.
Also recharged my musical creativity. Been playing some geetar and been loving it instead of labouring it.
Here's a nice story for you all... One of my best mates has had really strong feelings for this girl he met three years ago at a party... He'd seen her twice since that party three years ago and everytime he's gotten along really well with her. Typically it lead to him falling seriously for her. He used to get drunk and talk about her, and I thought it was funny, he's this butch metal head and he gets all soppy and heartachey. lovely. Anyway, they bumped into each other on friday night for the first time in a while and they got along great again.
Problem is, she's got a boyfreind. Lasted 6 years... but only because he's a violent abusive prick who keeps her trained with his threats.
So doesn't seem there's much chance for my mate to get in there... and he's all fruhstrated. It's so teen movie. I went out with him last night to a metal club, and surely enough this girl of his dreams agrees to come along... first time I've actually met her, and Im not kidding you, she's the girl of anybodies dreams. She's incredibly beautiful (her descendancy is really mixed... like a 1/4 greek, a 1/4 french a 1/4 english and a 1/4 mexican) and incredibly charming but in a reserved way. It doesnt surprise me my mate is basically "in love" with her.
Anyway, we chew the fat for a while, have us some mosh and drinks... and half way through the night this girls friend tells me to encourage my mate to make a move on her... and she says she's gonna do the same for her freind... It's all so highschool. Anyway. We pick up a round of drinks and go to find my friend and his love, and there they are, in each others arms... sharing an immensely heartwarming moment of intimacy. My jaw hit the floor. I wanted to cry and hug my mates face!
That night the girl got a phone call from her boyfreind, demanding she "get a taxi home right now"... She tells him she's going to be civil about all this, and that the relationship is over. He starts saying she's a fat slag and is shit in bed and loads of other alpha male dick head things, which has earned him a punch in the teeth if I ever see him, as this girl who is now my best freinds girlfriend, is far from fat. Anyway, I actually can't believe he is with her after having to listen to him talk about his crush for her like she's some kind of unattainable moviestar or super model. It's one of the best things that's ever happened pretty much... Such a hollywood ending. It's really really touched me to be honest.
Gonna be fun to see how it unfolds... Her now exboyfriend is an absolute monster of a person... He will cause extreme pain to my mates face no doubt.