Vizjaqtaar said:
What was it about?
i'm a little embarassed in relating it, but here's to documentation. three years ago, i was working on a paper on household budget surveys in countries bound to enter the EU in 2004 or 2007. i discovered that the rules for all ex-communist countries were basically set by the
goskomstat, the USSR statistical office, but the level of control the soviets exerted on national statistics was different depending on the country. for example, in poland there was a guy who was a famous methodologist and the soviets were willing to take suggestions from him as to how surveys had to be designed etc., so the poles had a considerable autonomy.
i wanted to understand the situation specific to each country so i started writing to each national statistical office, saying: i am a researcher working on this and that, blah blah blah, can you please let me know to which extent you were a part of the
goskomstat system in the past, and what differences there were between the soviet surveys and your own? in general people were willing to help, and provided me with a ton of documentation (sometimes in languages i could not understand, alas). the only problem? when i sent my email to the slovenes and the croats, i got a barrage-fire line of replies such as "we never had anything to do with
goskomstat, other soviet institutions, or the USSR in general. yugoslavia was never a satellite of the USSR and really they didn't ever tamper with our life".
i plead guilty of ignorance, i really didn't know at the time, but my, was that embarassing... especially because i'm not out on my own, there's "bank of italy" next to my name on every email and i hated passing off the institution as stupid. well, now i know.
@cuthalion: sorry for the mixup, i really didn't understand that you were saying the same thing that other person was saying.

as for the 'any excuse is valid to slit throats', i have to learn more on these episodes... it just doesn't add up to me at the moment, it's fairly absurd that the throat-slitting should be justified by 1000 years of fighting
in some cases and be totally random in others....
anyway, right now i have a point of view from FYROM (Cuthalion), a point of view from Slovenia (viz), a point of view from Bosnia (a friend's friend whom i met yesterday). if rincewind ever deigns to come back on the forum, i might even succeed in getting a croatian's impression (maybe she's too young to have an opinion on these matters tho). so now i sorely need at least 1 albanian and 1 serb to have a balanced idea.