chat, feelings, and random discussion thread

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marduk1507 said:
I sometimes feel pain in the left part of my chest which goes all the way to my left shoulder-blade
Maybe sometimes you're having a heart-attack. :p
King Chaos said:
That sounds alot like what I had... I was sort of worried, I thought it was something serious at first. But if you've had them and you're ok now, then I take comfort in that. It was really wierd. It's still lingering... the sickness and the feeling in my gut. I think I need to cry or scream or vent somehow. Not to sound emo or anything...

The thing is, you never know when its gonna happen, and then suddenly, it happen. It didnt happen that often, but when it did, the few days after, I was always afraid to get in a crowded place.

Marduk said:
Yeah, I have those from time to time, but I know that theyll go away. I probably have a lower level of that chemical in my brain, which should keep me in ballance, serotonin? Its the same as DS said, I almost cant breathe, I sort of feel like my ribcage wont spread more, I sometimes feel pain in the left part of my chest which goes all the way to my left shoulder-blade. Weird stuff.

I have had that kind of pain, but it was just in my chest. Havent had that for a long long time either.
Siren said:
Maybe you should get it checked?

I did get an ECG, it was fine, my blood pressure is perfect. Its not the heart, its just stress and anxiety. Its been better after I changed my job. Sorry, Siren, but most doctors are arogant, priggish assholes, who have no idea what might be wrong with you, but never say so - they give it a shot and stuff you with pills, make your stomach a total mess, and you end up in depressions, because you dont know the cause of your illness. When the diagnosis is wrong, they just give you different pills. They always cure the symptoms, but rarely the cause, because they have no clue. It all comes down to you helping yourself, change your diet, move more, relax more often, ignore all stupid, conceited people, stop pitying yourself. Ive never met a specialist who would admit he could be wrong, or whod tell me to go and get an opinion of other specialist. Maybe youd laugh, but the only person who helped me was a healer - the first thing he told me was what causes all the trouble - he called it vestibular syndrome, my vestibular nerve was pretty much fucked, and then he named a lot of other minor problems. And then he cured me - it took three months, but no pills, just herbs, teas and his energy (that was after I was on a sick-call for more than 2 months and had 2 weeks of hospital behind me). So, no, Im not thinking of having it checked.
marduk1507 said:
I did get an ECG, it was fine, my blood pressure is perfect. Its not the heart, its just stress and anxiety. Its been better after I changed my job. Sorry, Siren, but most doctors are arogant, priggish assholes, who have no idea what might be wrong with you, but never say so - they give it a shot and stuff you with pills, make your stomach a total mess, and you end up in depressions, because you dont know the cause of your illness. When the diagnosis is wrong, they just give you different pills. They always cure the symptoms, but rarely the cause, because they have no clue. It all comes down to you helping yourself, change your diet, move more, relax more often, ignore all stupid, conceited people, stop pitying yourself. Ive never met a specialist who would admit he could be wrong, or whod tell me to go and get an opinion of other specialist. Maybe youd laugh, but the only person who helped me was a healer - the first thing he told me was what causes all the trouble - he called it vestibular syndrome, my vestibular nerve was pretty much fucked, and then he named a lot of other minor problems. And then he cured me - it took three months, but no pills, just herbs, teas and his energy (that was after I was on a sick-call for more than 2 months and had 2 weeks of hospital behind me). So, no, Im not thinking of having it checked.
Sounds rough, but knowing there's ways of help/therapy out there makes me feel a lot better. I can still feel it looming in me, whatever it is. If it happens again like today I'm going to look for help.

Edit: If you guys hadn't have come forward with descriptions of similar symptoms and experiences, I would be in such fear right now I'd probably have degenerated in to a nervous insane wreck. No lie. Stupid as it seems, but you may have saved my life with your reassurance (I'm reassured by the fact that you're not in a mental institution or dead). Thanks so much.
@mardukito: i understand, and i pretty much agree with you about the 'assholes' part. ;) i was just worried about you, if you're sure it isn't your heart, and if you say that this man helped you, i guess it could be just stress. maybe you should try to find a relaxation method that works for you.
Today, I tried to find a way to get my hands on Apokatastasia's 2 releases "Waiting Four" and "Shedding". I've discovered this swiss prog band a few months back and totally loved their stuff. Now, after many internet complications I had to face the horrible truth : you can't buy these albums from Canada. Then, in the face of oblivion, I decided to contact the band via their homepage (they have mailorder there) and they replied they don't have any way to receive any money via the net yet.

Instead, they'll send me a promo package with both their albums autographed! For free!
That made my day.

To respond to those who would say this post has no place here and should be in the "Which cd did you just buy" thread : I haven't bought any album.
Not too happy as a friend was found floating in a creek, he had been missing for several days. Talked to him a little over a week ago, thought everything was good. Found out today from his brother he had throat and lung cancer, smoke'm if you got'm. He never said anything about it to his friends. From what I understand there was nothing the doctors could do for him? Don't think it was a suicide but who knows, his brother said he was getting totally wasted everyday for the last few weeks. Maybe he fell in the water and was too drunk to swim to safety? ... RIP - DB
Siren said:
@mardukito: i understand, and i pretty much agree with you about the 'assholes' part. ;) i was just worried about you, if you're sure it isn't your heart, and if you say that this man helped you, i guess it could be just stress. maybe you should try to find a relaxation method that works for you.

Thank you, its wonderful that you understand, and I wish you the best in your studies, because the more doctors like you the better. I am not sure its anything, but I know the machines the doctors have wont tell me. Things like these would require a really experienced doctor, whos heard all these symptoms before and somehow has an idea what it might be. I am sure Ill be better off with House, but Im not sure we have one like him here. :)

KC said:
Edit: If you guys hadn't have come forward with descriptions of similar symptoms and experiences, I would be in such fear right now I'd probably have degenerated in to a nervous insane wreck. No lie. Stupid as it seems, but you may have saved my life with your reassurance (I'm reassured by the fact that you're not in a mental institution or dead). Thanks so much.

I totally understand how you feel. Just take it easy, because if its "just" brutal anxiety, its still ok, because it still hasnt manifested itself physically (like with me and my vertigo trip), you are not physically ill from what I know. You simply have to try to calm down, because, believe me, if you come down with something more serious, youll see your anxiety as something trivial. There are really worse things that could happen, so dont sweat it.
Just came back from a fucker who pulled my last wisdom tooth out for 150 euros.
Siren said:
Just came back from a fucker who pulled my last wisdom tooth out for 150 euros.

:guh: How much was that again? All the people over here who say our dentists are expensive should read that! Im sure it mustve been something more, as Tal there suggests. :D
Oh well, it was done by a mouth surgeon, or whatever they're called. The money was for 2-3 injections, a small cut, pulling out, and 2 stitches. The actual job took less then 5 minutes. :erk:

And the guy looked gay. ;)
Oh, I thought the tooth already erupted (is this really the English for when the tooth comes out of the gum, so that you can pull it out?). So it was a small operation, but I still think it was way too expensive. Thats why I was asking you those things about health care system in Greece. Im "really" looking forward to Euro in 2008. :erk:
i got one of my wisdom teeth pulled out for an equivalent amount. then i chewed on the stitches.

google stocks went down, so did i.

and i found out by sheer coincidence that i'd been angry for about 3 months with a guy for ignoring a text message which relayed an invitation to a show... but really I did send a message to a nonexistent number. the friend who'd given me his number changed a figure and added an extra one. i'll never know if that was deliberate.

ah, the happiness.
marduk1507 said:
So it was a small operation, but I still think it was way too expensive.

i still have all of my wisdom teeth (three erupted, one sitting there biding its time), but the price seems comparable to what any surgical operation performed by a dentist would cost in italy. the prices are notoriously high, here, though, so i guess your point still makes sense.
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