Recent content by The Stormbringer

  1. T

    Favourite Band

    "Spirit Of Eden" and "Laughing Stock" are mesmerizing albums. Not really what I'd listen to day in day out, but brilliant nonetheless.
  2. T

    2013 - new and upcoming albums

    Definitely. Sophisticated and Uneven both have their charms, but at times, they're childishly in-your-face or downright ridiculous. The singer's accent and the way the lyrics are written make me cringe even though I'm German myself.
  3. T

    2013 - new and upcoming albums

    Subsignal is nice, but far too polished and pleasant for my tastes, They lack this "angular" rhythmic quality that Sieges Even used to have.
  4. T

    2013 - new and upcoming albums

    They are, although I listen to them live almost exclusively. They're a strange case for me as I hardly have any interest to buy their albums, but would go seem them live anytime.
  5. T

    2013 - new and upcoming albums

    Their guitarist (Martin Mayrhofer) used to be in the mildly famous band Panzerballett until a couple of years ago. He's amazing.
  6. T

    New ENCHANT !!! Official !!!

    I'm kind of glad they ditched the idea of making a concept album, as it doesn't really suit the band, I think. Now I'm just hoping for a speedy completion and especially some live dates in Europe afterwards, since they had to cancel ProgPower Europe.
  7. T

    2013 - new and upcoming albums

    I second every notion here, except that I actually dig Simple Human for what it is. Sieges Even's "The Art Of..." is an album I will never grow tired of, definitely one of the best progressive rock records of the last two decades. I used to worship "A Sense Of Change" like crazy, but "The Art...
  8. T

    Top 5 prog metal albums

    Nevermore was the worst live show I have EVER seen. Playing right after Symphony X and Psychotic Waltz didn't help either. Good thing they were the last band, so I didn't have to suffer through two hours of indistinguishable drone and instead left after three songs.
  9. T

    2013 - new and upcoming albums

    The Human Equation hasn't passed the test of time all too well, that's true. On the other hand, Into The Electric Castle is an album is still enjoy immensely.
  10. T

    Have you seen Symphony X live in the past?

    Saw them once in Germany when they were on tour with, among others, Nevermore (who blew chunks) and Psychotic Waltz (who were breathtaking).
  11. T

    Whats the first metal band you've heard?

    Blind Guardian, in 1996 or maybe even 1995.
  12. T

    Top 5 prog metal albums

    I haven't ever listened to "Everyone Into Position", but still I'm going to chime in here... pay no attention to me. :D "Frames" is probably their most cerebral album, but one of absolutely stunning beauty. Listen to "Unfamiliar" or "Trail Of Fire" first, they're quite accessible and, more...
  13. T

    Top 5 prog metal albums

    Seriously, what's the point of that post? To show that your taste in music transcends the prog metal mainstream or what?
  14. T

    2013 - new and upcoming albums

    Because he never was a prolific writer for them and apparently should be/should have been instead of Petrucci and Portnoy. It's true that their first couple of albums had some great lyrics, but that quality took a HUGE dip as soon as they started telling stories. I've never understood what most...
  15. T

    2013 - new and upcoming albums

    Most of the lyrics are really trite and cheesy in a bad way, yes. But the worst thing about the piece is the Overture... it's an enumeration of the worst kind of classical music clichés. It sounds really artificial for a band with that much money on their hands and has no importance whatsoever...