Recent content by TheLastWithPaganBlood

  1. TheLastWithPaganBlood

    Viking mythology and all that goes with it

    I thought the Frej was more the god of the Svear? BTW Thats a really beautiful farm you have there Bates, I envy you. It looks so American (L) - in a good sense, that is. Soon enough I will be going home to Sweden for the Summer - oh how I miss country life.
  2. TheLastWithPaganBlood

    Need Some Help

    I don't understand why everyone hates Denmark.
  3. TheLastWithPaganBlood

    Need Some Help

    The Norwegian national anthem? Isn't that the upbeat silly gay pop-ish one? I say only: VI EEEEEER RØØØØØØDE VI EEEEEER HVIIIIIDE
  4. TheLastWithPaganBlood

    Own Pictures

    But then again, you are norwegian.
  5. TheLastWithPaganBlood

    Own Pictures

    My grandmothers name was Bagge. That name is Danish though. Apparentlyh she's descended from some Danish pirate. I have to arrrrrrrread up on that.
  6. TheLastWithPaganBlood

    Own Pictures

    It means that you fuck sheep all day. When you're not emptying the North Sea of its resources, that is.
  7. TheLastWithPaganBlood

    Own Pictures

    Damn right I am.
  8. TheLastWithPaganBlood

    Own Pictures

    the only picture i have (old):
  9. TheLastWithPaganBlood

    Viking mythology and all that goes with it

    This is a really interesting article about the Latvian Midsummer-festivities, which really makes me envy their huge pagan cultural heirloom. My midsummers eve was spent in north-east Skåne with the farmers there and their Latvian thralls, which wasn't quite as sofisticated as the Latvians...
  10. TheLastWithPaganBlood

    Thrash from Sweden

    I kind of like your vocals, but I don't feel that they're integrated into the music very well. I think another mix/priduction is needed for the vocals.
  11. TheLastWithPaganBlood

    Viking mythology and all that goes with it

    I thought that holiday was celebrated on the 1st of May.
  12. TheLastWithPaganBlood

    Viking mythology and all that goes with it

    but we can say... LOLZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111
  13. TheLastWithPaganBlood

    Viking mythology and all that goes with it

    There ought to be heathen shrinks for these sort of things. Hey Tyra, when you're finished with Archeology or All the History of the Whole World or whatever course you're taking, ever thought of looking into Psychology?
  14. TheLastWithPaganBlood

    Amon Amarth gig 10 years ago (german article)

    This is from an issue that came out with Fate of the Norns release, with Hegg on the cover.
  15. TheLastWithPaganBlood

    I lol'd

    Where do people come up with this stuff: "Hmmm, I bet the live video for "Bleed for Ancient Gods" will go very well with that unknown early ninetees(?) song". It's beyond me.