Recent content by Tragicus

  1. T

    D V D news

    Here´s a constructive ideia, why dont you sell it online? Like marillion did with their new album.
  2. T

    D V D news

    Selling it at gigs would be great. The only problem is i really did want to have the DVD before i have grandchildren. I live in Portugal.
  3. T

    New label?

    Probably they will have no label too. Unless they change their style to making cover songs of Christina Aguilera and Britney Spears. With songs names like: "I will love you all night", "All night i will love you", "love you i will all night", "you i all will night love", "love night will all i...
  4. T

    DVD news Damn. Now its on 23-08?
  5. T

    Just discovered Anathema!! I'm amazed...

    Alternative 4 and of course A Fine Day To Exit
  6. T

    Anathema on Spanish Telly!

    No problems here, only a slight delay when the babe is speaking but the sound is good right in the end of her speech. :) Good show, although i think the guys were a little unconfortable...hehe Whatch John Douglas on Panic he loses one of his "sticks" :) The quality of the video is good but i...
  7. T


    "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. In fact it was probably the most remarkable book ever to come out of the great publishing houses of Ursa Minor - of which no Earthman had ever heard either. Not only is it a wholly remarkable book, it is also a highly...
  8. T

    Anathema on Spanish Telly!

    Rafael server does not support resume?
  9. T

    Anathema on Spanish Telly!

    Great, that´s excellent news! Looking forward to see it!
  10. T

    Anathema on Spanish Telly!

    Any news? :)
  11. T

    Anathema on Spanish Telly!

    That would be great! PM Oceana
  12. T

    Anathema on Spanish Telly!

    It´s not much but i have a FTP running 24 hours a day, with shity upload speeds and only 1 user´s per session, but since no one comes forward you could upload it to my FTP. I will maintain the FTP running and one by one people could actually see your work :) Will PM the FTP info to you.
  13. T

    Accoustic show in Greece?

    Would really enjoy if you could visit Lisbon again. We really enjoyed the gig and it seems the band enjoyed it too.
  14. T

    Anathema on Spanish Telly!

    There will be some more shows 5, 7, 8 of july. Maybe its on next week
  15. T

    Anathema on Spanish Telly!

    there is still some if only someone knows the number of the program i could do some math... :)