Recent content by uhhhhmmmm4

  1. uhhhhmmmm4

    Soen Lykaia opinions?

    Hi guys! Its been a while since i posted here but i just Soen's new album and i think it's fantastic. Just eanted to kbow your thoughts on it as well. What do y'all think of it?
  2. uhhhhmmmm4

    Now Playing

    New page!
  3. uhhhhmmmm4

    Now Playing

    Ahhhhh! I just saw this! Honestly, i dont know of any but a google search.came up with this. I dont know how much help this will be because i havent heard of any of these and i havent been listening to BM recently.. just havent been in the mood. But maybe something here is good...
  4. uhhhhmmmm4

    New Underworld Track: Without You

    Plendakor, come on dude... Wander, i had never heard of Pita but that was I actually speakers on my phone fucked up. I had to turn something else on to make sure they werent. :lol: Haha What was that Cat Power song name? It was cool Yeah, I have.mixed feelings here. I...
  5. uhhhhmmmm4

    2015 Symphony X Album News

    ^ hahaha actually, that kinda works :lol:
  6. uhhhhmmmm4

    Symphony X - Nevermore

    I just heard this and my impression is that...well... its okay. But as Xtipher said, it IS just the single. I prefer Romeo's tone to tge last two. I like how he kind if went back to that harsher, nore abrasive type of tone. As for the actual song, its not terrible. I just dont like the lyrics...
  7. uhhhhmmmm4

    2015 Symphony X Album News

    This! Haha
  8. uhhhhmmmm4

    Ancient culture themed bands

    Never heard of them but i really liked that, Haha i cant tell though if i would actually prefer some kind of clean vocals. But yeah, that was really good.
  9. uhhhhmmmm4

    The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

    That was.... strangely poetic.
  10. uhhhhmmmm4

    Ancient culture themed bands

    Nile. Did I do that right?
  11. uhhhhmmmm4

    GMD SONG SURVIVOR: Candlemass - Epicus Doomicus Metallicus

    Fuck, how did I miss this? What? Because i put a smiley face?? Anyway, its a little late but i was.... i like it but the rest are just.... better...
  12. uhhhhmmmm4


    9/10 hahaha Enslaved-happy black metal :D Yet more BM...
  13. uhhhhmmmm4

    If Mort Divine ruled the world

    Yeah! Whats a dick but an inside-out vagina? *sarcasm*
  14. uhhhhmmmm4

    Males and Females

    ^Ummmm... what?(too lazy to quote)