The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Fuck yeahhhh moving into our new apartment June 6th. First time fully fleeing the nest. Two bedrooms, like 1000 square feet. Gonna be so so so tits, and its five minutes from the water. Plus there's woods nearby, and a pool, and we can bang holes in the walls and put planters on our patio and my collection of dead stuff in my coffin shaped bookcase will ensure I never socialize again.

Hella excited. Not to mention the walk in closet my boyfriend has acquiesced to let me have exclusively.
I very often have erotic dreams about girls from my high school. It's been so long and it makes me feel like a cloud of memories, disconnected from the physical realm. And it makes my dick feel like a cucumber. I just wake up and I'm like, well, something needs to be done about this vegetable of unfulfilled pubertal dreams. Maybe I'll be able to function normally, who knows.

Please collect your posts into a book and try to get it published. I would buy a copy.
You know, I've had sexual dreams involving members of other forums before, but never this one afaik. That's pretty odd considering how homoerotic this place can be.
Right now I'm posting here because I'm waiting for a porn video to finish downloading so that I can shut down and go to bed

Just has an excellent fap btw