The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

This crazy feline keeps rubbing up against my hands as I type. :) But, it kinda makes me happy to know he's adjusted to life here so quickly. Also, I bought fried pickles today. Bye, diet.
I'd be open to it.

Cause I like drinkin' beer, and smokin' cigarettes
Do I like to party? The answer is YES!
I like drinkin' beer and smokin' cigarettes
My motto is, always live your life on the edge.
I use dried ghost chilies in every single meal I make. Its my most used spice.


And of course were not (or atleast Im not) talking using them whole. Youd probably die if you ate one whole.
That sounds... intriguing. I'd be open to making and trying that as well.

my dude my kitchen science is weird but shit works, tonight i made black beans and ground pork sauteed in sake with black olives and diced tomatoes with a little tapatio hot sauce for the flave and shit popped off boy i'd rec
that moment when you start doodling flash pinup women all over your math notes. blahhh. anything for a brief distraction.

more distraction ->

the only type of line segment my brain is letting me understand right now.

edit: seriously i'd love to be hired to draw shitty pinup flash.

that moment when you start doodling flash pinup women all over your math notes. blahhh. anything for a brief distraction.

more distraction ->

the only type of line segment my brain is letting me understand right now.

edit: seriously i'd love to be hired to draw shitty pinup flash.
good effort but needs more hips bigger tits longer limbs smoother curves
Today I'm going to study a little and chill and cook a little and stuff. It's going to be pretty good.
I just cooked spaghetti with avocado, lime (fucking lemon didn't have lime fuck you), oregano, and one egg to add the slimy feels. It was a gorgeous summer food and you can eat your stupid burgers. I didn't even add chilli.

Oh I replanted three of my precious childs (plants).
I very often have erotic dreams about girls from my high school. It's been so long and it makes me feel like a cloud of memories, disconnected from the physical realm. And it makes my dick feel like a cucumber. I just wake up and I'm like, well, something needs to be done about this vegetable of unfulfilled pubertal dreams. Maybe I'll be able to function normally, who knows.