The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

I feel like you haven't noticed that the Butt has been super depressed for a long ass time and dealing with some difficult life circumstances.

No, I haven't. I don't read everything everyone posts here, but I'm friends with him on facebook and haven't really seen that. I was kidding, anyway. Calm down.
He is? He's never posted about that.

Its been years tbh. I just don't share it with everyone. Regardless, I'm annihilated. I had one rare good night at the karaoke, performed Meat Cleaver flawlessly even after five beers. I'm looking forward to this weekend though.

And anyone that has me on Facebook; I make posts then routinely take them down so I don't blame y'all for not seeing everything.

Shit abyss.
I used to take medication but that made it worse. And I didn't feel like having to sift through the thousand shitty medications just to find one that works nicely so I just gave up.

Now I just drink often.
I was in a fancy new chilli store in the centre of Prague with my girlfriend. It was amazing. Bought six dried Habaneros and some sauce and some jerky with Trinidad Scorpion Moruga. They even have fresh chillies and shit. Holy shit I want to buy everything they have. Unfortunately it's really quite expensive and they make a big deal out of it. It's not like you pick up some peppers and throw them in a bag and leave. They have to do that themselves and they use some tweezers to pick them up.
oh if youtube tags work then i understand now

also whats boring about jamming out to the best anime OST i know and nerding on some nerd shit? :p

Hey, I'm not hating. I think everybody has SOMETHING they nerd over. How good is the Bloodborne lore? That's the first game that's actually made me think the PS4 might be worth getting.

I'm also starting to wonder if I got the whole [youtube] tags thing mixed up with another forum. Although I'm not wondering enough to actually test it out, to be fair. There's hockey on, and that's where most of my attention is right now.
Hey, I'm not hating. I think everybody has SOMETHING they nerd over. How good is the Bloodborne lore? That's the first game that's actually made me think the PS4 might be worth getting.

I'm also starting to wonder if I got the whole [youtube] tags thing mixed up with another forum. Although I'm not wondering enough to actually test it out, to be fair. There's hockey on, and that's where most of my attention is right now.

The lore is leaving a bit to be desired honestly, like im keeping up but theres only so much, and the community isnt exactly going nuts over it like they did for DkS1. Still cool though, game lacks replay value tho consider your PS4 purchase carefully fam. Especially now that Silent Hills got binned.
Thanks, any potential purchase is a few months off anyway. Its generally not wise to buy more stuff when you are about to move to a different continent!
homemade salsa is bomb. My girlfriend (er fiancee) makes some occasionally. She made a pretty damn good green salsa a few weeks ago. Her guac is the best