The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

That's... that's glorious.
My friend does decals and he came up with this for me
Jimmy, I hang out a lot. You fuckers visit NYC and don't say nothing. I see how it is. There's tons of great bars, though, that host shows a couple times a week: St Vitus, Lucky 13 Saloon (my friend is part owner), The Anchored Inn etc. Regardless, theres just a bunch of shows happening every night tbh some stuff i don't even know. My girl is actually djing at Over the Eight this Friday. She has awesome taste in music and actually writes about metal and stuff.

I just found out Greyhound tickets from B'more to New York are $11, so a visit may be in my future. I'll let you know if so!
I intend to go to the bar very soon... First weekend of May. I'll try not to get kicked out this time, I can give you all the play-by-play.

I've gone into the beers as hard as you, Schmidt.
I just found out Greyhound tickets from B'more to New York are $11, so a visit may be in my future. I'll let you know if so!

Yeah it's super cheap! They spike it up during memorial weekend but it's still $30 round trip from baltimore to NYC during MDF. Definitely let me know if and when you do. I know tons of great spots and beers and or whiskey shall be had. Also, im always down to meet hangout with UMers. :kickass:
lol you go to the bar more than I do it seems. Good for you. Heavy metal vomit party drink a thousand beers.

I'm basically imprisoned in Iowa City for two months with all the busy work I have this semester, might as well accommodate. I'm now a regular at Sanctuary knocking back imperial stouts.
It's been a really emotional week. Two friends lost their mothers to horrible diseases and another friend lost his grandmother. Then, I find out not even an hour ago that a buddy from high school passed away yesterday morning very unexpectedly.

:( Don't take life for granted, folks. Fuck.
Running a home brew D&D campaign.
Centers around the return of the dragons. They've been gone for 5017 years.
My brothers character is an elf sorcerer. (Wizards don't exist)
He has silver dragon blood.
So as he levels he gains dragon attributes. I think they are 8th level now. So he has wings (can fly for 8 rounds) dragon eyes, 120 ft darkvision. And scales. I think he's immune to some stuff too.

Anyways. That game is like 2 years old. With players that are out of town.
Right now I'm working on a new game. Evil campaign. Has to do with drow.
The gods play a major roll in everyday life. So calling upon your god when you need str. They will give it...blah blah
The evil dragon Vaes had his god drop a meteor on the party in the original game.
Luckily the gold dragon Aronikikuris teleported the party across the continent.

So in the new game, that meteor hit near a drow city. Destroying it. The new drow characters made it out and now it's kind of a survival thing. On the surface with little knowledge of it.
Been thinking/writing stuff for that game all morning.
Yep I'm a nerd..
So are you thinking about integrating those out of towners in I'm guessing? I can see a lot of potential with that half blood.
Also I would be very down for a pbp UM game, if its like an update or two a week. My homie has a game going but my work schedule is shit for participating when everyone else can.
I have no idea how to play but that background sounds awesome! I'd be up for joining in something like that too, if you don't mind having a total newb on board.
So are you thinking about integrating those out of towners in I'm guessing? I can see a lot of potential with that half blood.
Na, it's just for the dudes in town that can play every other week or so.
Sucks trying to get a game together with guys that have kids and a DM that lives in Chicago. (Even though it's our main game, fucking amazing!)
Fucking game dorks. ;) Get down with yo bad selfs.

I just woke up. Sneezing like crazy. Had a good time at the bar last night with a few friends, despite the shit music being played in the place. I was still really about all of the people lost this week and basically had to force myself out of the house. It was worth it.