The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Anyone else find it odd that Mort is into boxing?

I agree with the point about fair weather fans though.

I had no interest in watching the fight personally.
People who never give a shit about boxing suddenly being all "omg this is the most important shit ever must pay attention" are fucken annoying

THIS! 100%

Fight went exactly as i thought it would. As a person, Floyd Mayweather is a piece of shit and an overall horrible human being. But in the ring he is one of the greatest defensive boxers of all time, if not thee greatest. Boxing isn't just two people mindlessly punching each other in the head(which most casuals seem to think it is). It's actually the most strategic sport on this planet, by far .... and hitting someone and not getting hit is a huge part of the sports basics. 48 fights and people still haven't figured out how to hit him. What the fuck did everyone expect? The guy is a wizard when it comes to his defense. Paquaio would have had much better chance a few years ago, and i think they both knew that ... but its hard to turn down such paychecks. I've been waiting years for Mayweather to get his head knocked off, but it doesnt look like that's going to happen, he only has one more fight left, and with a win he ties Rocky Marcianos undefeated record. :(
Most people weren't watching the fight because they appreciate boxing, rather they were watching it because they wanted to feel part of a big event. And what better way to feel part of something than by telling the world you are doing it using social media? Its the exact same reason people watch those Sharknado movies, or go to ball games and just take selfies all game long - the actual content of what they are consuming doesn't matter, its the feeling - being part of something that they can later talk about - that a lot of people seem to be after.

I enjoy boxing but gave up on watching Mayweather fights long ago - he's very good at his craft, but I am just not interested in watching it.
Same thing is happening here with hockey. People who don't give a shit about hockey and haven't seen 1 match the whole year are suddenly the biggest fans with flags on cars and shit. Of course they are also the biggest experts and analyze thing even if they don't know what they're talking about.

I hate it. I don't like hockey, and I'm not gonna pretend I do just because it's common sport here.
currently having a war with the cat because she is insistent on sitting at the sliding glass door in my room and yowling incessantly no matter how many times i remove her
TB: Boxing is far from the most strategic sport, I find that claim laughable. It requires strategy, but it's pretty much "try not to get hit" most of the time.
Anyone else find it odd that Mort is into boxing?

I agree with the point about fair weather fans though.

I had no interest in watching the fight personally.

I'm actually not at all - just seeing all these people feign interest in something they never once gave a shit about annoys me
Boxing isn't a sport. It's fighting.

A sport requires a ball, running, throwing/passing and catching/receiving. And (in most cases) a team, there are exceptions like Tennis, which is a sport, while Golf is not.
makes me sad that a lot of people with a casual interest in boxing will now be turned off it by this shithouse of a fight - especially when this was never going to be a particularly entertaining fight and shouldn't have been hyped as such.

i hope so much that we can draw a line under this for once and all, and that boxing can start to heal from the wounds inflicted upon it by mayweather in particular. his low risk (both in terms of matchmaking and his actual in-ring style), protect your 0, boxing-as-business mentality has fucked this sport hard over the past few years, motivating more young fighters to follow in his stead and discouraging many of the best available fights from taking place (in just the past couple months alone we've had the likes of canelo cotto and khan brook not happen solely because of parties looking for a mayweather payday). floyd is a wonderful technician and defensive fighter but i don't consider him remotely good for the sport and i'll be very happy when he finally retires.

i don't buy into this narrative that boxing is dying (a narrative that's been peddled for literally a century), and i still have hope that it'll be more healthy 5 years down the line than it is now. we're currently in a transitional phase with nearly all the top p4p guys well into their 30s, and we really need a lot of these guys cleared out - mayweather foremost among them - so the sport can pass into a new and fresh generation. there is a LOT of outstanding talent coming through - lomachenko, who some of you hopefully saw on the undercard, is among them, although he's not exactly gonna be a crowdpleasing star either. point being, forget about floyd pac for a moment (or, please, a lifetime) and there's plenty to be excited about in this sport's future, so i implore folks not to judge it based on this atrocity.

here's some further viewing for folks whose interest HAS been piqued:

mayweather vs. corrales - the shared record of these two was 57 wins, 0 draws and 0 losses. ring magazine's pound for pound list had floyd at 7 and corrales at 5, behind only oscar, roy jones, trinidad and mosley. corrales was also the much bigger man, and so floyd went into this as an underdog in many people's eyes. consensus tends to regard this as the best win of floyd's career. one of the very very few times when floyd beat an elite fighter in their prime.

mayweather vs. castillo 1 - a fight many consider to be floyd's first and only loss.

castillo vs. corrales I - the two above opponents fight their great epic. this fight is widely regarded as the best of the '00s.

barrera vs. morales I - two mexican superstars begin their legendary rivalry in a fight generally regarded as one of the best three of the decade (only after castillo corrales above, and ward gatti I).

pacquiao vs. barrera I - after winning titles in asia at flyweight, pac decides to move up multiple weight classes and try to conquer america. not long after winning his first title in a fight he took with only a couple weeks notice, he steps up into the big time vs. a legend who's still arguably in his prime.

pacquiao vs. morales I - ...and then he faces the other mexican legend, barrera's great rival erik morales. this is one of my personal favourite fights of the 21st century.

i can't imagine anyone watching the last four fights in particular and not feeling the magic at least a little.
Why watch boxing when you can watch kickboxing? K1 is where it's at. Nothing like adding some headkicks to the mixture.
Why watch boxing when you can watch kickboxing? K1 is where it's at. Nothing like adding some headkicks to the mixture.

i've watched a few classic kickboxing fights but i wouldn't pretend to know much about it. i'm fairly well versed in MMA but again not an expert or anything. never quite gives me the same thrill or fascination as boxing, but i do dig it and people who swear allegiance to one and shit on the other are usually pretty cunty tbh. there's plenty of overlap in their respective appeal.
TB: Boxing is far from the most strategic sport, I find that claim laughable. It requires strategy, but it's pretty much "try not to get hit" most of the time.


You shouldn't comment on things that you evidently seem to know absolutely nothing about, so im not even going to bother. And the only thing laughable here was your assessment of the sport.


I love MMA and most kickboxing(especially k-1), and have been a long time fan of both, but the sweet science will always be my first love.

Also most boxers are above and beyond other combatants(that's including kickboxers) with their hands and footwork. Most kickboxers will probably end up getting knocked out within the first round or two if they're facing a legitimate boxer in a fight. I've watched a countless number of K-1 events where a boxer has came in, quickly closed the gap and stretched out the kickboxer ... and these are guys who barely have backgrounds in any other combat sport, that's if they do at all. Only chance most kickboxers have against a legit boxer is trying to kick his outer leg to death hoping that he doesn't find his distance. I can appreciate the Dutch/western style of kicboxing(k-1) a little more because they have embedded(or at least tried to) boxing into their sport. Which is one of the main reasons that dutch style kickboxers have much, MUCH better hands, timing and footwork than other kickboxers.
Football isn't even the most strategic team sport. That one goes to baseball. And we had this exact same conversation a few weeks ago in this thread.

And no team sport requires more strategy than stepping into ring to face another man, just you and him. And contrary to what most people believe( or want to believe) .. it's boxing, not a bar room brawl where two drunks are just flailing their arms at one another. These are professionals that are basically playing chess with each other. At the top of the food chain, you don't have ANY room for mistakes ... ANY. Every single move has to be perfectly calculated. There is a reason it's called the sweet science.

Finding out a way to beat Mayweather requires much, MUCH more strategy than figuring out how to beat the patriots or packers bro.

I bet buttface thinks boxing is basically human Rock Em Sock Em robots. :lol: What a fucking tard.