Recent content by unorthodoxxx

  1. U

    Favourite "With Oden On Our Side" track

    Asator - it's absolutely crushing. It also has some of Johan's best vocals, especially the "Son of thunder/Lightning strikes!/Son of thunder... Son of thunder/Thor arise!/Son of thunder..." bit.
  2. U

    Moshgirl!! (funny photoshop pics)

    Yup, I saw it earlier at the Iron Maiden forum. Still fucking hilarious though :lol: One fucked up picture, and all hell breaks loose!
  3. U

    Ensimmäinen ''kunnon fanitus'' bändisi?

    Iron Maidenista se lähti, ja vaikka kuuntelen sitä enää harvoin, on se vielä varmaan mun top 10:ssä.
  4. U


    Kato, äijä sitten törttöilee täälläkin! :grin:
  5. U

    Borknagar or Vintersorg, who started it? Poll

    I got into Borknagar after Vintersorg joined, so I'm quite a new fan. However, it had nothing to do with him joining the band.
  6. U


    Asgeir Nick Barker Trym Horgh Hellhammer Jaska Raatikainen Marko "Baron" Tarvonen Mike Portnoy Frost Kai Hahto "Twist Twist" Erkinharju
  7. U

    Why Canada sucks!

    Don't complain about Canada, I have to live in fucking Thailand. :yuk:
  8. U

    can anyone actually play bodom????

    Same here, I just picked up guitar very recently as a kind of side-project, if you like. I mainly play bass, but every now and then I play a bit of guitar. Oh, and I almost forgot - I can play a fair bit of Bodom on keyboards. The solos are just crazy, but I can play some of the leads.
  9. U

    can anyone actually play bodom????

    I can play a lot of Bodom, Henkka's parts are considerably easier than some of Alexi's. :loco: But I can play on guitar as well, quite a bit of rhythm stuff and some of the easier leads.
  10. U

    How Many More Albums?

    My Tarot cards say they'll go for 26 more. :err: No, seriously unless something goes horribly wrong, I could easily see at least another 4-5.
  11. U

    blast beats

    w00t? That's the drum track of a song? That's all there is, no fills or anything? :hypno: You can't be serious.
  12. U

    n00bish question about Knuckleduster

    Alright, but back onto the topic - it would seem that Alexi plays one, and Roope the other. Anyone else got something to say?
  13. U

    n00bish question about Knuckleduster

    Oi, what are you doing here? :grin:
  14. U

    True American Black Metal

    From the picture, they don't look like black metal - more like white. But yeah, I'll give it a go.
  15. U

    blast beats

    That's a very interesting... drumsolo, I like that. :loco: