Borknagar or Vintersorg, who started it? Poll

Who started it for you?

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Codito ergo sum.
Oct 19, 2003
Willimantic, CT USA
I've been thinking about this for a while, so here you go...

Did you start listening to Vintersorg because he is the new singer with Borknagar or did you start listening to Borknagar because mr V joined this band? Or were these events irrelevant? Please vote...

well I had heard of Vintersorg((band)) way before I heard of Borknagar. I've been a fan of Vintersorg many years and I have to say him being in Borknagar really made me wanna try them out.
I ofcourse checked out Empiricism ((epic wasn't out back then)) and I enjoyed the music that was played, I soon came to find out there was past vocals and well... if I enjoyed the music I felt I'd be likely to enjoy their older stuff.
I quickly went and downloaded one song from each album to check out the style and I've gotta say Borknagar was still equally as great without Vintersorg.
Vortex doesn't have the best voice in the world, but it was good enough for me.. I wasn't a big fan of having Garm on vocals though.
i first heard borknagar with vortex, and that was a long time ago. when i heard empiricism i didnt even know it was mr. v at first :p, really wierd sine i was a fan of his too
I'm not too sure,but I think I discovered Borknagar first.They came hand in hand for me so it's tough to decided....but I'll go with Borknagar first. (Which means I started listening to Vintersorg after Mr. V joined Borknagar)
I was listening to both bands. Though I only listened to the first two Borknagar albums so it was nice I could get interested in the band again when Andreas joined.
Neither, I still own no Vintersorg albums, I got into Borknagar through Dimmu because I heard Vortex and wanted to hear more of him, I didn't actually know what albums he sung on but I knew of Garm and was pleased with what I heard on The Olden Domain.
I first discovered Borknagar, Vortex era. So when Vintersorg joined I didn't have a clue about what else he was involved in. I have still only heard bits and pieces of Vintersorg, but what I have heard so far I like.
Strangely enough, I found out about Borknagar because of a search I did for Tyr. I wanted to see what other bands he played in. Then I found out Mr. V was singing for them. I had already heard Vintersorg a year earlier.
I heard Borknagar first (after Mr. V joined), but that was because I was looking into Vintersorg and heard some samples of Empiricism. I bought it instead of a Vintersorg album because it was immediately accessible to me (as in, the store down the street had it). I thought it was awesome. Since then I've gotten all the Vintersorg albums (I prefer Vintersorg to Borknagar, sorry) as well as the first two and latest two Borknagar. Have yet to hear Vortex outside of the new Dimmu album.
i was listening to B's empiricism without knowing about mr. V's own project. then a friend lent me some V.
I started listening to Borknagar after Empiricism came out. I was already listening to Vintersorg, and while I had heard a Borknagar song before and liked it a lot(something from Quintessence) the presence of Mr. V. in the band did raise my interest in Borknagar even farther, I must say.
I just started listening to Borknagar after I heard God's of my world on the radio in the wee hours of the morning about 4 years ago or something. I had never heard of them and tryed to find the cd desperately...cus i remember i fell in love with the singers voice in that song. Then I found Empiricism at a store...quickly became my favorite cd. Then I found out Vintersorg had his own bands...then I found two Vintersorg cds in a store and bought them...then they quickly became my favorite cds. Ive been a Vintersorg fan ever since. End of story.