n00bish question about Knuckleduster

i'm pretty sure alexi does one and roope does the other, otherwise it would be kinda dumb to have 2 seperate solos done by alexi and i bet roope wants to and can definiately play those solos.
For me it SOUNDS roope is doing the second.. It´s moore roopeish. But we´ll never know if they don´t tell that or play live.
^ .....Which would really make no difference whatsoever. Yeah I'm pretty sure it's a duel solo, they both have a different sound to them If I remember correctly.
what solos does alexi play on sinergy, cause i cant distinguish, but it seems that alexi wrote the first one cause its more of his 80ish style and roopes seem to be more melodic, but im not positive...ut i wouldnt doubt that alexi wrote both of them since he writes just about everythin in the band
In Sinergy, you'd be surprised how many of the "better" solos are done by Roope. The entire awesome solo after the harmonized arpeggio bit in Gallowmere is done by Roope.
Doesn't Roope record some of Alexis parts with Sinergy when he didn't have the time to record it himself? Meaby they did come up with different solo's for KD, but we don't know who plays it in studio. On studio pictures I often see gitarists using gear of their bandmates.