Recent content by Varfolomeyev

  1. V

    My little tribute to the greatest shredder!

    Opus 1 (Based on Paganin's 24th Caprice) as performed by Greg Howe and Vitalij Kuprij in "High Definition" (1997). This is the first part of the piece, slightly faster, arrangement re-made from scratch in MIDI, and tuned 2 steps lower. Guitar is directly fed via Mesa/Boogie Triaxis during shooting.
  2. V

    How do you guys go about telling a band...

    In my first couple of years of producing i naively believed in the "fix it in the mix" approach (which is very common among Israeli sound engineers). Eventually i realized that most of the parts that didn't click well in songs were a fault of poor arrangements/performance, and it also reduces...
  3. V

    Extreme-Power Metal from Israel!

    We have released a song that's not on the myspace page out of the EP for the Israeli METALIST Magazine last month. you can have a direct dowload link to the hifi (320kbps) song here:
  4. V

    Extreme-Power Metal from Israel!

    Hi guys! I'd like you to check this band out: Extreme power metal from Israel ala-Sonata srtica, Dragonforce, Stratovarius, COB.. etc. Mastered by Mika Jusilla from Finnvox studios. the name is ACROPOLIS, and we have a debut EP released in 2 weeks!
  5. V

    Xtreme-power metal from Israel (rate pls)

    Thanks for the comments guys! Yes, the vocals were the most problematic part of this production. plenty of time-streches and pitch corrections. the final balance seemed to unfocus the vocals quite a bit in some parts, but the overall effect of the music feels like it's cutting through slightly...
  6. V

    Xtreme-power metal from Israel (rate pls)

    Hi guys! I've been a silent member in the forum for quite a long while, and I think it's the time to get out of the shadow.. I'd like to present my latest record production work, with my own band "Acropolis". We're an Israeli-based extreme/power-metal outfit, and we're having our debut...
  7. V

    Instrument Levels in Mix - YOUR way?

    This is a subject I was always curious about, seeing other's prefrences for BALANCE inside a mix. So guys, from your own expirience and taste, where would you let each instrument peak in a typical modern metal mix? where you like putting your snare drum, vocalist, bass and rhythm guitar...
  8. V

    Who's Who

    I'm a silent reader in the forum for quite a long time.. so It's time to step in and introduce myself! :) Name: Daniel Varfolomeyev Location: Tel Aviv,Israel Age: 21 Own Band: ACROPOLIS. Occupation: Musician, Sound Engineer, Metal record producer. Musical Tastes: Metal, Classical, Film...
  9. V


    definitely should!
  10. V

    studio monitors

    I use Roland DS-7s at home. pretty affordable, bi-amped, and gets a Digital In. Works pretty well for me. I think the trick about most Monitors is gaining familiarity with HOW THEY TRANSLATE to other systems, very generally speaking. So having at least another pair of standart stereo...
  11. V

    ACROPOLIS Pre-production Video pt.1

    Hi Guys! Most chances that most of you don't know me/us. I am a musician, guitar player and record producer from Israel. (more info at And I'm active in my main musical project - ACROPOLIS. we define our genre as "EXtreme power metal", and these days we have...