studio monitors

HeadCrusher: No I use normal esi nEar 05 and I use it until they break up becouse the sound is very good and the bass frequency response is very natural.
With this monitors I stopped to buy a lot of vergin cds....becouse what I hear with this is very near at the sound you will hear with your home stereo or your car stereo.
KRK RP8, they sound good enough for me.

These are what I use, too. The sound pretty sweet to me, but they almost have a deceptive hype in certain frequencies. Could be the lack of room treatment, though. Some reviews I've seen from others say they prefer the smaller in the RP series, but I only have the RP8 as a reference.
Compared Alesis M1, KRK RP5 and a pair of small Genelecs against each other at my local music store yesterday.

The KRKs had way to much mids as far is I can say. The Genelecs were really cool but one of them was more than double the price of the Alesis pair and the difference wasn't that huge! :loco:

So the winner in this three is Alesis. :worship:
I use Roland DS-7s at home. pretty affordable, bi-amped, and gets a Digital In. Works pretty well for me.
I think the trick about most Monitors is gaining familiarity with HOW THEY TRANSLATE to other systems, very generally speaking.

So having at least another pair of standart stereo speakers and perhaps a pair of "shitbox" speakers (like the shitty multimedia speakers at any comp store) would be a good idea!

Another point worth thinking of (especially in the lo-mid-end price range), is the colour you would generally like your mixes to have, and pick the monitors accordingly.
From my own expirience, I usually see engineers tend having brighter mixes on "darker" monitors, and viceversa.
unless you have a wonderful studio enviorment, it might actually mean something.

Just my 2 cents..

Daniel Varfolomeyev.
i'm looking for a small monitor as well, is the esi near 05 better than behringer truth 2031a? is samson resolv good?