Studio Monitors or headphones?

Haha, you could still buy the system 800 and 600 monitors at turnkey before it closed down... they looked horrible :Puke: I never heard them though.

I used to always get my equipment from Turnkey.. now I don't know any good shops in central London.. most guys in Denmark street are complete wankers, especially Rockers.
I went shopping today and got my presonus firebox.. but no luck finding a TI firewire chipset, most of them are VIA. I tried like 20 different shops. Guess i'll just buy it online.
What's the difference between TI and VIA.. shouldn't it work fine with both?

I splurged on a Belkin card with a TI chipset at STAPLES (oh gawd) and it's been flawless. LOVE IT.

The other firewire card I had actually fried the port on my first FireStudio. Shit was WEAK, but i was able to exchange it.

Pretty sure the other had a VIA chipset :heh: Better safe than sorry, and the above Belkin Sora linked to is cheap enough!
TI and VIA are different chipsets. Most companies recommend TI witht heir interfaces, but personally, I've experienced the same exact problems after I got TI as I did when I was using VIA.
TI and VIA are different chipsets. Most companies recommend TI witht heir interfaces, but personally, I've experienced the same exact problems after I got TI as I did when I was using VIA.
I see.. just ordered a TI chipset of ebay, fingers crossed everything will work fine.
TI and VIA are different chipsets. Most companies recommend TI witht heir interfaces, but personally, I've experienced the same exact problems after I got TI as I did when I was using VIA.

Well to be clear, this is with your Alesis, right Damian? I thought the issue there was the drivers? (which I doubt a different chipset would remedy...)
Psshh, I haven't compared them to one another, but I've heard them both, and there is no contest ;) I mean, the HS50s are pretty much reference monitors, that's what they're meant to be. Besides, they're like half the price.
Psshh, I haven't compared them to one another, but I've heard them both, and there is no contest ;) I mean, the HS50s are pretty much reference monitors, that's what they're meant to be. Besides, they're like half the price.
Haha fair enough, i'll cross them off the list!