Power Amplifier + Monitors Help

BTW, how many watts do you think I need to power a place like this on a metal concert?

==> HERE IMAGE <==

watts are completely meaningless and do not have anything to do with a system's perceived loudness.

for a place of that size, something like this would be sufficient. obviously you'll want to rent from a local production company.


Question... WHY would you even want 3 right channel speakers? Or are those for stage floor wedges?

if you would have actually looked at the equipment you would have seen they are wedges.
watts are completely meaningless and do not have anything to do with a system's perceived loudness.


that doesn't make any sense to me. (ok ok i don't know many about PAs)

unfortunatly i can't borrow something like this, and i would like to get my PA system.

would 4x 500W Continuos speakers be enough?
It's because watts doesn't equal loudness. The speakers size, effeciency and type all make a difference as to how those watts translate into actual perceived volume. You can't say X amount of watts is required for a space that size, it doesn't work that way.

Also the impedance of the speakers changes how much power the amp is actually putting out. You'll often see amps advertised at 1.4k or so watts, but that in bridged mode at 4 ohm, in actual normal use with 8ohm speakers in stereo mode you'll only get 300 watts a side.

You can download manuals for anything these days for free, they're easy to find with google. You really should read them to get the full use out of your gear.

that doesn't make any sense to me. (ok ok i don't know many about PAs)

unfortunatly i can't borrow something like this, and i would like to get my PA system.

would 4x 500W Continuos speakers be enough?

No. It would sound like a tinny radio in a place that large. Mixing outside requires a TON more power than indoors, because you have a larger area and the sound has to reach all the way to the back.

if6was9 cool, thanks. but how can i calculate how much power i need for a specific concert, on a specific place?

Hire an engineer that knows how to do it, you can't just look at a place and put a number on it. It requires planning by someone who knows audio and systems design.
And one more question. Let's say I've got a speaker with 250W cont and 500W peak.
is it safe to turn up the amp to 400W without blowing the speaker for like a minute?
if i give more than 500W will it blow instantly?
There's not such thing here.

Calling bullshit on this, you even say earlier that you've seen another band playing in the place. Where do you live?

There's PA rental places in every country that has public speech's, concerts, dj's etc... You really should look for one of these companies and get them to handle this gig. If you're interested in doing it yourself then offer to do free work experience for whatever company you get to do it. You obviously haven't a clue what you're doing with any of this stuff