Xtreme-power metal from Israel (rate pls)


New Metal Member
Dec 12, 2006
Hi guys!
I've been a silent member in the forum for quite a long while, and I think it's the time to get out of the shadow..

I'd like to present my latest record production work,
with my own band "Acropolis".
We're an Israeli-based extreme/power-metal outfit,
and we're having our debut self-produced EP coming out next month. this is a single we have released for download to a local web-zine titled "Divine Cycle".
Mastered by Mikka Jusilla at Finnvox studios.
and the rest was pretty much done in my humble home studio.

Any comments would be much appreciated!



Really good!
Although, as the others said, the vocals are too low, and i think they would sound awesome with a fast delay on them too. :p
Thanks for the comments guys!
Yes, the vocals were the most problematic part of this production.
plenty of time-streches and pitch corrections. the final balance seemed to unfocus the vocals quite a bit in some parts, but the overall effect of the music feels like it's cutting through slightly better like this.

Rhythm guitars has 2 takes, one L, one R
each take went split - one clean DI channel, one Direct through Mesa Triaxis.
both tracks were reamped through a Marshall JCM2000 DSL, with 1 SM-57 mic, everything's made at home studio.

If it's of any interest, we have released two more songs from this upcoming album to our myspace profile last night, I'll be glad if you give it a listen aswell.

