Israel to attack Iran before new President takes office?

Both Israel and Palestine have a right to exist since both have legitimate cases for existing. The problem lies in the fact that both sides are so passionate about their cause that violence is always going to occur over there because one side isn't getting their way or because people don't believe in the ceasefire or whatnot.
USS Liberty, anyone?

IDF thugs can kill with impunity, and their crimes are covered up. The US helps, even if it's an American who is killed. Remember Rachel Corrie, the American girl who was "accidentally" run over by an IDF bulldozer?

Israel has no right to exist. No nation that preemptively attacks other nations and routinely oppresses the land's indigenous people has a right to anything but prison and worldwide condemnation.

1) Israel was created by the United Nations and has depended on financial and military support from other real countries since its creation. It is time to withdraw all financial and military support and require payback on all past 'loans'. Let the Israelis sink or swim on their own.

2) Every Jewish gangster on the run from the law in his host country heads for Israel which has no extradition treaty with any country. Israel has become a center for extortion and organized crime around the world. It is a cancer that must be removed.

Hitler predicted that that was exactly what a Jewish state in Palestine would become.

Israel may be focusing on the Iranian nuclear situation now in hopes of getting Bush to attack Iran. Israel has been at it for a while now but a number of things happened that may have caused Bush to back off any military action in Iran. Especially using Iran's supposed nuclear technology as an excuse. The main reason was the Iraq disaster. It is going better now, but that in and of itself is a little convenient. The entire situation seems dire and then it turns around thanks to the surge but even with the better news the fact remains that most Americans want the Iraq War to end and the troops home. The public is becoming vastly anti-war and Bush's numbers are already in the tank. Another reason, that may be overlooked, is the National Intelligence Estimate. This is an intelligence report given to the President by the NSA. It stated very clearly that Iran has no nuclear weapons and could not make a nuclear weapon for at least seven to ten years. The report was leaked to the press and it was obvious that the Bush administration was angry about the press getting hold of the report. What this means is that Bush cannot use intelligence reports as an excuse to attack Iran. The Intelligence concerning Iraq was not concrete and in the end the intelligence community was not happy about the way the reports were manipulated. This time around the the alphabet agencies don't want to get blamed for a war.

If Israel can get the U.S. to bomb Iran it is a win/win situation for them. Let us say that Iran has no nuclear weapons and the U.S. attacks. Israel knows for certain what Iran's capabilities are and that they are not and were not a threat. So what if it makes the U.S. look like war mongering idiots. That doesn't concern Israel. They are only using us. If they do have weapons and we attack then Israel is preventing a possible future conflict.

The situation could turn bad if Iran is much further along with their nuclear technology. If we attack and Iran has a nuclear weapon they would most likely fire it at Israel. That would be ironic indeed....

So why would Israel take that risk? I just do not see the need for the bluster. Even if Iran obtained a nuclear bomb that doesn't mean they will use it. There is more to this.

On the surface, it does appear that there is going to be a strike on Iran led by Israel and the US. However, once we get past the for-the-public circus show being played out through the media, the facts and maneuvers seem to suggest that there is a very real battle taking place between factions that exist within most Western countries for AND against attacking not just Iran - but setting up Israel as well. It seems that these factions are, essentially, fighting each other through proxy means and each step taken is a 'dare' and a challenge to the other side to 'take action'. Of course, one 'side' has the 'upper hand' in all of this. Here's a general breakdown of the scenarios as I'm seeing it:

If the US attacks Iran with Israel playing a 'backup' role, the US will, essentially, implode and disintegrate as it gets drawn deeper into the killing zone with Israel being eliminated only after the US is bled dry and a massive public reaction occurs. If Israel attacks on its own initially, Israel will be liquidated outright with the US follwing suit to protect its 'friend' and still suffering major internal implosion and disintegration. If the US doesn't attack, then it runs the risk of having more false flag attacks carried out by Israel-linked intel factions that blame Iran (al aqaeda), thus pushing it to attack anyway. If Israel doesn't attack, it will simply be overwhelmed by regional demographic pressures and Jews are simply unable, because of their nature, to get out of the bind they've led themselves into. Couple all of this to the rapid changes we are experiecing on all levels (climate, social, economic, racial, and so on) an attack seems inevitable as most are simply 'reaction machines' following the cycle they are tied to anyway.
The Jews were there first. Then the Romans kicked them out. Rome fell and the Arabs came in. Israel has the right to exist.
I support Israel's right to exist, but not with their current borders. I still fucking hate the Israeli state and their politics and policies and the fact that stupid fucking Zionist Christians whacking off in their beds toward the direction of Jerusalem every night, Jerking for Jesus I believe they call it. Fucking Jews.
Israel has no right to exist. No nation that preemptively attacks other nations and routinely oppresses the land's indigenous people has a right to anything but prison and worldwide condemnation.
