Alright liberals, spin this one (Iran content)

Oh, by home, I thought you meant Suffern.

Yeah well freedom of speech applies to the UK too. There was one mullah from Leeds who was evicted from his mosque for inciting hatred, so he took it to the streets. The police had to cordon off the road so people could come listen to his vile crap.

He was from Jordan so they eventually deported him.

More people need to be deported. It's pretty easy to figure out who needs to go and who can stay. You may not get them all, but at least you've narrowed it down a little.

Btw, are these pictures in response to the Dutch cartoonist?
I fucking love how America controlls the world, and support it fully. If somones gonna do it, it might as well be my country =).

ON ANOTHER NOTE: I hate how some people that have NS leanings get all pantypooped about what Bush does. Gimee a break.
JayKeeley said:
Oh, by home, I thought you meant Suffern.

Yeah well freedom of speech applies to the UK too. There was one mullah from Leeds who was evicted from his mosque for inciting hatred, so he took it to the streets. The police had to cordon off the road so people could come listen to his vile crap.

He was from Jordan so they eventually deported him.

More people need to be deported. It's pretty easy to figure out who needs to go and who can stay. You may not get them all, but at least you've narrowed it down a little.

Btw, are these pictures in response to the Dutch cartoonist?

Yes, they are. Crazy, isn't it?

I just cannot understand militant Islamists.
You know, a lot of neo-conservatives think that those against the war are automatically pro-Saddam or pro-Iraq. Look what happened to the Dixie Chicks. :tickled:

But really, the simple fact is, Bush fucked it up BIG TIME. No exit strategy. And the hypocrisy of only targetting Iraq is just embarrasing.

I would have less issue with the war if the west targetted more than just one country. We all know Iran and North Korea will be left unscathed. Fucking Bush man, how did you people vote for this guy? :lol: (And I mean that in the most democratic sense).

Iran = just more bullshit sanctions that only hurt the old, women, kids, etc. And what happens? More people hate the US all over again because of it.
Reign in Acai said:
The people running the show have rational minds. They arent going to just fry the entire eastern part of the globe on a whim. These dirt bag 72 virgin magic carpet riding ragatots on the other hand. They'll launch attacks for something as simple as not knowing Allahs sandal size.
That's what history has taught you so far?
Seriously, as much as liberals want to deny it, the US having Nukes just is a lot safer then Islamic fundementalist states having Nukes. You can cry and bitch about it, but its true.
Reign in Acai said:
I don't get Nad's logic of.

"Superpowers have nukes so let the little guys get nukes too so nobody is left out."
That's taking what I said and running it backwards. I'm not saying it's okay for the little dude to have the nukes. I'm saying it's NOT okay for a nuke-holding country to say they can't have them. It's hypocrisy, which I find sickening.
AWMM said:
See the United States government, as warped of an opinion liberals have towards it. The people running the show have rational minds. They arent going to just fry the entire eastern part of the globe on a whim. These dirt bag 72 virgin magic carpet riding ragatots on the other hand. They'll launch attacks for something as simple as not knowing Allahs sandal size.
Yes, like the rational minds of Bush Jr. who started a war because of one fucknut "tried to kill my dad." Or the preacherman I saw on TV today who was trying to cure homosexuality by yelling through the TV, he claimed 10,000 would be saved today alone. Or the minds that made Hiroshima a household name.

I'm not saying that these other wacko countries are a-okay, I'm saying that so called civilized countries are just as scary.

oh hey, nad, i saw this show last night about sex offenders and it took place in ....drum roll...... riverside! fuck yeah! i was hoping theyd show you but nah
hahaha doesn't surprise me. You know, we once looked up some perv dude's name on the sex offender registry thingy and he didn't show up, but his uncle did! Oh Uncle Randy, how we thought we knew thee...
hahaha the newshow i was watching tricked these dumbasses into coming to a "kids" house and then the police just took them away. some of these freaks started walking all around the house, looking for the kid before the news dude came out.
NADatar said:
Or the preacherman I saw on TV today who was trying to cure homosexuality by yelling through the TV.

I'm not saying that these other wacko countries are a-okay, I'm saying that so called civilized countries are just as scary.

Hah, no offense man, but that little example could have been left out. Thats like complaining about having a fridge full of food, but no sauce, when there are people in the world eating their own shit.

And as for the others, come on now, two examples from modern history that EVERYONE and there mother uses for the same, exact, arguement your making. You can seriously sit there and say that, in general, the worlds superpowers are NOT the generally most responsible and mature countries in the world. There is no way there is NOT going to be somone saying who can-and-can't have this-or-that, but I'de sure as hell rather have it be the people that currently do it, then the people that may be doing it otherwise.
