Alright liberals, spin this one (Iran content)

Dude lizard, what are you doing here on a weekend? Don't you know these are the days we all talk mad crap about you? :loco:
MadeInNewJersey said:
Now I didn't say anything about this being a reason to attack Iran; I'm NOT, I repeat, I'm NOT a warmonger.

This has merely been a test to see if the pantywaists could come up with some way of spinning this so that the U.S. is in the wrong here.
fuck you buddy

i might dislike, even hate US policies, but i'm not stupid enough to even say that life in iran isn't a lot worse than it is here...fuck nuclear weapons, and fuck any country that maintains or develops them. i am equally intolerant of all religions/governments/people :Smug:

i don't even care anymore, viva anarchy
cthulufhtagn said:
fuck you buddy

i might dislike, even hate US policies, but i'm not stupid enough to even say that life in iran isn't a lot worse than it is here...fuck nuclear weapons, and fuck any country that maintains or develops them. i am equally intolerant of all religions/governments/people :Smug:

i don't even care anymore, viva anarchy

fuck me? fuck YUO
NADatar said:
haha, amen brother. :kickass:
i've gotten to the point where i just can't take any other position. capitalism is garbage, communism is garbage, it's all crap. it's not possible to have an economic system that doesn't exploit somebody.

ugh, this is why i listen to black metal :yell: :loco:
i really, really, really hope so. abramoff is one of the biggest scumbags in washington and nothing would please me more than seeing him humiliated, ruined, and thrown in jail. i would spit in his face. and the more jackoffs he drags down with him the better.
I don't get Nad's logic of.

"Superpowers have nukes so let the little guys get nukes too so nobody is left out."

See the United States government, as warped of an opinion liberals have towards it. The people running the show have rational minds. They arent going to just fry the entire eastern part of the globe on a whim. These dirt bag 72 virgin magic carpet riding ragatots on the other hand. They'll launch attacks for something as simple as not knowing Allahs sandal size.
Here you go JayK, from (probably) not too far from your home:





Well, at least we know where Commandante went. He's studying abroad.
That's happening near NY?

You see, freedom of speech has failed us quite honestly.

Does freedom of speech only apply to US citizens? I mean, if those fuckers are non-US citizens then they should be deported. Or if they hate it so much, just fucking leave already.