The Jesus Tattoo keeps me from Masturbating

J. said:
I still say this forum is turning into SOT with all the OMGODSUX threads.

I'd also like to avoid discussing religions on a "Marduk level", but there's nothing wrong talking about the negative side of it in general.

And as far as I know there has only been one (tongue in cheek) thread that might qualify as an "OMGGODSUX" thread that NAD made some time ago. It feels somewhat far fetched to claim that the forum "is turning into SOT"
One Inch Man said:
So launching a regularly updated website, a media circus complete with several interviews, and now a solo album on the horizon somehow constitutes him NOT making a big deal out of this? That's why I'm thinking this is just a publicity stunt.

Agreed except for the last part, he sounds like a typical born again, brainwashed and ready to share it with the world...and anyone who doesn't laugh at someone saying the title of this thread in total sincerity must have had his sense of humor surgically removed...
Probably, yeah. But people also like to throw in a few OMGODSUX kinda things into various posts, regardless of thread subject, for no other reason than to seem "cool" or "metal".

Just the way I see it. No harm. Carry on.
speed said:
Yeah well the problem is like every good evangelical, he is preaching his faith to everyone, stuffing it down our thoughts. He thinks everyone should find his Jesus not their own, but his jesus as based on this minister who seems to be his puppetmaster. I say such efforts, and such spiritual salvation can only occur in a lesser individual like himself; perhaps you are right J, let this idiot guitarist feel saved by his Jesus--just dont force it down my throat.

How does making a website constitute "stuffing in down your throat"? Are you obligated to visit the website?

I'm seriously just trying to get a feel for why you people care so much about this. I am genuinely curious.

RE: the solo album, just don't buy it.

As far as various interviews, I guess the media thinks it's an interesting story to leave a shitty band for something that makes him happier.

While I do think he's trying to get more attention (probably so his solo album will sell), it seems y'all are falling for it.

Just ignore it.
J. said:
How does making a website constitute "stuffing in down your throat"? Are you obligated to visit the website?

I'm seriously just trying to get a feel for why you people care so much about this. I am genuinely curious.

RE: the solo album, just don't buy it.

As far as various interviews, I guess the media thinks it's an interesting story to leave a shitty band for something that makes him happier.

While I do think he's trying to get more attention (probably so his solo album will sell), it seems y'all are falling for it.

Just ignore it.

I dont understand your comments? First I think everyone finds it humorous, and I dont think anyone is in danger of buying his albums, or joining his church; so why not laugh at the fool?--its too damn funny to ignore. Second, He not only has a website, but he is joining some Gospel evangelical group that " shares" the love of Christ through a variety of media forms including music. Their mission is to convert others to be in his own words "warriors for christ". How can you defend a guy that says he's a warrior for christ? And how can you not see the humor in a dumb guitarist being such a hypnotized robot, and making such comments that he doesnt masturbate because of a Jesus tattoo?
If it is a publicity stunt, it sure is working on this forum. Hook, line, and sinker. Next thing you know you'll be buying (er...downloading) his solo album because you're "curious".
J. said:
If it is a publicity stunt, it sure is working on this forum. Hook, line, and sinker. Next thing you know you'll be buying (er...downloading) his solo album because you're "curious".

Well I mean I'd agree with your general idea of ignoring the idiot if it was say someone like Profanity. ANd you know the media is going to eat this thing up; there is really nothing we can do but chuckle at his childlike comments for a few months before the whole thing blows over. I dont see anyone buying the solo cd other than christians. Who knows perhaps it will become popular with the young holier than thou crowd?