Jesus is his Savior

I care so much when 4-year old children are brought up to unquestionably believe in contradictory and morally askew fables at home and in school. And then all the time and money that gets poured into keeping their fragile egos stable into middle age.

I mean, we can see the Church tearing itself apart more or less every day over gay marriage, gay bishops, women priests or whatever. Even they don't know what to think these days. Is there really any point? :loco:
The point is that if these people choose to believe this, is it any of your business? The answer is a simple: No.
Who actually chooses to be a christian? Most of them just take for granted what they were told as a kid. Most of them you meet will just say "I'm a christian" and not actually do anything they're supposed to (notice how tense they get when you point out the holes in the religion? :loco: ) and/or don't really know anything about it. So is there really any point in keeping it or defending it? Nope!
Ayeka said:
Who actually chooses to be a christian? Most of them just take for granted what they were told as a kid. Most of them you meet will just say "I'm a christian" and not actually do anything they're supposed to (notice how tense they get when you point out the holes in the religion? :loco: ) and/or don't really know anything about it. So is there really any point in keeping it or defending it? Nope!

I totally understand what you are saying, but again, is that any of your business?

And again, I wasn't defending their religion, just their freedom to believe in that religion without some mommy-didn't-love-me coward going around with a torch and burning down a meaningful building.

f they really wanted to do some good, they should have burned down some credit card company buildings ala Fight Club.
I know a number of people who have chosen to be an effort to learn some principles they believe will strengthen their marriage or aid them in kicking drugs or alcohol or whatever....I have friends who scoff, "bah, religion is for the weak," but just about everyone has a crutch of some sort.

I'll be the first to admit I don't like ANYONE trying to impose their beliefs on me, whether it be religious or political.
J. said:
I totally understand what you are saying, but again, is that any of your business?

And again, I wasn't defending their religion, just their freedom to believe in that religion without some mommy-didn't-love-me coward going around with a torch and burning down a meaningful building.

f they really wanted to do some good, they should have burned down some credit card company buildings ala Fight Club.

Well, considering we had firsthand experience of the old "Jesus loves you nobody else but him!" throughout primary school (and some beyond, ohhh you should've met my mate...) and have had to enjoy the evangelical prattlings of relatives barely out of nappies, I figure, yes, it is my business. And I still think that people with the balls to turn words into action as opposed to sitting behind a computer screen (hi :blush: ) are worth condoning.
My attitude towards religion is that it should be a private matter, swallow up all the bullshit you want, let it be the basis of your system of values, as long as you don't preach intolerance or screw up anyone else's life because of it. Vandalizing churches solves nothing, it's not going to get the bigots and the fundies to stay out of politics anytime soon...
Ayeka said:
I care so much when 4-year old children are brought up to unquestionably believe in contradictory and morally askew fables at home and in school. And then all the time and money that gets poured into keeping their fragile egos stable into middle age.

Children eventually grow up and can make own decisions for themselves, I did, I went to a Catholic school for all my schooling life, I used to go to Sunday school as well. Did it mess me up? Not at all, it gave me alot more insight if anything. Am I Christian? No not at all. I think Christianity as some great morales, some faulty ones as well, just like anything else. Besides I don't see too many pushy Christians as I do Athiests and Vegetarians. People should learn how to make choices and if they can't by a certain age, then it's not Christianity, it's stupid people.

P.S: Christians don't have swords to anyone's throats nowadays, burn down mosque's makes more sense. We're in modern times not the dark ages.
@J. and One Inch Man

I know you guys weren't endorsing anything but freedom to choose. That in itself is appreciated. I don't like being called 'weak' for my faith. I don't like being accosted with anti-religious...well, I like to call it bullshit. I reserve the right to call it bullshit. I reserve the right to be a Muslim. You don't see me on here trying to convert anyone. It's why I left the SOT. Too much anti-evangelism.

HarmonyDies... said:
Christians don't have swords to anyone's throats nowadays, burn down mosque's makes more sense. We're in modern times not the dark ages.

Random Beard said:
What if we say it here, but WOULD do it in public? o_O

I would buy you a drink next time I saw you :)

P.S: Christians don't have swords to anyone's throats nowadays, burn down mosque's makes more sense. We're in modern times not the dark ages.

I would buy this man two :)
Ayeka said:
And I still think that people with the balls to turn words into action as opposed to sitting behind a computer screen (hi :blush: ) are worth condoning.

So if I were to say right now "I am going to murder my neighbors tonight and then burn down their house", and actually followed through with that act, you're saying you would stick up for me simply because I followed through with it? Please, the only reason you condone the church burnings is because you dislke Christianity. Your condoning of such actions has squat to do with "ohhh, they followed through with what they said they'd do".
This is a pretty interesting argument. Of course the difference between a evangelical christian and a church burning satanist, is nil. They both have the very same impetus.

And yes I do find it necessary to question anyones belief in the actual idea or theology of Islamic or Christian faith--I will not confront someone about their preferences, or try to convert them. The interesting thing, is that Chrisitianity and Islam have been questioning and reinventing their own ideas of their invisible god and all the other neo-platonic ideas of their religion for centuries. Why cant I? and why cant a person of supposed faith understand their idea of faith has never been absolute?
J. said:
So if I were to say right now "I am going to murder my neighbors tonight and then burn down their house", and actually followed through with that act, you're saying you would stick up for me simply because I followed through with it?

Not really, because there's no actual point to it. You're just using that example to be anal.

Please, the only reason you condone the church burnings is because you dislke Christianity. Your condoning of such actions has squat to do with "ohhh, they followed through with what they said they'd do".

Well, of course I condone it for that reason, duh! :loco: I give give them a thumbs up because they're the guys that actually DID IT!!! Not like that needed explaining...
I agree with Ayeka, I was drawn to black metal because back in the day the things the bands sang about they actually believed in/did/etc. unlike Death Metal...and no of course I wouldn't want somone to murder somone etc etc. But to a teenager like me at the time it seemed interesting and MEANINGFULL...more so then any other music Genre i had ever experienced before that...maybe it was just teen angst, but as the bands grew up, and i grew up, its still there with some of them. Maybe not the violence, but the fact they feel and believe in what they are singing, instead of just blabbing about cutting peopel up with chainsaws and shit like death metal...

The feeling of the music is multiplyed one hundred fold for me when i know the band MEANS it and BELIEVES in what they are singing about...and therefore the experience and connection to me is increased to...

its hard to explain what im thinking/feeling but im SURE some of you know...