Recent content by Virtuoosi

  1. V

    Battle of the Bands

    Nevermore 20 SAVE Kamelot 20 Bloodbath 20 KILL Testament 30 King Diamond 24
  2. V

    Battle of the Bands

    Arcturus: 34 Cannibal Corpse: 10 KILL Manowar: 22 Necrophagist: 28 Nevermoar: 32 SAVE
  3. V

    Build Your Own Metalfest!

    Lol dude the song was still unnamed :lol: And therefore it's not good name anyways >_>
  4. V

    COB performing Rihanna's Umbrella

    I though it would be some lame edit video... But wtf they actually performed a bit of it LOL
  5. V

    Happy b-day Allie and Mistress Of Mayhem

    Eurofags ftw :kickass: And happy birthday Allie and Mistress!
  6. V

    the albums in your mother tongue

    Ah yeah right, just looked it up lol.
  7. V

    the albums in your mother tongue

    I think I heard on one program, that "death roll" is the thing that those one crocodiles do (chaimans?? No idea) When theyre attacked or held by some of their enemies. So they start rolling around fast in order to defence themselves. And again, I'm not sure if I'm correct, but I think I saw it...
  8. V

    Newfags shall be NO MORE!

  9. V

    Left Handed Alexi Laiho ESP (not Ltd)

    Not IMO. I prefer the right handed guitars over lefties, because my right hand is stronger. Though I'm still left handed.
  10. V

    Left Handed Alexi Laiho ESP (not Ltd)

    Lol. It doesn't suck at all :p
  11. V

    Your iTunes top 25 playcount

    I don't like how Itunes cuts out the ending of the song and starts playing the next one on the list... So I used it only for a while, and switched back to WMP.
  12. V

    hair thread

    Right right. Here at Finland we just HAVE to. Otherwise you'll be spending atleast 6 months on jail, or a bit over one year if the president won't forgive you.
  13. V

    Another delayed birthday thread!

    Lolwut? Thanks, but IMO I really don't deserve this.
  14. V

    You laugh, you lose...

    ^^I remember someone posting even own thread for that one, dont remember atm who though.... but yeah anyways, seen it before.
  15. V

    You laugh, you lose...

    Just search K-70. I think that will bring up some results. And for other vids just look up after that the related section or something.