Battle of the Bands

Arcturus: 30 Save
Cannibal Corpse: 16 Kill
Manowar: 24
Necrophagist: 28
Nevemore: 26

I don't really want to save any of them tho...

'80s era Metallica should be listed soon.
Woah:lol: Sorry man! Getting tired. Just copy pasted the last list and forgot to take out the "Save" :lol:

...but i still suck at maths!
What should the current score be?

I'll just start where Heartless left off...

Arcturus: 34
Cannibal Corpse: 16
Manowar: 22
Necrophagist: 28 Kill
Nevermoar: 26 Save
Arcturus: 34
Cannibal Corpse: 14 KILL (Nothing against CC, just compared to the other bands I had to)
Manowar: 22
Necrophagist: 28
Nevermoar: 28 SAVE
Arcturus: 32 KILL
Cannibal Corpse: 18 SAVE
Manowar: 20
Necrophagist: 26
Nevermore: 30
Arcturus: 32 KILL
Cannibal Corpse: 18 SAVE
Manowar: 20
Necrophagist: 26
Nevermore: 30

Killed Arcturus for Cannibal Corpse... hmmm...

(Click the youtube link, it won't load on this page for some reason)



Hard choice... :lol:
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I still cum every time I see it...