Recent content by Xes

  1. Xes

    Can someone please translate into English...

    Can someone please translate the non-english portions of this shirt into English? Thank you very much in advance.
  2. Xes

    Opeth and negative music.

    The next album will be about fairy dust and rainbows.
  3. Xes

    Your Guitars

    Well since this thread's still going, I guess I'll list mine. Guitars: - Gibson LP Standard - Black (completely stock) - Epi LP Standard - Trans Blue (nothing stock except wood...EMG 81/85). Guitars I rarely/never play but still own: - Ibanez Stagestar - Black/White (cheap strat...
  4. Xes

    2 prog metal giants on one cd

    I'm listening to a leaked copy also. This CD is definitely the best CD of 2004 so far. If you're not a fan of proggy stuff then you're not gonna like it. It really does combine every type of music (except rap, r&b, jazz, etc). First song of the 2nd CD though...I don't wanna ruin it, but...
  5. Xes

    Opeth show in Atlanta back in Febuary, FRIDAY THE 13TH

    I was there too. My 2nd time to see them.
  6. Xes

    open guitar tunings being used for next album

    Open tuning basically means that you tune each string so that when you strum all of the strings together without fretting it sounds a chord. Popular open tunings are Open D and Open G. You can have open anything though. Example: Open D d (high) A F# D A D (low) Open G: d or...
  7. Xes

    Steel - Heavy Metal Machine

    Is that Mike playing the solos on those songs?
  8. Xes

    Atlanta, GA, The Masquerade: Later Gang

    Great show. We pulled in a little after doors opened, but still in time to get a t-shirt before DD went on. Devil Driver - Lots of screaming, nothing original. It was pretty hard to tell what the fuck was going on anyway because both guitarists thought that mesas with no mids sounded good...
  9. Xes

    Opeth show in ATL, GA

    Well I'm headed out bright and early tomorrow morning. Looks like I'll be with a crowd of 5 guys, all with an average age around 20. I've got semi-long brown hair and will probably be wearing a BLS shirt. I know I rarely post here and you could really care less, but for anyone who's...
  10. Xes

    "The Drapery Falls" cover

    :lol: :lol: :lol:
  11. Xes

    If you bought the Opeth "Tin Can" re-releases...

    I hate the Bonus Tracks (so out of place and terrible sounding), I don't understand the purpose of the "Tin Editions" nor do I understand why anyone would want it, and I REALLY FUCKING HATE DIGIPAKS. Everyone's using that shit now, and it just fucks up your CD stack. It's not a nicer...
  12. Xes

    A little advice from some fellow guitarists?

    What amp will you be using? Exactly. If this is for playing live, I'd avoid the Metalzone.
  13. Xes

    Opeth show in ATL, GA

    I've never made the drive from Nashville before, this will be my first time. It's supposed to be about a 4 hour drive though.
  14. Xes

    What can I expect?

    The last time I saw Opeth it was pretty much non-stop mashing/crowd insanity...including Creedence, lol.